Mayapur Is My Place Of Worship

Sri Goloka Vrndavana. This place, known as Kuliya Pa- hada, is situated on the bank of the Ganges and is raised up like a mountain. This place is called Koladvipa in the scriptures.”

Chapter 15

All glories to Gauranga and the Panca-tattva! All glories to Navadvipa, the abode of Sri Caitanya!

Nityananda spoke, “Lord Jagannatha mercifully replied to Ramanuja, ‘Everyone knows Krsna, the Lord of Goloka. That Krsna, whose vilasa-murti is Narayana, is the Supreme Truth, and He resides in Vrndavana. That Krsna is fully manifest in the form of Gaurahari, and that Vrndavana is fully manifest in the form of Navadvipa-dhama. I eternally reside as Lord Gauranga in Navadvipa, the topmost abode in the universe. By My mercy that dhama has come within Bhu-mandala, yet it remains without a scent of maya. This is the verdict of scripture. If you say that Navadvipa is part of the material world, then your devotion will dwindle day by day. I have placed this spiritual abode within the material world by My desire and inconceiv- able energy. Simply by reading scriptures one will not get the highest truth, for the highest truth surpasses all reasoning power. Only the devotees can understand by My mercy.”


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