Catholic Night Chukchansi Park, Fresno
Content 04. Message from bishop Brennan 06. Clergy Anniversaries
08. Ordaining Hope - New Transitional Deacons 11. Rev. Msgr. Coelho-Harguindeguy Obituary 12. Caring for the Whole Person 14. Social Sizing Up 16. Fresno Catholic School Summer Recap 20. In His Presence 21. Calendar of Events 22. Warning on misleading of Sacraments 24. Diocesan Congress 2023 26. Blessing of the Backpacks 27. Diaconate Community Family Day Celebration 28. Knights of Columbus News 29. First Holy Communion Celebration 30. The Blessing Bag Ministry
Sr. Rosalie Rohrer, IHM Letter From the Editor
Since Fr. Rude offered to volunteer his expertise and time for my new project, he and I were co-editors from mid 2010 to 2018. Little did I know how much time and effort was needed to organize a particular edition of the Catholic newspaper. We published a total of 6 editions of CCCL by following the liturgical season of our Church: Fall, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. Fr. Rude and I would organize each edition on his small computer, then put the entire edition on a computer flash, and take it to a printing business in Selma. Three thousand copies were printed and mailed out in bulk form to our 87 parishes and individual subscribers. This method continued for 8 years. Because of Fr. Rude’s ill health, he retired as co-editor. I continued as editor and with the support system of then 2 TV station personnel, with their computer skills and expertise, we set up each edition of CCCL in-house. We now digitally publish 4 editions: Fall, Advent/Christmas, Lent, and Easter/Pentecost and each edition is placed on our diocesan website. It had taken some time for our people to get used to the digital copy. It is our hope that we can continue to spread and proclaim the good news of our diocese to our people. God bless you! Sr. Rosalie
Volume 26 Number 1
Central California Catholic Life is published by the Office of Communications under the direction of the Most Rev. Joseph V. Brennan, Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno. Editor: Sr. Rosalie Rohrer, IHM Lead Graphic Designer: Alberto Sandoval Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno Pastoral Center 1550 N. Fresno, CA 93703 Telephone: 559-4887448 Email:
Welcome to Volume 26, #1 the Fall edition for September 2023! This edition is filled with many interesting articles, flyers, photos, and activities from around our diocese! I am very fortunate to be the editor of CCCL and enjoy the help of the other Office of Communications personnel with publishing each edition. There have been many changes along the way in editing and publishing the format of the CCCL magazine. In the Fall of 2009, the late Most Rev. Bishop John T. Steinbock, then bishop of this diocese, offered me a part-time job here at the Pastoral Center. I was employed to assist the secretaries with their various workloads that needed attention. Little did I know at that time the previous editor of the Central Catholic California Life diocesan newspaper had resigned. When Deacon Jess Avila was the executive director of CCCL, I became the co-editor of my 1st April 2010 edition of CCCL. Eventually I was recruited for the editorial position of the diocesan newspaper. With hardly any expertise at all as to how to put a newspaper together, I was fortunate to consult with the late Fr. James Rude, S.J. He was assigned in this diocese to do Social Justice work. Prior to this position, He had been stationed at the Jesuit High School in Sacramento where he was the coordinator of their school’s yearbook.
Diocean Website:
A message from Bishop Joseph V. Brennan, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Fresno
Brothers and Sisters,
We Are One Body in this beautiful church of ours. Although we are all called to and driven by various ministries, all of which are important to your parish and our diocese, we all have the same mission, to Proclaim the Good News and to ensure our church and faith thrive. It is that time of year where I ask you the faithful to participate in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. This appeal is essential in funding ministries that Proclaim the Good News and help our Church grow. This year’s appeal will fund Vocations, Catechetical Ministries and Catholic Education. The one thing these three ministries have in common is that they all form teachers of our faith. Teaching our faith is essential in growing our faith and Proclaiming the Good News. Please help us in supporting the formation of our future priests, Catechetical leaders and Catholic Educators. I thank you all for your generosity to your parish and the diocese as we work as One Body to Grow Our Faith and Proclaim the Good News.
