Mayapur Is My Place Of Worship

stone, yielding all desires. The dhama is full of knowledge and bliss and is completely spiritual. The water, the land, the trees, everything in the dhama is spiritual, unlike the dull matter of this material world. Always present in the dhama are Krsna’s three spir- itual energies - sandhini, samvit, and hladini. Krsna`s original energy, svarupa- sakti, manifests in these three divisions. Of these, the sandhini energy, which supports all existence, finds its perfect function in manifesting the eternal dhama. In that position, the dhama acts eternally as the base or support for the Lord’s appearance and activities. All this is the action of the inconceivable energy of the Lord, which is anti- material and completely transcendental. Whoever gets the mercy of Lord Nityananda, the master of the sandhini potency, can see that blissful dhama as fully spiritual. The holy rivers such as the Ganges and Yamuna as well as the seven holy cities headed by Prayaga are all situated in various places within Navadvipa-dhama. One who is fortunate can see that this pure realm, Gauda-mandala, is directly the spiritual world. Following the order of the Lord, Maya, the shadow of the Lord’s svarupa-sakti, spreads her influence of illusion. She covers the eyes of those living enti- ties who have turned away from the Lord so they are unable to see the glories of the spiritual dhama. Those peoplewho always reside inGauda-mandala are themost fortunate in the world. The demigods in the heavenly planets see them as having beautiful four-handed forms of blackish complexion. Within the sixteen krosas of Navadvipa-dhama, the numerous residents, who are


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