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A Closer Look at Clorox

Over the course of the last decade (2006-2017), each vertical industry has operated within a well-

defined pattern of performance. As shown in Figure 6, the margins for retail averaged 7%, while

personal products were 10% and consumer products household goods were 16%. While many in the

industry believe that there was significant improvement in data sharing and collaboration within the

consumer value chain over the past decade, this was not the case. Instead, each industry operated

on its own effective frontier. Clorox was attempting to build a value network of products from personal

products and household products while driving growth with retail.

Figure 6. Orbit Chart Comparison of Personal Products, Household Companies and Broadline Retailers (Period of


The addition of product portfolios in segments with lower margin and turns affected the overall Clorox

results, as the company drove a growth strategy. Using value stream mapping, the company

remained competitive against the peer set within household products.

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