He a l t h & F i t n e s s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body
Do your hands, wrists, or forearms ache on a daily basis, even when completing simple tasks? Are your daily activities, such as typing or writing, harsh on those areas? Do you tend to feel painful stings with arm, hand, or wrist movement? If so, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition for students to experience when participating in excessive typing or writing for their classes. It is a condition that can cause numbness, stiffness, or pain that can radiate through your fingers, hands, wrists, or forearms. This happens when too much pressure is put on your median nerve, located at the base of your palm. Your carpal tunnel is a narrow channel, about the width of your thumb, located on your wrist under the palm. It protects the median nerve,
as well as the tendons you use to bend your fingers. When excessive pressure is put on the median nerve, it causes crowding and irritation of the carpal tunnel, making it difficult for it to do its job. This, eventually, is what leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. Many people will correct this condition with surgery; however, our Certified Hand Therapists (CHTs) have proven to be just as successful (if not more so!) in treating this condition. At NorthEast Spine and Sports Medicine, we will safely and comfortably treat your carpal tunnel symptoms so you can have a comfortable and more successful school year. For more information, call our office today.
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome? Essentially, any excessive use of the fingers, wrists, hands, or forearms can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. This is why students so frequently experience it, because classroom activities involve constant use of the hands and wrists. It is a very common condition, affecting approximately 1 out of every 20 Americans. Some health conditions can also lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, such as: • Previous injury to the wrist, including strains, sprains, dislocations, and fractures. • Fluid retention, typically during pregnancy. • Use of medication, typically steroids. • Hormone or metabolic changes, including thyroid imbalances, pregnancy, andmenopause. • Degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis. • Diabetes.
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