King's Business - 1927-07

July 1927

T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


J uly 10. ‘The Lord hath need of them.’ -Matt.21:3.


“Best” Books

OF what company of Archangels, of what men of mighty intellect and saintly piety did Christ speak such words as these? Nay, they were spoken of an ass, and of “a colt, the foal of an ass,” Emblems of stupidity and of humbleness; fit only to be beasts of burden, or to carry a beggar; yet we are told “the Lord hath need of, them.” Without them, all His purposes could not be accomplished; without them, all His words could not be ful­ filled. Let no man or woman imagine that they are too humble, too lowly, too stupid to be used of God. Reader! the Lord hath need of thee. Thou art indispensable to Him if all that He has purposed is to be worked out in the world. There is a place in the Divine economy and plan which only thou canst fill. There is a work for God which thou, and thou only, canst accomplish. Fit for nothing, as it sometimes' seems, but to be a beast of burden and a butt for the scorn of thy fellows, the Christ is waiting for thee that thou mayest supply His need. What an in­ spiration for the feeble and the obscure amongst us. Remember, however, that the asses were to be loosed and brought to Him. We must be set free from the Devil’s chain, we much come to the Master, ere He can use us for the work which He has appointed us to do. Nothing but bondage and absence deprive us of the honor of serving Him. m J uly 11. “Our Father.” — Matt. 6:9. CAN anything be more re-assuring to the tried and troubled soul than the revelation of the Fatherhood of God? Think of all that is represented by, and included in, the ideal human fatherhood, and then remember that it abounds in infinite abun­ dance and richness in the character and purposes of the Divine. Love, protection, counsel; guidance, provision, instruction; pa­ tience, pity, forgiveness; wisdom, power, foresight. We looked for, and found, all these in the’ fathers of our youth; we may expect them all, multiplied a thousand fold, in Him Who has taught us to address Him as “Our Father.” How different this from the idea of a vague, shadowy, far off Being; wrapped in His garments of glory and of power; remote, self-sufficient, self-satisfied; alien from the creatures which His hands have made. Here is the warmth of a loving heart; here is the pres­ ence of a sympathizing personality. True, He is omnipotent, but His omnipotence is engaged on our behalf. His omniscience and His omnipresence are not merely attributes, they are guar­ antees of His nearness to us and-of His acquaintance with our every need. Our Father; not somebody else’s ; not the Father of the race alone,-but ours, yours and mine. And we His chil­ dren, the darlings of His heart. Let us rejoice and be glad; “Why should the children of a King Go mourning all their days?” SUCH was Elijah’s estimate, in the hour of his pessimism, of the condition of God’s kingdom amongst the Israelites. Our sympathy with his depression, our pity for his folly, must not blind us to the faults of the prophet. There was lack of faith in God. Did Elijah imagine that JEHOVAH was unable to take care of His own name and glory amongst the people of the land? There was lack of faith in the message which he had been de­ livering; he had forgotten that God’s Word cannot be spoken in vain. There was forgetfulness of the wonders of the past. The triumph of Mount Carmel, as well as his own miraculous preservation, should have assured Him that God was able to preserve His own. Let us strive to avoid Elijah’s errors. The J uly 12. “I, even I only, am left.”—1 Kings 19:10.