We Are One Body
Diocese of Fresno Pastoral Center 1550 North Fresno Street Fresno, California 93703-3788 Telephone (559) 488-7400
Fall 2023
Fall 2023
Clergy Anniversaries
September Clergy Anniversaries Rev. Alejandro Ignacio - September 3, 1974 Rev. Kenneth J. Bozzo - September 6, 1980 Rev. Anthony Iromenu - September 9, 1995 Rev. Sidath Wilegoda - September 8, 1984
Rev. Jude Emeka Okonkwo - September 9, 2006 Rev. Msgr. Perry Kavookjian - September 12, 1987 Rev. Gerald Amerando - September 15, 1984 Rev. Jose Carlos Mendes Dos Santos OFM - September 24, 2000 Rev. Friar Viktor Perez OFM Conv. - September 30, 1989
October Clergy Anniversaries Rev. Ricardo Magdaleno - October 7, 1989 Rev. Msgr. Robert M. Wenzinger - October 9, 1982 Rev. Msgr. John Charles Griesbach - October 23, 1976 Rev. Israel Avila Ornelas - October 25, 1991 Rev. Gregory J. Beaumont - October 26, 1996
November Clergy Anniversaries Rev. Francisco Javier Flores Lopez RCJ - November 10, 2007
Rev. Gaspar Bautista - November 23, 1975 Rev. Pedro Umaña OFM - November 25, 1989 Rev. Servio T. Alarcon - November 30, 2002
Fall 2023
Celebrating Anniversaries September, October, November
Deacon Anniversaries October 1, 2022
October 22, 2016 Deacon David Alanis Deacon Jesus Cisneros Deacon Raul Guarnizo Deacon Cheng Her Deacon Rogelio Hernandez Deacon Alex Herrera Deacon Joseph Lubatti Deacon Hugo Navarrete Deacon Joe Parugrug Deacon Alan Shearer Deacon Mario Vasquez
Deacon Joe Alvarado Deacon Darren Caskey Deacon Jose Cortez Deacon Ramiro Flores Deacon Gabriel Gil Deacon Jorge Govea Deacon Michael Grijalva Deacon Jeff Kerr Deacon Michael Madrigal Deacon Paul Marquez Deacon Jose Ordaz Deacon Rene Rubalcava Deacon Jorge Santoyo Deacon Henry Tran Deacon Jose Ureño Deacon Peter Walle Deacon Brian Wheeler
October 25, 2014 Deacon Gary Anderson
October 21, 2000 Deacon Ernest Molloy Deacon Steve Taylor
October 5, 2019 Deacon Luis Aguirre Deacon Fred Ansolabehere Deacon Russell Bassett Deacon Edgar Briseño Deacon Jose Contreras Deacon Noel Delos Reyes Deacon Alberto Gomez Deacon Francisco Gomez Deacon Cesar Gonzales Deacon Gary Hunt Deacon Pete Marquez Deacon Bryan Martin Deacon Enrique Medina Deacon Francis Moore Deacon Gerardo Perez Deacon Felipe Daniel Sandoval
Deacon Mark Schultz Deacon David Torres Deacon Steven Wright
Fall 2023
Ordaining Hope Four Men Embark on Their Spiritual Mission as Transitional Deacons On June 17, 2023, four seminarians were ordained as Transitional Deacons by Bishop Joseph Brennan at Good Shepherd Church, Visalia. Please pray for these seminarians as they continue their studies and prepare for their priestly ordination in 2024.
Fall 2023
Rev. Mr. Emmanuel Bernal St. Ann, Ridgecrest
Rev. Mr. Hermen Cabrera St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno
Rev. Mr. Jose Padron Sacred Heart, Merced
Rev. Mr. Jimmy Millan St. Joseph, Los Banos
Fall 2023
A Reverent Reunion Bishop Emeritus Armando Ochoa Attends Retirement Mass for his Former Vicar General, Msgr. Ray Dreiling Message from Msgr. Dreiling to his parishioners “I have come to the age when it’s time for me to step aside from the daily challenges of parish administration and pastoral responsibilities to begin a new path forward to serve the Lord as a humble disciple and priest. Bishop Brennan has graciously accepted my request to resign from the pastoral care of the Shrine of St. Therese and to begin my retirement journey on August 1st. I have been privileged to serve this wonderful community of faith for a little over five years. There have been many challenges and even more blessings and graces along the way, and together we have built a community dedicated to God’s glory and for service to one another. Please welcome your new pastor, Father Iván Hernández- Melchor, with the warmth and love and cooperation you have given me. I am deeply and forever grateful to all of you. Thank you for the privilege and grace to serve you and to accompany you as your pastor. This time together at St. Thérèse will always remain in my heart. Pray for me as I promise to do for all of you.”
