College – Issue 29

A WEEKEND OF FUN Orientation Weekend

Getting to know your environment can be a bit of a challenge for most Year 9 students, especially in the first few days of school. It's hard enough when you are a day boy, but even more daunting if you are a boarder getting to grips with being away from home, meeting new people and understanding how things are done.

To make things easier, all Year 9 boys in each House take part in an orientation weekend. They are joined by Year 13 boys, who help show them the ropes, get to know them and have some fun in the process. Each House has its own way of doing things and sometimes Orientation takes place before the term starts or at the end of the previous year. This year, on Waitangi weekend, all Year 9 and 10 boarders stayed at College for the weekend for a two-day orientation, aimed at having fun and helping them get to know their peers. They took part in a range of competitive fun interhouse competitions, which encouraged bonding and “wanting to have a go to support my House”. There was a Great Race, a treasure hunt around the surrounding

area of the city to help them get to know their surroundings, Big Zorb races, an inflatable obstacle course and sporting activities. “Some boys already knew someone else from their previous school and so felt a bit more relaxed. However, many boys have few contacts, so it was a great way for them to start to feel at home, to start to bond with their House and to understand and develop House spirit,” says Mr Neil Porter Senior Master and School House Housemaster. “We wanted to get them used to College life and get them ready to roll for when teaching started. “The Heads of Houses and other Year 13 boys were there to help organise and encourage the younger boys, and we were pleased at the number of our seniors who got into the spirit. There is

no doubt we kept the boys busy, which helps settle their jitters about being away from home. The old hands helped the new ones and they all worked together.

Christ’s College Canterbury


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