King's Business - 1927-07

July 1927

T h f K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


Fred S. Shepard’s Blackboard Outline

in the Nile Delta, seeking out the Jews with the Gospel. At Port Said especially, we found a real expectation of ‘an end’ of some kind or another coming soon amongst them. In Jerusalem itself we were told by- a Jew in whose house we lodged (he is not a believer in Christ, except secretly perhaps) that the Jews expect to begin their temple this year. One of their Rabbis, now deceased, has left it on record that this is the year ap­ pointed. The Jew who told us the above is a ‘Cohen’—i.e., of the priestly caste— and of course he is keenly interested in all that concerns the temple. Also I might add that one day, while talking about the Lord’s return to an uncon­ verted Jew, in another part, he became very excited, and told us that one of their leaders had prophesied that about the year 1927 an event would take place that would turn the world upside down. Had anyone known Jerusalem under Turkish rule, and could compare the clean streets and growing forests of today (since 1917).) with thaStime, he would know that to the very letter God kept His Word, and I believe Jerusalem will no longer be trodden down.Jt-Yours, looking with 'intense longing for Israel’s King, M. Boyd, Mildmay Mission to the Jews, Alexandria, Egypt.” —o— Jews See the Drift J EWISH writers are making much these days, of the fact that the Christian attitude toward Jesus has in the last decade undergone a- considerable transformation. They see the tendency now among Christians to look for Chris­ tianity in the religion of Jesus rather than in they religion about Jesus , One writer in B’nai (B’rith, a Jewish paper, says) “The present trend in Chris­ tianity is to substitute for the Christ of Mediaeval theology the historical Christ of the Gospels; to • follow his teachings rather than to worship, him; to emulate his passionate devotion to an ideal of service; and to share his no less passion­ ate desire to see the ancient hope of Is­ rael fulfilled in the, establishment of the kingdom of God on earth.” But how can one believe in the “reli­ gion of Jesus’’ and not believe what He said about Himself? If His claims do not stand, His religion is a fake from start to finish. If they do stand, then no man can come to the Father but by Him, and no man can reject Him as a personal Saviour without rejecting the Word of the Father. If one is to “follow His teachings,” he will certainly be compelled to “worship Him,” for He claimed deity, and accepted worship. The quo­ tations above show us, at any rate, where the Modernist stands.

NOTES CONCERNING THE JEWS Zionism Prospers D R. CHAIM WEIZMAN, head of the Z i o n i s t O r g a n i z a t i o n , states that the friction between the Arabs and Jews in Palestine has almost entirely subsided, and that the Arab fear of the Zionist movement has been re­ duced to the vanishing point. He points out the significant fact, that, “While critics concentrate their attention on Pal­ estine . and hold up the Zionist efforts as the most dangerous feature in the Near East (situation, the country itself is, perhaps, the Only peaceful and progres­ s iv e spot in the entire region. While bayonets bristle . in Syria and Egypt, where there is no Zionism, the British garrison in Palestine has been reduced to 250 British soldiefs and a gendarmerie ' recruited entirely from the local popula­ tion.” Says Dr. Weizman: “In seven years we have brought 100,000 Jews into the country.” • - o— Pope Concerned About Jews T HE Pope of Rome is asking prayers for the Jews. The Scripture calls upon us to “pray for the peace of Jeru­ salem” as well as for all Jews who have ■not accepted Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour. The Pope proposes the follow­ ing prayer, with which no Protestant can find fault: “Turn Thine eyes of mercy towards the children of that race, once Thy chosen people. Of old they called down upon themselves the blood of the Saviour; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life.” It is all spoiled, however by the fact that the Pope, in order to have this! prayer prayed, offers a reward of 200 days of indulgence to any one who offers it. An indulgence is 'a permission to commit sin without guilt. Any one who wishes to be free from the guilt of all sips com­ mitted in 200 days, or who wants to have h is. stay in Purgatory shortened, must feel that he is getting a great privilege at a bargain price, when in order to obtain it he has to spend just ten seconds in repeating a prayer that has been pre­ pared for him. —o-— The Temple at Jerusalem T HE following letter, written from Alexandria by a correspondent of The Advent Witness, an English publica­ tion, is interesting: “My husband and I have just returned from Jerusalem after months of touring

p i R E A T C 1I n n e r V j " RACIOUS ) a v io u r I will confess—thou forgavest Psa. 32:5.

he became very angry and said this wicked rich man should be killed for his great sin, and four lambs should be taken from his flock and given to the poor man. Then the prophet said plainly to David, “Thou art the man.” David had stolen the ‘poor man’s beautiful wife, who was the lamb in the story. David had sent the poor man to the battle front, and he was killed in battle. Then David took his wife to his home. We see even though her husband was dead, David was to blame, for he ordered the man to the front of the battle, Listen to David’s answer to the prophet: “I have sinned against the Lord.” David was very sorry for „his •sin, and Nathan ' said the Lord had forgiven David, even though he had sorrow and trouble because of his sin. A Judge Jeered D R. HARRY RIMMER, of the Re­ search Science Bureau, is quoted in an exchange as follows: “I recently talked with a judge of the United States Circuit Court, who had just gone back to his alma mater on a visit, the first since his graduation. He was re­ ceived as an honored guest, a famous ‘old grad,’ and was made to feel at home. He spoke a few words in the assembly, words of faith and trust. After the assembly he dropped into a science class, and was in time to hear the professor make some facetious remarks about the ‘old fossil who had talked in chapel.’gHThe profes­ sor’s remarks were so well received by the class that he felt encouraged to go on, and he sneered at the virgin birth of Jesus Christ,; called Him a martyr’ who died for a foolish ideal, scoffed at His resurrection, and rudely jested about His return. The old judge rose in indignation to defend the-Lord Jesus, and the class jeered him to silence 1 He said he was so amazed that he went on a tour of in­ vestigation, and found that ‘the faith, manners and morals’ of the student body were gone.” Such incidents occur these days, all too frequently, and serve to show the tend-.; ency in our institutions of learning. “Successful Invention” Lord Bolingbroke, avowed infidel, went so far as to say: “Supposing Christianity to be a human invention, it is the most amiable and successful invention that ever was imposed on mankind for their good.”

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