The Catholic Daughters, Court St. John #2526 donated $1,000.00 to Vicente and Maria Garza. They had a terrible fire a while ago and it burned down their meeting room where retreats and other faith-based organizational events took place. The Catholic Daughters are hoping this donation will help with their building expenses. Hope Rises From the Ashes
Fall 2023
Obituary for Rev. Monsignor John Anthony Coelho-Harguindeguy
It is with great sadness that the Diocese of Fresno announced the death of Rev. Monsignor John Coelho- Harguindeguy on June 13, 2023, at the Nazareth House in Fresno, California. Msgr. John was ordained April 29, 1967, by Most. Rev. Aloysius Willinger, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Monterey-Fresno. He attended seminary at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California from 1961 to 1967. A native of the Central Valley, Msgr. John was born on the family dairy in Lemoore, California to John Coelho and Gelminia Berberia. After his father’s passing, Msgr. John was lovingly adopted by the father who raised him, Martin Harguindeguy. Monsignor served in many parishes throughout the Diocese of Fresno. His first appointment was as an Assistant at St. Francis Cabrini in Huron where he felt at home on the west side of the valley. Soon thereafter, his spiritual journey of priesthood led him to many other phenomenal parishes – 11 to be exact. When asked which parish was his favorite, he mentioned they all were but one that resonated with him the most was his first appointment as a Pastor at Holy Ghost, now Our Lady of Miracles, in Gustine, California. His reasoning was not only the ability to celebrate Mass in English, Spanish and Portuguese, but the feel of the love and support from the community made him feel at home. He was also proud to bring back the Parochial School after 14 years of being closed. During his priestly journey, he served at St. Anthony in Atwater, the Shrine of St. Thérèse, St. Joseph’s in Los Banos, Our Lady of Lourdes in Corcoran, Our Lady of Mercy, Sacred Heart and St. Patrick’s in Merced, and as Rector of St. John’s Cathedral and Pastor of St.
Anthony of Padua in Fresno. On January 16, 1996, Father John, at the time, was presented by His Holiness John Paul II with the Prelate of Honor. On his final appointment, Monsignor was proud of one of his most major accomplishments – the building of the new St. Peter Prince of the Apostles Catholic Church in his hometown of Lemoore. In his own words, “it was the fulfillment of dream to build a church.” He took pride of being a priest of the people, for the people. Amidst the busy life of priesthood, Monsignor always made sure to make time for his parishioners. It was important to him to be present for his community. Monsignor is preceded in death by his parents, his brother Salvador Harguindeguy in 2019 and by a nephew, Marty Harguindeguy. He is survived by his brother, Martin Harguindeguy and his wife Mary of Fresno; his sister-in-law Corlane Harguindeguy and many nieces, nephews and extended family members. The family would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to his dear friends, Victor and Noemi Baca and his brother Priests throughout the Diocese of Fresno. Visitation was held at the Chapel of the Light Funeral Home on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Interment followed at St. Peter’s Catholic Cemetery. To send a memorial gift to the family of Rev. Monsignor John Anthony Coelho-Harguindeguy, please visit our Sympathy Store.
