agilityfinalreport-210124145600 (1)

Improved Cycles. A 30% Initial Reduction in Processing Time. Automated real-time information

sharing cut the processing time and reduced a multi-layer inspection process to one tool.

Figure 17. Improvement in Finished Factory Inspection

Touchless: Creation of a paperless Environment. A "decline" voice command from an operator

opens a non-conform message for a quick resolution.

Quality of Conformance. Built-In Assembly Work Instructions. Glass usage expanded from quality

control to assembly process support. Employees used to have to walk from the tractors and sprayers

that they were assembling to the monitors displaying information, including billing material for lineside

hardware. AGCO estimated the walks to average twenty-five trips a day per employee and include 36

steps to the monitor in assembly operations with high complexity. Wearables enabled the streamlining

of tasks and the elimination of unnecessary motion. AGCO also took the standard instruction images:

sequenced instructions, bills and materials, and torque settings, and made them visible on the glass.

Employees could zoom, freeze, and it did not inhibit the employees' movements, easing neck and eye

pain. The move led to an additional 30% - 35% reduction in process time. This is shown in Figure 18.

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