King's Business - 1927-07

July 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

J uly 15. "Neglect not.”—1 Tim. 4:14.


ONE of the greatest foes of spiritual well being is neglect. For one man that is lost because of wilful sin, a thousand perish as the result of neglect. The multitude does not intend to reject the Gospel, it simply omits to accept it. It is not opposition, nor indifference, that is to be dreaded, so much as procrastination and sluggishness. But what is true of salvation is also true of spiritual growth and attainment. Not intentional retrogression, but neglected opportunity, is the secret of the many feeble, pal­ sied, half-dead Christians by whom we are surrounded, and by whom the Church of Christ is so crippled in her mission upon earth. They have no desire to dishonor their profession or their Master-—nay, in many cases, they have had high ambitions—but they lack the energy to foster their spiritual life, and to translate their ideals into practice. They neglect the means of grace— the daily communion with God, the study of His Word, the attendance at the house of prayer. They are too busy, or too idle, to “press toward the mark of their high calling.” They cannot arouse themselves from their sloth sufficiently to engage in Christian service. Hence their life droops, their strength withers, their powers decay. They are neither a joy to them­ selves, an honor to their Lord, nor of any utility to men. To such the Master’s message is trumpet-toned: “Be zealous and repent.” Let the mandate be unheeded, and they are on the road to spiritual paralysis and death. TYPE of the true bread which came down from heaven, even Jesus Christ Himself. Upon Him we must feed if we would live, for bread is indeed the staff of life; without it, life, for any length of time, is impossible. We eat this Bread when­ soever, and wheresoever, we feed upon Christ in our hearts by faith. The manna was God-given. None but Himself can sup­ ply man with spiritual food. Priesthood and ordinances are vain things, save only as channels of the Divine bestowal. The manna fell day by day. Not a Sabbath religion merely, but a continual feeding upon Christ, is necessary, if our spiritual vigor is to be sustained. Had God intended men to find their week’s supply of soul nourishment in the sanctuary only, He would have surely limited the fall of manna to the Sabbath day; instead of which, on that day there was none—as though to teach that, after all, life does not depend upon our own efforts, but upon His provision alone, and that in keeping of His com­ mandments there is no fear of temporal or spiritual loss. Manna in the desert: where there was no natural sustenance, and no possibility of procuring it, there the Divine provision met their utmost need. There is no place upon earth, no set of circum­ stances into which we may be led by God, where we need fear starvation, or doubt His ability to satisfy our wants. We shall find a well spread table in the dreariest desert if we be there at His behest. J uly 16. : “Manna in the desert.”—John 6:31. J uly 17. "Five barley loaves and two ,small fishes.”—John 6:9. THIN cakes, probably, about enough for a decent meal for one! Well might the disciples ask: “What are they among so many ?” What indeed! How could they feed “five thousand men, besides women and children,” upon such a store as that ? Yet He had said to them (knowing well, of course, to what their resources amounted), “Give ye them to eat.” So He bids us feed the hungry multitude with the Bread of Life. But how

By S. D. Gordon

Quiet Talks on the Crisis and After By S. D. G ordon

T h e a u th o r of th e “ Q uiet T alk s“ has w ritte n on a su b ­ jec t th a t concerns everyone in te rested in th e w elfare of hum anity. A s he him self expresses it, “th e re ’s a crisis head in g u p— a w orld crisis— th e crisis p red icted in the Book of God. It will involve th e w o rld ’s leading nations and be terrific to th e last d eg ree”— in in tensity fa r s u r­ p assing th e W orld W ar. T his book contains ju st th e in ­ fo rm atio n y o u need. C loth $1.25 Five Laws that Govern Prayer By S. D. G ordon Quiet Talks on Service By S. D. G ordon

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is one of the m o st stim u latin g books th a t you will ever have a chance to read. Its value lies in its freshness, clearness of style, a p t illu stratio n s and p ractical app licatio n to real life. The question of pow er— how to ob tain it— how to use it— is tre a te d in such a p o si­ tiv e w ay as to m ake th is book of su rp assin g in te re st to all C hristians who a re tru ly de­ sirous of living th e C hrist life. C loth $1.25 By S. D. G ordon A refreshing volum e on the sim ple though really im p o rt­ a n t th in g s in th e C hristian life. As m ig h t be expected of him , Mr. G ordon b rin g s to th is troubled tim e, w hen C hristian m en an d w om en are being to ssed to an d fro and carried ab o u t by every w ind of doctrine, a no te of quiet a s ­ surance concerning t h i n g s w hich really m atter. In te re st­ ing! A nd com forting! C loth $1.25 Quiet Talks About Simple Essentials

splendid faculty of giving real help to th e search er a fte r th e stra ig h t highw ay. C loth $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D.

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