King's Business - 1931-11

November 1931

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


them with prehistoric man, and tell us that he walked the earth just 500,000 years ago! . But—we now stagger; we are perplexed beyond mea­ sure—how is it that these modern “men of renown” seem to be able to successfully contradict Almighty God Himself in their knowledge of the genesis of things; how is it that these intellectual giants can'walk out into the cold depths of interstellar spaces so assuredly, that these mighty ones of earth can count the electrons within an atom so minutely; how is it that they can stand in the midst of all the super­ abundance of the fruits of the earth today, with all the present-day means of transportation at their command, with millions of unemployed hands begging for the priv­ ilege of doing something—how is it that these “men of renown” stand perplexed at the problems of employment and distribution? They literally stand aghast before the problem of putting cotton on bare backs, coal into cold furnaces, wheat into empty stomachs, action into stilled wheels, and work into idle hands. We cannot help but have a haunting fear that these modern intellectual gods of the world of science and commerce have been taking ad­ vantage of us and have been slipping something over on us, when it comes to their brain capacity. We fear we must revise our estimate. But why have we spoken of all this ? It is only for the purpose of emphasizing one great prophetic truth: that every dispensation of time has been brought to a close by a sad and confessed failure of its “men of renown.” “As in the days of Noah,” there were “mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Gen. 6:4), who proved to be utter failures in keeping the earth from destroying itself in violence and burying its remains in stagnant pools of filthy corruption, so it shall be again, was the affirmation of Christ Himself. We leave it to the reader to judge whether or not history is about to repeat itself. What Does it all Portend? h e n men fail, a man will rule. When “men of re­ nown” bow down, a man of renown arises. Dic­ tatorship is the only solution, and the failure of the many brings the rule of the one. The sad part of the Biblical picture is that the age that ends in human failure ends also in judgment. The pro­ phetic Word informs us that the judgments that shall bring the present dispensation to its terrible close will be under and because of the rule of one who will be a “man of sin.” But thank God, the prophetic picture also dis­ closes the fact that his cruel rule will be cut short for “the elect’s sake,” and the Man of Righteousness, “whose right it is,” will ascend His throne, and “the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.” “In that day,” “with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth” (Isa. 11:4). Yea, “in that day,” “the mountains shall bring peace to the people, and . . . he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. . . . There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like the grass of the earth” (Psa. 72:3, 4, 16). “In that day,” there shall be One, a Man of Renown, who shall be able to con­ nect the fruits of the earth with the needs of the city. And “all nations shall call him blessed.” Yes, “even so, come, Lord Jesus” !

wool upon the backs that are bare. Oil pumps were silent, and picks were idle, wondering why they were not being asked to prepare to keep warm the bodies of millions who stand even now in fear of the chilling blasts of winter. Miles upon miles of freight cars stood on rusty tracks, and idle locomotives overflowed their giant stables, all wonder­ ing why they were not being used to carry the unprece­ dented supplies of the fields to great cities that are fighting against want or to nations where millions are starving. And more pitiful still, the long trail was lined with millions of hands, wondering why they were left unemployed, when the natural supplies of the earth were so great, and the bread lines were so long, when the vast throngs of men, women, and children were talking gloomily and being haunted with the fear of empty stomachs, naked backs, and cold and desolate houses. Now, consider this : All along the trail, we passed by great institutions of learning and richly endowed labora­ tories of science, wherein sat the world’s “men of renown.” These men have for many years been amazing the world with their intellectual genius and profundity. Mankind stands in awe before them, almost bows in worship and ad­ oration, as they unfold the mysteries of past, present, and future. These gods of the hour inform us that a bird-shot mag­ nified ten billion times would be as large as the earth, but that an atom equally magnified would be less than three feet through. Then, with great equanimity, they continue to inform us that the nucleus of an atom magnified ten billion times would be only the size of a pin point, and that, within this nucleus, 384 electrons freely operate. Why not 385 ? They count electrons with greater accuracy than a farmer counts the chickens on his hen roost ! These “men of renown” calmly tell us that “in one gram atomic weight of any element, there are six hundred and six and two-tenths sextillions of atoms”—and forth­ with we believe and adore! If one of these modern gods were to pass my home and inform me that 9,726,483,260,- 001 blades of grass were growing in my lawn, who am I that I should differ with him? How could I, since I haven’t counted them myself? These modern “men of renôwn” do not hesitate to climb to such lofty heights that the whole universe is naked and bare beneath their eagle eyes. They look, and behold the universe is 194 quadrillion miles in diameter, and beyond this 194,000,000,000,000,000 miles there is —nothing! They watch the nebulae in distant space running away from each other, and then they gloomily inform us that the days of the universe are numbered—only “a matter of hundreds or thousands of millions of years at most” ! They know that, through radiation, our sun is losing its electrons so rap­ idly that it is losing weight at the rate of 250 million tons a minute, and that in fifteen million million more of years, we shall have no sun. And we stand before these ponder­ ous minds dumb and awe-stricken ! Of coursé, men whose minds can comprehend and search out and weigh such things must be believed when they tell us how life originated upon the earth, and how many millions of years since. They dig up a piece of brain pan, two molar teeth, and a piece of bone from some leg, and (wonder of wonders!) they give us a perfect flesh and blood photograph of the possessor of these bones, and even tell us his name—Mr. Pithecanthropus Erectus, if you please ! Then they find some elephants’ teeth, connect

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