In Memoriam
Deacon Robert Sesma Died 9/21/2023 Deacon at Sacred Heart, Fresno
Rev. Msgr. Herman Bezunartea Died 7/15/2023 in Spain
Fall 2023
Diocesan initiative aims to bridge medical and spiritual needs Caring for the Whole Person JoAnn LoForti, Health Ministries, Diocese of Fresno
It is with great excitement that I announce the launching of “Caring for the Whole Person” Initiative within the Diocese of Fresno. This collaborative project of the California Catholic Bishops and Catholic Health Care systems is a comprehensive approach to caring for the sick and dying. The title of this initiative may be new to some but the concept is one that many parishes have embraced as their current active ministries demonstrate. Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharistic Communion, Bereavement, Ministry to the Homebound just to name a few, are ministries that all fall under the umbrella of Whole Person Care. Our goal is to bring forward the opportunity to embrace all the ministries seeking to ensure their parishioners and patients are accompanied, loved and supported through a diagnosis of serious illness and one’s end-of- life journey. Caring for the Whole Person is a comprehensive view of the needs and resources available to assist the sick and dying. Becoming familiar with and implementing the processes to gain an understanding of the resources available to parishioners is our intent. Spiritual and emotional care, physical care, caregiver support, Catholic Moral Teaching and advanced care
planning are a few of the topics addressed in Caring for the Whole Person. A variety of resources are available to assist in the development and execution of the programs within this initiative. The scope and the detail of the information available is welcoming and easily accessible and understood. We have started our journey with a simple survey sent to all parishes within the Diocese. This collection of data will allow us to become familiar with the ministries currently in place supporting whole person care and allow us to work within parishes to bring the many resources this initiative has to offer to their parishioners. Receiving a serious diagnosis can be devastating and scary. Caring for the Whole Person not only is broad in its scope of resources, it bridges medical and spiritual needs. A prominent objective is the thoughtful, caring approach geared to help guide families in addressing palliative care, hospice care, caring for the caregiver to name a few important resources benefiting families throughout their journey should a serious health threat occur. I am excited to begin this important work within our Diocese.
Fall 2023
St. John's Cathedral is pleased to announce that Stella Juarez, has been awarded the Benemerenti Medal by Pope Francis. The Benemerenti Medal is awarded by the Pope to members of the clergy and laity for service to the Catholic Church. The Most Rev. Joseph Brennan, D.D. and Very Rev. Salvador Gonzalez, V.G. bestowed the medal upon her on July 1, 2023 at the 4:00PM Mass. She is a woman of deep faith and a faithful humble servant. Mrs. Juarez has always displayed a respectful, professional, and spiritual manor as an employee serving our parishioners. She has worked in a variety of areas within our parish from Religious Education Director, Records and Ministries Liaison as well as office staff. Mrs. Juarez 's kind naturing attitude to all these areas over the last 36 years has made her a wonderful asset to our parish family. She has recently retired but continues to volunteer as her health permits. Benemerenti Metal Awarded to Stella Louis Juarez
Fall 2023
Social Sizing Up Joseph Rodriguez, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Fresno Joseph Pulido, St. Paul Catholic Newman Center, Fresno One day while having a laid-back and unplanned conversation with my friend Joe Rodriguez, we unexpectedly began discussing a phenomenon that occurs when someone meets a person for the first time. We were attempting to describe and name the emotional and intellectual process that occurs when you meet a new person and try to figure out if a new person is a friend or foe. Joe and I decided to call this phenomenon, “social sizing up.” Social sizing up is natural. It is a survival mechanism which we have in order to preserve our safety and well- being when we meet someone new. Living in society we encounter all kinds of
Our Catholic faith calls us to be wise and faithful. Wise, in the sense that it is good and necessary to socially size up a new person for safety and wellbeing. Yet, we need to be faithful to the Gospel by treating people with dignity and open-mindedness. Once we feel safe around a new person, we should interact with others as Sisters and Brothers in Christ without regard to their looks or social status. This does not mean that we must become best friends with every new stranger we encounter, however, we are called to treat people fairly and to offer a similar quality of interaction. If too often we only interact with new people based
on what we can gain from them, in the long run, we are the ones who lose out. Socially sizing up people for status or financial gain leads to superficial and empty relationships. If our social interactions with others rests on what we can acquire, in time, when those superficial things disappear, it will reveal that our initial
people. We never know when the new person that we are encountering is a potential new friend or acquaintance or a person we need to avoid. Although social sizing up is necessary and natural, we must be careful that we do not misuse our ability to socially size up a person. Social sizing up can lead to treating people as things rather than persons.
