Shahnoza Muminova - Uzbek i stan


: Uzbeskistan.

Date of Birth

: 1949.

: • Graduate of Tashkent Art-Theater Institute. • Studied at the Faculty of Easel Paintings and the Dept. of Ceramics. : • Shahnoza’s ceramic works have been used to decorate the halls and interiors of many hotels in Tashkent and Uzbek cities as well as in Moscow. • She has staged several successful personal exhibitions in Germany, Belgium, France and former Soviet Union. • Works of Shahnoza embellish the collections of Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, the Japanese Emperor’s family, the French president, the Korean president and the German chancellor. These works are displayed at museums and private galleries. • She made a porcelain tree for the Saudi Royal Family.


When I was requested to make paintings of the most sacred mosques — the HaramMosque, the Prophet’s Mosque and Al-Aqsa Mosque - I did not agree in the beginning. The reason was that I did not know what to do, whether I should start painting or make a copy of the existing sacred structures? Before making the paintings I have read a lot about these mosques, contacted a number of religious scholars and watched the film “The Message” to get an idea. When I started painting these mosques I got a feeling that someone was providing me the necessary guidance. I believe that I was able to complete this work with the help of Allah.

Artistic activities


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