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At IBM, the use of iBAT helped teams to work better cross-functionally to improve inventory ordering,

increase sales and eliminate customer service issues. The results? An improvement in agility driving

impressive business outcomes.

Value-Stream Mapping

Most companies know that there is not one, but many supply chains within a Company. The question

is how to align the supply chain processes to the business. The answer? Value Stream Mapping.

At Clorox, the value stream mapping work started in 2006. Supply chain segmentation — designing a

fit for purpose supply chain — was the focus. At that time, Clorox was moving from being a regional

manufacturer of bleach products to manufacturing and selling a wider product portfolio globally. The

revenue was slightly more than 1B$.

The work on value-stream mapping helped Clorox build the right infrastructure to support a multi-

national supply chain team. Today, the story is quite different. Today, the company has sales of 6B$,

manufacturers 40+ brands in 24 countries and sells products in 100 countries.

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