WA Home Stories Summer 2022

We know that tenants can sometimes be unsure of their rights and responsibilities and need some help navigating their tenancy. To help with this we want to share some information about the Renting with Confidence workshops run by Shelter WA for people with disability. These workshops aim to better support tenants to manage their tenancy and understand their rights as a tenant. The workshops were designed by tenants and are open to renters with disability across WA to share renting tips and experiences. Renting With Confidence workshops

From ACT Chairperson Sue Newman

Wow, where has 2022 gone!

communications training for staff. If you are interested in being involved in this, please let the Tenant Engagement Team know. I would like to personally thank all the members of the ACT for their dedication, time and input. It’s been an absolute pleasure to have shared this past year with you. I also want to thank Housing Choices for acknowledging our ideas and concerns and the fantastic communication skills of Amy, Alex and Natalie. All tenants are welcome to sit in with us at a meeting, see what we do and join the committee. If you are interested, please talk to a member near you or contact the Tenant Engagement Team. Wishing you all a healthy and exciting 2023 from the ACT.

The ACT has had another productive year where we have been able to voice our concerns and opinions on a range of issues brought to our attention by Housing Choices WA and through the 2021 tenant survey.

Some of the issues we have worked on include reviewing the rent review forms and

2023 Renting with Confidence workshops:

letters, having input into how Housing Choices handles complaints, and importantly for tenants, changing the wording of our inspection letters which hopefully will be updated very soon. Earlier this year we also helped develop the Small Sparks Fund to enable tenants to host activities for other tenants in their own community to foster inclusion and relationship building. Next year we are excited to let you know Housing Choices will be working with tenants to develop

Thursday 19 January online

Wednesday 8 February Rockingham

Wednesday 8 March Mirrabooka

Wednesday 29 March Mandurah

If you are interested in any of the above workshops, please get in touch with Donna from Shelter WA on 0456 162 897 or via renting@shelterwa.org.au.

Suzanne Newman ACT Chairperson


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