Once we feel safe around a new person, we should interact with others as Sisters and Brothers in Christ without regard to their looks or social status
friendly interactions were indeed superficial. Perhaps, it might be a good practice for us all to examine our motives and intentions when we meet a person for the first time. Is our friendliness on account of authentic intentions to get to know the new acquaintance or do we have secret motives up our sleeves? When we interact with new people based on sincere intentions of wanting to get to know the actual person and see Christ in them, this leads to a truly enriching life.
When socially sizing up a new person, we might secretly take notice that the new acquaintance is dressed up in expensive clothing, driving a luxury car, and looks beautiful by our standards. We might quickly shift to being unusually nice and friendly with this new person in the hopes of gaining something from this attractive well-to-do acquaintance. On the other hand, when we socially size up a person who is dressed in simple clothing and looks a bit messy, we might secretly tell ourselves that there will probably be nothing that I can gain from this person, and thus will probably avoid them or else hold back any type of extra friendly interaction.
Fall 2023
Nazareth House Fresno offers seniors long term residence and care options. We provide supportive services, safety, and compassionate care in a Catholic, spirit-centered environment. Established in 1951, and owned and operated by a Catholic religious congregation, the Sisters of Nazareth, our focus at Nazareth House is on wellness and helping our residents be as independent as possible. From our more independent accommodations in St. Michael’s to our Care Center where we can provide for those needing the highest levels of care. Nazareth House Fresno is a hidden gem!! We are centrally located in the heart of Fresno with easy access to freeways and shopping. Our beautiful 8-acre community is unique with its park-like setting; each room featuring patio access that looks onto one of our 4 courtyards, and a Chapel with daily services for those that would like to attend. Onsite licensed nurses 24-hours a day, our active calendar of daily social events, tasty and nutritious meals, and the longevity of our directors and trained team members are just a few more things that make Nazareth House Fresno a place our residents call Home.
2121 North First Street Fresno, CA 93703 OR visit us at RCFE#100400448
For more information or to schedule your personalized visit please call (559) 237-2257 OR email:
Fall 2023
Fresno Catholic Schools Embrace Summer of Learning and Service Faith and Community Joan Bouchard, Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Fresno
Garces Memorial Fun Farmers Academy (Bakersfield)
What a busy summer it has been with student activities, travel, celebrations and preparing for the 2023 – 2024 academic year. Both St. Anthony (Atwater) and St. Helen’s (Fresno) are celebrating 70 years of educating students! Additional information on anniversary activities can be found on their school websites. Our Lady of Miracles and The Catholic School of Visalia faculty, staff, and students participated in their local Pentecost Festa’s this summer. San Joaquin Memorial (SJM) participated in service to honor Nick Kauls (19) and families suffering from tragic shootings around the world and SJM Italian students traveled to Italy to practice their Italian. Garces Memorial was recognized for being the first California school to participate in Fun Farmers Academy to promote agriculture education and awareness for K-8 students with a week-long summer camp. Last, but not least, we open the doors to our first, stand-alone junior high school in August. Holy Cross Jr. High will be the stepping- stone between the elementary and high schools in Fresno Catholic Schools. Additional information can be found on their website (Holy Cross Junior High - Fresno, CA (
A directory of all our schools can be found on the Diocese of Fresno website (Parishes & Schools - Diocese of Fresno - Fresno, CA) or each individual schools’ website. It is truly a blessing to be working in Catholic Education! God Bless.
SJM Panthers enjoying the island of Capri.
