King's Business - 1927-07


T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

July 1927


spiritual outlook may be very dark (it often is) but we may be sure that His kingdom cannot be destroyed. We may see no result of all our labor for Him, but we have His promise that it shall bring forth fruit in due season. “I, even I only, am left,” says Elijah, but God counts seven thousand (by no means a contemptible proportion in so small a population as that of Israel) who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Whether he were the last of God’s people or no, he should have been in Samaria, doing the prophet’s work and declaring the prophet’s message. We sin when we allow pessimism to drive us from our place in the vineyard of the Lord. Do not let us start counting heads ; the enumeration of His chosen ones is the Divine pre­ rogative. . ¿UA ' J m J uly 13. “Is thy God. . . . able.?’’ — Dan. 6:20.. OUR God is that person or thing which stands highest in our estimation and for which, in the last resort, we are willing to abandon all other persons and things. There are many idols worshipped among men which are not made of wood or stone. Fame, pleasure, ease, wealth, self-indulgence,—these, and a host besides, are among the deities of earth. Let each man ask him­ self : “Is mine an able god?”; Can the central object of his desire, the thing or the person who really dominates his life, deliver him in the time of danger or distress? The thing looks radiant in the sunshine; what aspect will it wear in the hours of gloom? The.companionship is glorious in the day of prosperity; will it stand him in good stead when the midnight of sorrow or adversity arrives ? The cult adds undoubted, almost incredible, zest to life ; can it save him from terror or despairjjwhen he stands upon the brink of the tomb? What is the use of a god that cannot save? If it be not able to shut the lions’ mouths, it would appear that our homage and our oblations have been wasted. Those who serve the LORD are under no appre­ hension on points like these. They know that they have an able God—One Who is “unto the uttermost able.” They can sing : “I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless.”' They are assured that “no weapon formed against them can prosper.” Happy is the man who has an able God. 11 « mw . J uly 14. “That thou doest, do quickly." — Jno. 13:27. . TO Judas, this was a permission of judgment; it comes to us as an exhortation to promptitude. They say : “Procrastination is the thief of time;” it is more, it is the robber of opportunity, of usefulness, of honor. How many things worth doing we were “going to do—tomorrow,” but, alas ! tomorrow never came ; or, if it did, we had either forgotten our purpose, of we rele­ gated it to another “tomorrow,” as nugatory as the last. He was a wise man who wrote : “The bread that bringeth strength I want to give, Satan does not try to quench good desires and purposes in some men’s minds ; he simply persuades them to postpone their execution—he is well aware that it comes to much the same thing in the end. When will men learn that the thing which is always “to be done” is very likely to fail of accomplishment; that the only time at their disposal is time present ; that golden opportunities, allowed to pass by without appropriation, seldom or never return? Wasted resolutions lie around us on every hand like withered leaves of autumn—the world might have been a summer forest of shade and beauty had they not been thus allowed to fade. It is the “might have been’s,” not the impos­ sibilities, of life that will sadden us in its latter days. Thé water pure that bids the thirsty live ; I want to help the fainting day by day; I’m sure I shall not pass again this way.”

“Best” Books

Books of Real Merit Books that have an increasingly large sale each year. Read them and you will know why.

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The Conflict

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By E lizabeth K nauss T he a u th o r h as h ad am ple o p p o rtu n ity to stu d y condi­ tio n s w hich prev ail to d ay th ro u g h o u t C hristendom , and to observe th e gulf betw een F undam entalism an d M odern­ ism . The v a st m ajo rity of the people in th e pew s a re ig n o r­ a n t of th e grave d an g er w hich is ahead. T he a u th o r h as u n ­ d ertak en to p ictu re to th e read er these ex istin g condi­ tions by m eans of a n a rra tiv e an d a w holesom e love-story th a t will be enjoyed by old an d young alike. The sto ry is told in a sw eet, kindly m an ­ n er w ithout an y tra c e of b it­ tern ess o r big o try . T his is a splendid book fo r y o u r young people, fo r y o u r p a sto r and fo r laym en. C loth $1.25 B y H elen H enshaw A p artic u la rly happy an d w holesom e sto ry of Am erican College Life, a n d th e stru g g le an d v icto ry in th e h e a rt of one girl to give herself to C h rist; resulting, of course, in w inning m any o th er girls who a t first ridiculed h er “ reli­ gion.” A tan g led rom ance runs th ro u g h th e sto ry , n atu rally a n d in terestin g ly . In an a r ­ restin g w ay th e a u th o r has b ro u g h t o u t th e philosophical reasoning of th e college girl who is being m erely intellec­ tu ally train ed , and w ho has becom e "slo u ch y ” in religious thinking. The serious m essage, i.e., th e influence of a conse­ c ra te d C hrist-life upon college girls, is splendidly p o rtray ed . This is ju s t th e book for young people to read. It will fill them w ith the in ten se de­ sire to do things an d inspire them to m easure u p to th e responsibilities in serving C hrist. C loth $1.50 The Passing of the Word

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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