King's Business - 1931-11

They Bear A Real Testimony

UR INS undergraduate days our students bear a real testimony to the power o f the gospel as they go here and there to meet assignments o f practical work! Listen to these expressions o f appreciation from various sources attesting to the worth o f Bible Institute trained men and women!

"Splendid character o f Christian ideals. W e have been delighted with his contribution to the cause o f Christ." "I cannot say enough in praising Miss B's consecrated work. She has suc­ ceeded in deepening the Christian ex­ periences o f her pupils. They all love her." Undergraduates this year, as in pre­ vious years, will bear tha t ringing tes ti­ mony fo r the Lord Jesus Christ tha t fo r more than two decades has character­ ized and. d is tin g u is h e d our student body. This undergraduate testimony is one o f the reasons why many o f the Lord's stewards are making substantial g ifts to the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles.

"The cooperation o f the students in jail work has been excellent. Their spir­ itual leadership has made wonderful im­ pressions on the men in the prisons." "In my years o f Sunday-school work, I have never seen, a young man with zeal fo r souls as Mr. S. He started a class with eight boys and now has twen­ ty-eight. He led a large number o f them to Christ." "This group o f college-age has en­ joyed Mr. N. His preparation fo r the lesson is excellent, his punctuality A - l. His sincere Christian character and earnest efforts have changed a class o f boys from a carefree class to a sincere group o f workers." "W e are very sorry to lose such a splendid teacher as Mr. A ."

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