Fall 2023
St. Anthony (Atwater) – 70th Anniversary Student Body
SJM Parents, students and neighbors came together to wrap red and blue ribbons around their mailboxes to honor Nick Kauls ‘19. “We wrap ribbons around mailboxes in order to wrap our arms around the families suffering from the tragic shooting on Sunday, June 24th. God Bless Nick.” #SJMStrong
St. Helen’s (Fresno)
Festa Photos – The Catholic School of Visalia:
Festa Photos – The Catholic School of Visalia
St. La Salle (Reedley)
Fall 2023
Fall 2023
Fall 2023
In His Presence Julia Bracamonte
“I am the living bread that
I started visiting the Catholic church in 2011. As I would sit in Mass, a few tears would fall down my face. The people I would go with would ask me what was wrong. But I wasn’t crying, the tears would just trickle out. For years this would happen. I thought at first it was just because I missed going to church and was happy, I was back. But throughout these years, it kept happening. I began to go to RCIA in 2018. When I was in class we learned about the Eucharist. I took communion growing up in a Protestant church. They always said, “This bread and this wine, represent my body and my blood.” Then I learned something that amazed me. During every Mass that the Eucharist is offered, it is not a representation. It is a miracle that happens. That bread and that wine are consecrated into the actual body and blood of Christ. I was in a state of shock and thought right away about the tears I would have at Mass. I knew in my mind and I felt this huge void in my heart be filled because I realized that I would have tears because I was in the actual presence of the Lord. Going to Mass after that was different for me. I occasionally get a tear but it’s not every time like it was before. Now I have this feeling of awe. This divine respect for every process of the Mass. This feeling of adoration that fills my life even after Mass is over. What a gift, what love Jesus has for us! He continues to give himself to the world. Going to church my whole life was something that we were supposed to do. I viewed it as giving God something for doing so much for me. But now, I see it as God continuing to do for me at every Mass. I invite everyone to go to Mass and picture Christ at that altar; giving himself to us. He continues to fill our hearts and our lives with His love.
came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world”
20 Fall 2023 using the username and password you created when you first completed this training. All volunteers and employees must renew their training prior to beginning their ministry or job.
The renewal year for Safe Environment training has started and continues to be available for all clergy, employees, and volunteers within our Diocese. So far, it has been a successful year renewing our certification. Many have taken advantage of renewing prior to the expiration date of June 30th, 2023. Thank you to you all! However, we still have some that haven’t completed this requirement and it is important as it is mandatory. We all have a responsibility to ensure the safety of children in our parishes, schools, families, and local communities, and the importance of renewing your training is part of that responsibility. If you still haven’t completed your renewal training, make sure to login into your account at
As always, the goal of the Safe Environment office at the Diocese of Fresno is to keep children safe and protected. The Diocese of Fresno is committed to ensuring that when your child is in our care in parish programs or in Catholic Education that their safety is of utmost importance and priority. To know more about what your parish and school is doing and how you can be part of creating and maintaining a safe environment, contact the Diocese of Fresno Office of Safe Environment at 559-493-2882 or visit us online at Having problems logging in? Password issues? Email updates? Please contact Lucia Magana - Safe Environment Coordinator 559-493-2882 or via email
Calendar of Upcoming Events
All Souls Liturgy November 2, 2023 10:00 am St. Peter’s Cemetery, Fresno Red Mass October 20, 2023, 12:10 pm St. John’s Cathedral, Fresno Blue Mass September 29, 2023, 12:10 pm St. John’s Cathedral, Fresno White Mass October 13, 2023, 12:10 pm St. John’s Cathedral, Fresno
Blue Mass 2022
Fall 2023
Most Reverend Joseph V. Brennan, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Fresno
22 Fall 2023
Reverendísimo Joseph V. Brennan, D.D. Obispo, Diócesis de Fresno
Fall 2023
The time has come once again for the annual Diocesan Congress! This year we celebrate on October 13- 15, 2023, with some amazing workshops and events! Our theme this year is Our Vocation is Love: A Mission for All. The influence of the theme is from our diocesan patroness, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, whose feast day is October 1st, and whose 150th anniversary of birth was in January. For this reason, we dedicate not only this Congress, but all upcoming congresses to her. This consecration to St. Therese will begin with an online novena, beginning September 22. It will be live on our YouTube Channel each morning at 8 am and be available for viewing throughout the day. Our YouTube Channel can be found by searching @dofformationandevangelization. This novena will be offered for our diocese, and for the success of this event, dedicated in her honor. On October 13, we celebrate Administrative Day, which is open to all adults, but the workshops are specifically focused on parish staff and ministry leaders. Saturday October 14 is open to all adults, both those working in ministry and those who are simply seeking spiritual formation. Bishop Brennan will celebrate Mass with us as well as accompany us during the event. The weekend ends with Youth Day on October 15, where parishes are invited to send groups of youth for a day of worship, workshops, and praise. Make plans to join us! Registration is now open and information is available on our website, For questions contact our office at (559) 488-7474. Our Vocation is Love Diocesan Congress 2023 Rose M.Hernández, Director, Diocese of Fresno