Books of Real Merit

The Divine Unity of the Scriptures By A dolph Saphir

The Fundamentals A Testim ony To T he T ruth, in F o u r V olum es One is am azed and d elig h t­ ed a t th e w ealth of Biblical know ledge an d research co n ­ tained in th ese four volum es. Each volum e is w orth the price of the en tire set, w hich is only $5.00. T his set is a li­ b ra ry in itself containing co n ­ trib u tio n s from such scholars as Philip M auro, A. C. Dixon, D.D., A rth u r T. Pierson, D.D., Jam es O rr, D.D., W . H. G rif­ fith T hom as, Jam es M. G ray, D.D., R obert Speer, R. A. T or- rey, D.D., Sir R obert A nder­ son, K.C.B., B ishop Moule, Rev. Jo h n T im othy Stone, B ishop Ryle, G. Cam pbell M or­ gan an d others. Does n o t y o u r h e a rt thrill to th in k of hav in g th e splen­ did po sitiv e teaching of such well know n w riters an d p re a ch ­ ers as th o se m entioned, crow d­ ed into four convenient vo l­ um es? Then ju s t glance a t som e of th e su b jects covered: “The B iblical conception of Sin,” “ W h at C h rist Teaches C oncerning F u tu re R etrib u ­ tio n ,” “The A tonem ent,” “T he N ature of R egeneration,” “R e­ generation, C onversion, R efor­ m atio n ;” “Ju stificatio n by F aith ,” “D octrines to be Em ­ phasized in Successful E v an ­ gelism ,” “Sunday School E v an ­ gelism ,” “The Place of P ray er in Evangelism ," “ Foreign M is­ sions, o r W orld W ide E v an ­ gelism ,” “The P urposes of th e In carn atio n ,” “The Inspiration of the Bible,” “T he D eity of C h rist,” “The V irgin B irth of C hrist,” “The P erso n and W ork of Jesu s C h rist,” “ The C ertainty and Im portance of th e Bodily R esurrection of Jesu s C hrist,” “T he P erso n al­ ity an d D eity of th e Holy S p irit,” “One Isaiah,”— space will n o t p erm it m entioning th e entire list— b u t you can read ­ ily see th a t th ese . four v o l­ um es belong in y o u r library. E very s t u d e n t , teacher, p reach er and laym an should have them . If you are look­ ing fo r books a s a gift, surely th is set will solve y o u r p ro b ­ lem. The four volum es nicely bound in cloth for only $5.00 the set.

Dr. S ap h ir’s Jew ish m ind an d train in g enabled him e a s­ ily to apprehend th e typology an d E astern im agery of the Bible. He und ersto o d th e sources from w hich m any of the w eapons a re derived th a t are now used in th e criticism of th e O ld T estam ent, an d his testim ony of th e divine unity of the S cripture, bringing fo rth th e organic connection b e­ tw een Jesu s C hrist, th e E ter­ nal W ord of God, and the Bible, th e w ritten W ord of God, is delightfully in stru c ­ tiv e w ith deep sp iritu al in te r­ p re ta tio n s. E very lover of God’s W ord will find Dr. S a­ p h ir’s book a feast of joy. C loth $1.50, P a p e r $1.00 “In Christ Jesus” By D r. A . T. P ierson T his book gives th e sphere of the believer’s life as ta u g h t in the Pauline epistles; and from th e book of Rom ans th ro u g h T hessalonians Dr. P ierson follows th e them e, “ In C h rist Jesu s.” A fter each epistle, he gives a sim ple o u t­ line th a t sum m arizes th e teaching of th e letter, w hich easily sets in m ind th e th o u g h t of th is key phrase, “ In C h rist Jesu s.” This is a splen­ did book for Bible C lass w ork, an d indeed for all Bible-loving people, as it .thrills one w ith joy in th e deep things of God. ________________ C loth $1.50 The Return of the Lord Jesus By R. A. T orrey, D.D. Dr. T o rrey th in k s th e retu rn of o u r L ord is th e only solu­ tion of the political, social an d comm ercial problem s t h a t now vex us. He also say s th a t th ere is no question th a t we are fac­ ing th e w ildest, fiercest, m ost appalling sto rm th is old w orld ever p assed through, b u t the sto rm will be b rief and b e­ yond th e sto rm is a golden day such a s philosophers and poets never dream ed of. Every C h ristian should read th is book w hether or n o t he “know s th e doctrine." Dr. T orrey’s sim ple a n d definite teach in g will clarify your thinking and you will be thrilled w ith th e c erta in ty of its tru th . C loth 75c, P a p e r 50c

Knowing the Scriptures

By D r. A . T . P ierso n T his splendid b o o k of rules and m ethods of Bible study should be in th e lib ra ry of every Bible lover w ho desires to im itate th e B ereans and “ se a rc h the S crip tu res daily,** thoroughly, system atically; tarry in g over p eculiarities of conception and expression, em phatic w ords and ph rases; seeking to know th e exact m eaning and o rd e r of w ords used by th e H oly S pirit. A lth o u g h D r. P ierson says this is no th in g like an exhaustive treatm en t, y o u will find 459 pages of trea su re s new and old, b ro u g h t fo rth by one w ho has digged deep in to this m ine of celestial w ealth, th ro u g h p ra y erfu l and p ain stak in g study. It is well w o rth double th e p rice ch arged. C loth $ 2 .0 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods w ill be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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