King's Business - 1931-11

November 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


istry. Jeremiah must learn his own weak­ ness till he cries out, “Ah, Lord God, I am but a child.” Ezekiel must be alone with God by the river of Chebar and-see visions if he is to tell of the Cherubim. Paul must needs go into Arabia for three and a half years in order to readjust himself in the light of the vision outside Damascus in order to become the great­ est theologian this world has ever known. And, friends, if it was needful for those men, it is needful for us. Do not let our intercourse with others crowd out our personal interview with Jesus Christ. —W. W. M artin . NOVEMBER 30 "Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin— ; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast writ­ ten" (Ex. 32:32). Israel was beside Horeb, guilty of the sin of idolatry. The worship of the gol­ den calf had taken place. Moses was dis­ tressed almost to distraction. He prayed, “Forgive, O Lord, forgive their sin—; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written.” In that condition of mind, the Lord spoke to him this word: “There is a place by me” (Ex. 33:21). . . . I t was the place of safety and protection, of tender care and of vision; it was a place of the rest and the peace of forgiveness. But that was not all. There followed a second word from the Lord, “Be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning, unto Mount Sinai and present thyself there to me in the top of the mount” (Ex. 34:2). Moses obeyed, and when he reached the top of the mountain, the Lord revealed Himself again to him and unfolded to him His purpose of covenant blessing. . . . The covenant contained a promise, “Behold, I drive out before thee the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebu- site” (Ex. 34:11). Will you observe that the prelude to the whole was the utterance by Moses of three words, “Blot me out” ? If we . . . can only get down to that depth, “blot me out,” then we shall find the Lord coming in with His gracious word, “ ‘There is a place by me,’ and I will drive out the en­ emy and the adversary, and I will lead you to victory.” Oh, hide this self from me, that I No more, but Christ in me, may live! My vile affections crucify, Nor let one darling sin survive; In all things nothing may I see, Nothing desire or seek but Thee. —T he K eswick C onvention , 1931. DECEMBER 1 "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (1 John 5:4). Faith fosters every virtue; unbelief withers every virtue in the bud. Thou­ sands of prayers have been stopped by un­ belief ; many songs of praise, that would have swelled the chorus of the skies, have been stifled by unbelieving murmurs; many a noble enterprise conceived in the heart has been blighted ere it could come forth, by unbelief. Faith is the Samson- ian lock of the Christian: cut it off, and he can do nothing. Peter, while he had faith, walked on the waves of the sea. But presently there came a billow behind him, and he said, “That will sweep me away” ; and then another before, and he

cried out, “That will overwhelm me” ; and he thought, “How could I be so pre­ sumptuous as to walk on the top of these waves?” And as soon as he doubted, he began to sink. Faith was Peter’s life-buoy —it kept him up ; but unbelief sent him down. The Christian’s life may be said to be always “walking on the water,” and every wave would swallow him up, but faith enables him to stand. The moment you cease to believe, that moment dis­

tress and failure follow. Oh, wherefore dost thou doubt, then?—C. H. S purgeon . DECEMBER 2 "Praying always" (Eph. 6:18). I am so often ashamed of my prayers. They so frequently cost me nothing; they shed no blood. I am amazed at the grace and condescension of my Lord that He confers any fruitfulness upon my super-

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T h e Logic of W inning C hildren for C hrist THE CHILD SCRIPTURE GIFT FELLOWSHIP

Is a W orld-w ide W o rk B orn of th e S p irit of God to Efficiently F o rw ard P u re B iblical C h ristia n ity



ITS METHOD IN ACTS 5:42. If th e p u b lic knew th e tra g ic M oral an d S p iritu a l needs of th e ch ild ren of N. A m erica a n d th e excellence o f o u r w o rk in, giving th em th e S c rip tu re s, we w ould no lo n g er lack funds to c a rry on. In a P en n sy lv an ia com m unity a bo y lived w ith o u t G od’s W ord, a n d th e n he died, a n d it looked like he w ould h av e to be b u ried w ith o u t a v erse of th e S crip tu res b eing read a t his fu n eral— b ecau se none could b e found in th e com m unity, u n til God overruled, th ro u g h a tra v e lin g m an w ho w as n o t aw are of th e need. A t th e sam e tim e a fo rm er ré sid en t of th a t c o u n ty w as in counsel w ith h is a s s o ­ cia tes in a d is ta n t c ity an d stro n g ly p ro te ste d a n y fu rth e r B ible w o rk am o n g ch il­ d ren in th a t co u n ty— becau se he knew th ey d id n ’t need it! A re you, w ho re a d th is ap p eal, likew ise deceived? A re yo u ig n o ra n t of th e sy ste m a tic p ro g ram in o u r classro om s, an d elsew here, to m ake a th e ists of o u r ch ildren? W e a re looking fo r m en a n d w om en w ho c are enough fo r th ese innocent children, fo r th e fu tu re g en eratio n s, a n d fo r C h rist, to su ffer a n d sacrifice w ith u s to give th em G od’s W ord to read. N ine children o u t of te n o v er N . A m erica h av e no Bible to re a d an d a re u n to u ch ed b y B iblical C h ristia n ity W R IT E FO R INFORMATION AND FR E E B IB LE STUDY TRACTS The Child Scripture Gift Fellowship, Box 32 Newfield, N. Y. 9 0 0 I N S U R A N C E—SI! , Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF INSURANCE Mines & MacKeigan & Anderson, Inc. 639 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California PHONE VAndike 7102


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