24 Fall 2023
Nuestra Vocación es Amor Congreso Diocesano 2023 Rose M.Hernández, Directora, Diócesis de Fresno
Congreso Diocesano 2022
¡Ha llegado el momento una vez más para el Congreso Diocesano anual! ¡Este año lo celebramos del 13 al 15 de octubre de 2023, con algunos talleres y eventos increíbles! Nuestro tema de este año es Nuestra Vocación es Amor: Una Misión Para Todos. La influencia del tema es de nuestra patrona diocesana, Santa Teresa de Lisieux, ¡cuya fiesta es el 1 de octubre y en enero fue su 150 aniversario de nacimiento! Por esta razón, le dedicamos no solo este Congreso, sino todos los próximos congresos. Esta consagración a Santa Teresita comenzará con una novena en línea, a partir del 22 de septiembre. Será en vivo en nuestro canal de YouTube cada mañana a las 8 am y estará disponible para ver durante todo el día. Nuestro canal de YouTube se puede encontrar buscando @dofformationandevangelization. Esta novena será ofrecida por nuestra diócesis, por el éxito de este evento, y finalmente, dedicado en su honor.
El 13 de octubre, celebramos el Día Administrativo, que está abierto a todos los adultos, pero los talleres se centran específicamente en el personal parroquial y los líderes ministeriales. El sábado 14 de octubre está abierto a todos los adultos, tanto a los que trabajan en el ministerio como a los que simplemente buscan formación espiritual. El Obispo Brennan celebrará la Misa con nosotros y nos acompañará durante el evento. El fin de semana termina con el Día de la Juventud el 15 de octubre, donde se invita a las parroquias a enviar grupos de jóvenes para un día de adoración, talleres y alabanza. ¡Haz planes para unirte a nosotros! La inscripción esta abierta, y más información está disponible en nuestro sitio web, www.congress. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al (559) 488- 7474.
Fall 2023
Bishop Brennan Blesses Backpacks for Students before School Begins On Sunday, August 13th, Bishop Brennan blessed backpacks for students before the new school year at Holy Spirit Church in Fresno. May the students throughout our Catholic schools in the Diocese have a wonderful and enriching school year!
Holy Family Parish (Kingsburg) Diaconate Community Family Day Celebration of St Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
Deacon Mark Schultz, Assistant Director of Formation
The Diocese of Fresno recently observed its first Diaconate community family day in honor of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr. The joyful and festive celebration was held under beautiful blue skies at Holy Family Parish in Kingsburg on Saturday August 12th. Fr. Mark Maxon, the pastor of Holy Family and his welcoming team of parishioners wrapped the Diaconate community in a merry spirit of jubilation and delight. Over 200 individuals were in attendance between the 50+ Deacons, their supportive families and valued friends. The day’s commemoration started with a formal and dignified Mass celebrated by our shepherd, Bishop Joseph V. Brennan. In his homily, he stressed how very important and helpful the Deacons of the Diocese are in assisting his ministry of fostering unity with the people of God, through his teaching, sanctifying, and governing roles. The grace-filled theme continued, that it is through a spirit of humble service that we unite ourselves in harmony with God, and work as collaborators in His glorious vineyard. Bishop Brennan thanked the community for their prayers
and support, especially during his recovery from a recent medical procedure and made an amusing quip about the medical team locating his heart. After the homily, the Deacons renewed their solemn Diaconal promises to Bishop Brennan. At the end of Mass, a special presentation of a cook’s apron with Bishop’s name and crest was made by members of the Diaconate Office with an “invitation” to join them at the BBQ. Following Mass, the families and friends were treated to an appetizing meal prepared by the parish’s Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women’s Club. In addition to the fantastic meal and fellowship, several games and fun activities were in place in the adjoining parish park and spacious hall for all to enjoy. The Diaconate Office team (Deacon John Sousa, Deacon Mark Schultz, and Deacon Michael Madrigal) wishes to acknowledge and express their sincere appreciation to Bishop Joseph for spending the radiant day with the Diaconal community, and to Fr. Mark Maxon, and the many individuals of Holy Family parish and others who made this day a very special one!
