2025 Plant Source International Catalog


The Estrella™ series starts with an upright habit, which makes for an excellent retail presentation. As the plants grow, they become more semi-trailing, beautifully filling out gardens and hanging baskets.

ESTRELLA™ Hot Pink Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ Imperial Blue Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ Lobsterfest Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ Merlot Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ Peach Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ Red Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ Taffy Pink Verbena hybrid

ESTRELLA™ White Verbena hybrid

HURRICANE™ Blue Verbena hybrid

HURRICANE™ Pink Verbena hybrid

VOODOO™ Red Star Verbena hybrid

68 | 866-774-8727 | www.plantsourceintl.com

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