2025 Plant Source International Catalog


Suntory offers an improved double series with elegant flowers in a tighter, more compact growth habit. This series has excellent heat tolerance and a continuous bloom time – mid-spring to fall. A great series addition to other Suntory Vinca – Flamenco and Kawaii.

SOIREE® Soiree Double Orchid SOI- SOIREE® Double Orchid Improved Vinca hybrid

SOIREE® Double Appleblossom Vinca hybrid

SOIREE® Double Pink Improved Vinca hybrid

SOIREE® Double Pure White Vinca hybrid

Bowles Vinca minor

Maculatus Vinca major

Expoflora Vinca major

Rob’s Gem Vinca major

Variegated Vinca major

70 | 866-774-8727 | www.plantsourceintl.com

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