King's Business - 1927-07

July 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

J. B. Reynolds, president of the Kansas City Life Insurance Company, gave a $100,000 endowment to William Jewell College, to aid in financing the education of ministers. Students bene- fitting from the fund must accept thé Biblical account of cre­ ation, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His divinity, His deity, His resurrection and second coming. The endowment fund will yield $4,000 a year. William Jewell is a Baptist institution and although invaded for a few years by a Unitarian professor, is said to stand for the old Gospel. ♦ * * Resolutions recording the order as opposed to the philos­ ophy of atheism and pledging its strength to bring about a wider use of the Bible in public schools of the country were adopted by the thirty-sixth continental congress of the Daughters of the American Revolution, meeting in Washington, April 10th. “Real­ izing the fundamental training emanating from familiarity with the Bible,” the delegates resolved to do their utmost “in their own homes and communities to stimulate renewed interest in reading the Bible.” * * * It would appear that the relations between Fascism and Roman Catholicism are becoming increasingly intimate. The Italian Roman Catholic Centre Party has recently expressed its devotion to Mussolini. Mussolini is a most clever individual and will row in the Roman boat so long as his purposes can be served by so doing. * * * Evolutionists continue to talk about “the origin of the God idea.” We are informed that the Bible shows the “evolution” of man’s thought about God. Now here is one for the evolu­ tionist ! Evolution seems to have caused nearly the whole human family to conceive of God as a Personal, Supreme Being, the Creator of all. Evolution must be queer stuff, to cause men to believe in such a God and then try to rid them of that belief, yet that is what the evolutionist is trying to make out. ♦ * * Dr. Harry Rirnmer, our Los Angeles research scientist, owns a petrified human skull found in southeastern Missouri. He showed it to some professional geologists, and they unhesitat­ ingly agreed that it was at least 25,000 years old ! Mr. Rirnmer says it cannot be more than 250 years old, because he found buried with it some old-fashioned hand-hammered iron nails, the kind that the colonial blacksmiths made on their anvils. An Indian had no doubt traded for them, and they were buried with him. ♦ * * Prof. S. B. Ely, Carnegie Institute, points out in The Scien­ tific Monthly, that a decidedly pessimistic note has come into man’s thinking. He calls attention to such books as : The Decline of Western Civilization, The Revolutions of Civiliza­ tion, Mankind at the Crossroads, etc. Civilizations appear to disintegrate from an internal wearing out, rather than from any outside cause, A people by the accumulation of wealth and comforts become soft and indolent, and are then either overrun by inferior races or simply degenerate into an inferior race themselves. The well-instructed Christian knows that such declines go hand in hand with apostasy. We are certainly in the midst of one.

A fire-mist and a planet, A crystal and a cell, A jellyfish and a saurian, And a swamp where the reptiles dwell; Then a glimpse of law and beauty And a man evolved from monk— Some call it evolution, But a better name is—BUNK! ♦ * *


Harnack once said, “There is no such thing as comparative religion. For sheer power to transform and ennoble life, no reli­ gion can compare with the religion of Jesus.” * * * The biggest religious liars we have today are those who specialize in half-truths. We are reminded of the lines: “Lie to me, and lie to me, But this I ask of you : „ Never, steeped in falsity, Utter what is true.” * * * We recently heard of a man who visited a certain church and during the entire service heard the name of God but once. That was when he stepped upon the usher’s toe in getting into the seat. * * * Bishop Charles Williams is credited with having said that, “There are some saints who are as hard and uncomfortable, to live with as it would be to wear a starched undershirt.” * * * When pig-tails disappear from China (says an old adage) Europe may make ready for its end. * * * The editor of The Jimtown Weekly says: “My biggest ambition is t’ sneak into. Mussolini’s ■ house an’ hear him say, ‘All right, my dear, have it your own way.’” * * * It was Wessenburg who said: “Nothing in the world is more haughty than a man of moderate capacity when once raised to power.” * * * “The word obey is now deleted from the marriage service,” says a London paper, “but many husbands will find it hard to shake off a long-established habit.” * * * The following motto is found in Woodland Christian Church (for Negroes), Kansas City, Mo.: “Wake up, sing, up, preach up, pray up, pay up, stay up, and never give up, or let up, or back up, or shut up until the Cause of Christ in this Church and the World is built up.” * * * Whether or not Thomas A. Edison has much use for religion, it appears that his wife places some value upon it. Speaking before the daughters of the American Revolution not long ago, she made an appeal that was both patriotic and spirit­ ual, ending with these words, “Isn’t thefe some strategic plan by which we can get back on the old road? Is it impossible to reintroduce family prayer? Our young people need us in their domestic troubles.”

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