Policy spotlight Updates to our appeals policy Housing Choices WA has removed the Tier 2 appeal option from our appeals process. A Tier 2 appeal was available where a tenant has lodged an appeal but has not been satisfied with the outcome. The Tier 2 appeal included a review of the original decision by a panel of Housing Choices WA staff who were not involved in the first appeal. To improve the transparency of our decisions, tenants who are not happy with the outcome of their first appeal will now be referred to the Ombudsman, Consumer Affairs, or the Department of Communities to take the issue further. These organisations are well established and recognised bodies that can provide a completely independent assessment of the issue in order to achieve the best possible outcome for all parties. Please note that this does not impact our initial appeal process which is available to all tenants who are unhappy about a decision we have made regarding their tenancy. If you have any questions about this information, please contact your local office and ask to speak to your tenancy officer.
Assessable income changes for carers Housing Choices WA has updated our assessable income list and no longer considers the carers allowance as assessable income when calculating your rent. We have made this change to acknowledge that the carer’s allowance is provided to assist with the additional costs of caring for someone, not general living expenses. This also will better align WA with Housing Choices Australia’s national assessable income list. Our Rent Review Team has identified the tenants whose rent will be impacted by this change. We have notified these tenants in writing, detailing whether the change has resulted in a decrease to their rent or and/or a credit to their account. If you think you may be impacted by this change and haven’t heard from us or have any questions about this information, please contact a member of our Rent Review Team. You can get in touch with Denise on 9534 0412 or Jackie on 9534 0403.
Above: Aboriginal Tenancy Officer Denise (right) at one of our recent yarning groups.
Invite to our Aboriginal Family Fun Day In January 2023 we will be holding a family fun day for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tenants at Kwinana Adventure Park. We have been working with our Aboriginal tenants to see how we can improve our services and provide inclusive activities and events that celebrate culture and bring families together. If you are an Aboriginal tenant, you and your family are invited to enjoy a sausage sizzle and a fun day out with Housing Choices. If you would like to come along, please get in touch with Alex Kepes on 0437 887 675 or reach out to your tenancy officer.
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