Medlin Law Firm - January 2023



Create an accountability system. Consider choosing a trusted person — personally or professionally — to check in periodically to see how you are progressing on your goals. This way, they can offer encouragement, brainstorm ideas, and hold you accountable for sticking with it. Putting thoughts on paper is also a great way to hold yourself accountable! In a journal, you can write down everything you want to accomplish within a set time frame and continuously check off the things you finish! Strive for progress, not perfection. Striving for perfection can derail your progress in the long run, so it’s important to frame your goals in terms of knowledge, networks, and experiences you collect along the path to success. No one is perfect, and everyone has setbacks along their road to success. Still, if you set your sights on the goals and take it one step at a time, you are that much closer to achievement.

New Year’s resolutions and goals seem to be on everyone’s radar, but they cannot be achieved without action! Resolutions tend to get a bad rap because of how many people fail to get past January before they give up altogether. So, it may be time to take a new approach! Start with a specific goal. Millions of people resolve to lose weight, be more productive, or give up bad habits for the new year. But instead of choosing a general, ambiguous goal, focus on something more concrete you can realistically measure and achieve! What about that new promotion, career opportunity, or even an advanced degree? Getting specific on how the goal is essential to your career will get you past the inevitable obstacles and failures. It will be worth the time, energy, and heart you invest in a career enhancement. Commit to developing your networks. Your professional network influences your career potential. You don’t have to attend every event and mixer, but choosing a few opportunities to connect with others or meet new people can be a building block of your resolution. Get those events on your calendar for a greater chance of sticking with the plan!

With the right tools, focus, and support, you can stick with your New Year’s resolutions and make this year the best!

Why Hire an Immigration Lawyer? 3 WAYS WE CAN ASSIST YOU

You shouldn’t need to go through the immigration process alone. But unfortunately, many individuals and families do. Searching for the benefits you qualify for, filling out the applications

you can apply for, updates for DACA recipients, and other areas that are frequently being modified and reviewed. These updates can affect the forms you complete, the necessary documents you need to have, and your eligibility. Our immigration lawyers can ensure you stay updated on recent immigration developments and fill out the correct forms accurately the first time. We provide valuable information for your criminal defense attorney. While our immigration lawyers can assist you with matters such as obtaining and renewing a visa and helping you with various forms, they can also provide information to your criminal defense attorney if you have other charges on file. From an immigration standpoint, there are other consequences you could face on criminal charges. But an immigration attorney can suggest alternative ways to eliminate or reduce those consequences. Here at Medlin Law Firm, our immigration attorneys do more than help you fill out forms — we can help you achieve your goals and create a better life for you and your loved ones. If you or someone you know is going through the immigration process or needs assistance with their criminal charges, call us today to see what your options are and how we can help you.

and forms correctly, and collecting the required documents is a complex, time-consuming, and expensive process. You could make a costly mistake that can set you and your family back tremendously. Thankfully, you don’t have to go through this process alone.

Here are three ways our immigration lawyers can assist you during this time.

We can help you discover your options. Depending on your situation, native country, immigration history, and reasons for coming to the U.S., there are different pathways and benefits you can take. With our help, we will review your unique circumstances and find the benefits you qualify for. We will then outline the advantages and disadvantages of each of your options and help you pick the best one for you and your family. We keep you updated on the latest immigration forms. Immigration policies are constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up with them on your own. There are many different visas | Pg. 2

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