Counties committee checks on trash burning gŏđŏ
waste collection and disposal programs. That is under the jurisdiction of its member municipalities. But Public Works Director Marc Clermont noted in a report during the committee’s September meeting that the counties once had a committee set up to look into waste disposal and it could be revived again. Works committee members reviewed the present role of private industry in waste dis- posal for Prescott-Russell and whether or not an incineration plant or other alterna- tive disposal methods to landfills would be both feasible and sustainable. The committee has recommended cre- ation of a special research committee for the counties to gather all relevant informa- tion on waste management in Prescott-Rus- sell and provide the counties council with a detailed report on current practices and future alternatives to consider. lowance ordinary commercial, agricultural, and personal companies are allowed along with municipal signage, real estate signs, and also billboards which have approved display permits. These signs are subject to local regula- tions for size, location, and content. They may also be subject to further restrictions if located along a major route like County Road 17. Existing signs along the county road could be“grandfathered” into a new region- al signage control bylaw or, if necessary, the owners of the signs could have a year to make their signage meet any guidelines. The one problem with having a regional signage bylaw, Clermont, noted is having enough staff to monitor that roadside sig- nage situation. He suggested that local by- law officers could help out in this case. The public works committee is recom- mending that Clermont’s staff prepare a regional roadside signage bylaw that deals with signage on the county road allow- ance and is limited to dealing with just the content of any signage set up within the 400-metre space next to the road allow- ance. That includes the content of any signs set up on private property.
L’ORIGNAL | Landfills everywhere are filling up but people still have garbage for disposal. The situation has sparked thoughts in some places about alterna- tives to just burying the trash that cannot be recycled. The public works advisory committee for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) has suggested the time has come to consider a regional incineration plant as a possible way to get ahead of the garbage mounds in some towns. The com- mittee is following up on a request from Champlain Township about helping deal with local waste management needs. The UCPR is not responsible for local
Counties sign bylaw review continues
L’ORIGNAL | Posting a sign on private property will still be permitted in Prescott- Russell. But what the sign says may merit closer scrutiny in future. Public works department staff will pre- pare a new signage control bylaw for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell council (UCPR) to consider at a future meeting. The bylaw follows up on a report from UCPR Public Works Director Marc Clermont on the roadside signage situation in the counties. His report included an assessment of what member municipalities in the UCPR and municipalities elsewhere in the prov- ince do to regulate roadside signage. Clermont’s report noted that where the normal road allowance is concerned the signage situation is simple. The only sig- nage allowed are standard municipal signs, those for approved social and community clubs, tourism advertising such as view sites, campaign signs during an election year, and the like. For the 400-metre area from the road al-
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An example of acceptable highway signage along county roads.
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