King's Business - 1931-11

November 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

come, by and by you will hear His words of welcome. And such as come and obey the voice of Jesus will find that the rest grows deeper all the way. Jesus will ap­ point to you resting-places. The resting- place for sin will be Calvary, the cross. The resting-place for self will be the empty tomb. The resting-place for weari­ ness and every care will be the throne of grace. Who is there, preacher or hearer, that dares refuse the call of Christ?, — B is h o p T aylor S m it h . My Saviour, Thou hast offered rest: Oh, give it then to me! The rest of ceasing from myself, To find my all in Thee. 0 Lord, I seek a holy rest, A victory over sinl 1 seek that Thou alone shouldst reign O’er all without, within. —H. C. G. M o u le . DECEMBER 8 “The word, of the Lord came unto Jo­ nah the second time” (Jonah 3:1), In the records of God’s dealings with mankind, few things are so solemnly im­ pressive as the fact of the tireless per­ sistency of His love toward a world that has despised and rejected His utmost fa­ vors. “Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah.” “And the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time.1-” If this chosen son of Amittai had been merely neglectful and heedless, the Lord’s per­ severance would have been amazing enough. Jonah’s' fault had not lain in an unwarrantable passivity, however; nor in any sin of omission. He had heard the di­ vine voice; and hearing it, had determined upon definite disobedience. He rose up to flee from the presence of the Lord. In the day of opportunity, Jonah had sought to forsake the Master who had need of him. Now, in the hour of his extremity, the unprofitable servant gained priceless experience of the divine perseverance, which extended to miraculous limits. Jonah’s experience is a challenge to our faith. If the Lord was mighty to save Jonah and Nineveh, we need have no doubt as to His capacity to save us. Our responsibility is greater than was Jonah’s. Every moment in which we fail to do the Lord’s work is a moment which makes an additional and unwarranted demand upon the patience and perseverance of God. Every such barren moment is a moment when, in effect, we are fleeing from His presence.— G a t h er ed G e m s . DECEMBER 9 “As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day" (Ezek. 34:12). Here, then, is the beauty and glory of Christ, as a Redeemer and Saviour of lost man, that He goes before, always before, and never behind His flock. The works of love that He requires from us, in words, are preceded and illustrated by real deeds of love, to which He gave up all His mighty powers from day to day. He Him­ self bore the cross that He commanded us to take up and bear after Him. In all of which He is our Shepherd, calling but never driving; bearing all the losses He calls us to bear, meeting all the dan­ gers, suffering all the cruelties and pains

which it is given us to suffer, and draw­ ing us to follow where He leads. — H orace B u s h n e l l . Yes, our Shepherd leads with a gentle hand, Through the dark pilgrim-land, His flock so dearly bought, So long and fondly sought, Hallelujah 1 Yes, His “little flock” are ne’er forgot; Hallelujah! - ^ F rom t h e D a n is h of K r u m m a c h e r . DECEMBER 10 “So shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:17). “With the Lord” ! It would be much to be with Enoch, or with Abraham, or with Moses, or with Elijah, or with Paul; much to share their fellowship, to have converse with them on the things of God and the story of their own wondrous lives; how much more to be “with the Lord” 1 To be like Peter at His side, like Mary at His feet, like John in His bosom! To have met Him in the streets of Jeru­ salem, or by the sea of Galilee, or at Ja­ cob’s well; to have heard Him name your name and salute you, as He passed, with the wish of “peace” ; to have dwelt in the next house to His at Nazareth, to have been a guest at the table of Lazarus when He was there, to have slept under that roof, it might be in the apartment next the Lord of glory 1 How much should we have valued privileges such as these, treasuring them in memory, like gold! Nay, even to hear the tidings of His love, to have a message from Him, to be told that He was gracious to us and kept us in mind, to be anywhere beyond the reach of sin and pain, how much! Oh, what, then, must it be to be “with the Lord”—“with him” in His glory; “with him,” as the friend is with the friend; “with him,” as the bride is with the bridegroom! — H o r a tiu s B o n a r . DECEMBER 11 “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” (Isa. 30:15). There are two ways of going to work in regard to earthly good. One is the way of struggling and toiling, pushing, and snatching, fighting and envying; and that way comes to no successful issue; for if it gets what it has wriggled and wrestled for, it generally gets in some way or other an incapacity to enjoy the good won, which makes it far less than the good pursued. The other way is the way of looking to God and doing the appointed task with quiet dependence on H im ; and that way always succeeds; for with its modest or large outward results, there is given likewise a quiet heart set on God, and therefore capable of finding water in the desert and extracting honey from the rock. — A l ex a n d e r M a c l a r e n . DECEMBER 12 “Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of. Egypt, have corrupted themselves” (Ex. 32:7). “Go, get thee down” ; it was surely a hard, an unlikely mandate. Was it not a command to go forth from the secret of His mercy changes not; Our home is safe above, Within His arms of love,

God’s pavilion, from the mount of divine vision and divine communion into the vision of things that were not divine, into communion with things that were not holy? You and I have been forced at times to feel what Moses felt. We have had moments of rapture, in which we have been allowed to stand on the very top of the mountain and to see, as it were, the face of God unveiled—moments when His countenance was radiant as the light and His raiment dazzling as the sunlit snow. But presently a cloud has fallen over the vision, and the glory has van­ ished from the scene. The rapture is turned into coldness, and the mountain B S “ P R O P H E C Y ” Not just one more magazine, but a 24-page monthly book of facts matched by prophetic quotations. Keeps you up to the hour. Year $1 ; one issue, 10 one cent stamps. ■ Edited by KEITH L. BROOKS and E. MacCLELLAND STUART 2003 A ddison W ay, Los Angeles THE COMING GOLDEN AGE WHEN LOST EDEN WILL HAVE BEEN RESTORED. AND GOD’S REDEEMED FAMILY SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH. By A. Sims. Just published. 25 cents. Also the following nine books on Prophecy by same author. All up to date. Having a great circulation. 25 cents each. Startling Signs of Great World Changes—The Coming Great War—Daniel’s Prophetie Image—The Harlot Wo­ man on the Scarlet Beast—Satan’s Last Dread Counter­ feit-Antichrist: Who is He?—The World’s Desperate Cry for a Superman—Socialism Exposed—The Coming Crash Between Capital and Labor. A Sims. 5 Simpson Ave., Dept. K, Toronto. 6. Ont. For Lovers of Missions HUMAN INTEREST STORIES from a new field In Belgian Congo, East Africa. Three brief stories: “KATSUBTJKIRO, the eleven-year- old boy schoolmaster;” “Death Drums;” and “Home Life of the Banandi Women.” Suitable for missionary programs. Sent FREE by an interdenominational FAITH mission. Address UNEVANGELIZED AFRICA MISSION 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California B ILHO RN B R O S . 7 7 W . L a k e S t C hicks:«

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