agilityfinalreport-210124145600 (1)

as the blue line.

Figure 19. Simulation Results

DDMRP logic uses order flow sensing to build raw material. The result? Better results with less

nervousness. The system still experiences variations, but with less volatility and noise for the supply

chain. The project was a two-digit investment for a three-digit payback. Change management was a

challenge requiring training. The pilot went live in October 2017 with progressive deployments in

2018. The benefits exceeded what was expected from the project simulation.

Recommendations Agility does not just happen by accident. It requires the deployments of tactics with the goal in mind.

In this report, we share case studies supporting nine tactics that improve agility.

Don’t just say that you want to be ag ile. Define it. Select the tactics and build programs. To get

started consider these recommendations.

Get Clear on What Matters. Design from the Customer Back. Map processes from the customer’s

customer and define opportunities for agile flows. As a leadership team, identify the most important

tactics to deploy.

Take the Friction Out of Data. Latency is the enemy of agility. Eliminate portals and improve order

latency through demand sensing. Reduce material costs through demand translation through DDMRP.

Design and Implement Buffers . There are two primary buffers in the supply chain — manufacturing

capacity and inventory. With most companies having high asset utilization, inventory is the most

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