Fall 2023
Knights of Columbus News
Joel Torczon
The St. Philip the Apostle Council 9530 of the Knights of Columbus in Bakersfield recently conducted fraternal activities to benefit non-profit organizations in the community. Between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the council conducted an online drive that raised $800 for the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center through the Knights of Columbus’ initiative Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP). Then on July 22, the council donated items for a breakfast feed at St. Vincent de Paul Society as well as prepared and served the meals for more than 150 homeless people. Additionally, a pallet with cases of bottled water was donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Four years ago, St. Philip Council 9530 was honored by the California State Council as the Council of the Year from among 700 councils in the state.
New Knights of Columbus Officers
Top Row: Homer Anzaldua-District Warden, Victor Gonzales-Advocate, Frank Galvan-District Deputy, Msgr. Adolfo Valdivia, Chris Castaneda-Chancellor, Martin Harguindeguy-Trustee. Second Row: Carlos Dinis-Lecturer, Brandon Valdez-Financial Secretary, Juan Jimenez-Trustee, Ceasar Diaz-Trustee, Rick Gomez-KC Ins Agent. Front row : Trinidad Pimentel-Deputy Grand Knight, Robert Miramontes-Grand Knight, Joseph Artellan-Treasurer, Lawrence Cervantes-Recorder
28 Fall 2023
St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Fresno First Holy Communion Celebration Ray Young, Director of Ministries St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno had 117 GIFT (Growing in Faith Together – CCD program) young people received their First Holy Communion at one of ten weekend Masses during April and May 2023. These young people represent the future of the Catholic Church in Fresno. We pray they will continue to yearn to receive Our Lord in Holy Eucharistic often. We encourage the faithful to pray for these young people and their families as they continue their faith journey.
Fall 2023
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Bakersfield The Blessing Bag Ministry Colleen Scanlon
When I first heard about blessing bags many years ago, I was intrigued. What a great idea it was to put together items that would help the homeless! These little bags had items such as soap, deodorant, food, water, and more to give a little bit of comfort to the most vulnerable. My daughter and I would occasionally make them and then keep them in the car ready to be handed out to the next needy person. Eventually we got out of the habit of doing it. At the end of 2019, like most people, I was thinking of a way to better serve in 2020. My mind went back to the blessing bags that I used to make. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like what I wanted to do. So, I set a goal to make a certain amount each month and hit the streets looking for people who might need a bag. Everything was going well until Covid hit. With people sheltering in place and myself not really going out into the community, I needed to find a different way to distribute the bags. Fortunately, I have a friend and parishioner who is with the Bakersfield Police Department. I asked if she would be willing to pass out bags while she was driving around Bakersfield. She agreed. Then she told me a story that I will never forget. She was called out to a Goodwill where the manager had called the police when a homeless woman was trying to steal a coat because she was so cold. When my friend arrived, the woman was very agitated. To diffuse the situation, my friend grabbed a blessing bag and handed it to the woman. The woman started crying because she was so grateful for the bag. The manager who initially called the police was so moved by the woman’s gratefulness over a bag that he turned around and purchased the coat she was trying to steal. God put it on my heart to do more. I asked my boss, Monsignor Perry Kavookjian, if I could start a blessing bag ministry in our parish and he agreed. We make 140 bags a month and give the bags to the Bakersfield Police Dept, The Mission at Kern County, Catholic Charities, and St. Vincent de Paul. We have just surpassed 5000 bags that have been made. Stories like the one above is one of the many reasons we continue to do what we do. God is SO good! To donate or volunteer, please email Colleen at Checks can be made out to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton with “blessing bags” in the memo line.
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Fall 2023
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