King's Business - 1927-07

July 1927

B u s i n e s s

T H F. K I N G’ s


know himself, and hold communion with God; the lowly posi­ tion of a shepherd, that his pride might be humbled ; the care of the silly, helpless sheep, that he might grow in patience and ten­ derness; these were divine appointments, afflictions which worked out in him an “eternal weight of glory,” and prepared him to take the foremost position in the history of the world. Men need never despair of themselves or of their future so long as their hearts be true and their purposes noble. God wastes nothing; nor does He make mistakes; if He puts us into the rough school of affliction, it is that we may attain to higher honor and greater usefulness in the days to come. We may be in the wilderness today—may have been in it for years—but there will be a burn­ ing bush by and by, and from it a divine call to go ,up higher in the service of the Lord. w J uly 25. ‘There was tip man with hint when Joseph made himself known. Genesis 45:1. THERE are! feelings and experiences’.'.too tender and too sacred for the public gaze. Joseph could':not reveal', himself to his brethren in the face of the Egyptian Court. The stranger could not be allowed to intermeddle with the demon­ stration of his love. It is so with Christ’s revelation of Himself to' the human soul. Not in the busy1market place, not in the social circle, not even in the crowded sanctuary; do we come into the closest touch with the heart of our Elder Brother and our Friend. It is in the hour of silent communion; when the door is shut; when the world is excluded; in the hush of breath­ less ■ and holy silence.; that there comes to us the fullest apoca­ lypse of the divine affection. It is then that we see with clearest vision the glory of the face of Christ, and hear most distinctly the melody of the divine voice as it tells to us all the story of His love. The truth is, we must he alone with: God if we are to know all the depth and the sweetness of our relationship to Him. We live in breathless times; the world swings round in one per- petual rush ; we are overwhelmed in a whirl of duties and en­ gagements; let us see to it that we find time—or make it—to be alone with Christ. He has secrets to tell us that are not for the common ear. He has visions to reveal to us that are not for the worldling’s eye. No; public feast with Him can compensate for the loSs of the private interview. WHAT cup? The cup of death, as we learn from Heb. 5:7. But it could not have been the death upon the. cross from which Christ prayed to be delivered.. Had He not said, a little while before, “What shall I say; Father save me from this hour? But for this cause came I to this hour.” Moreover, had He once desired to be delivered from the cross, in that hour He would have become an unwilling sacrifice and the salvation of the world would have been impossible. Had there been but a pass­ ing rupture between the will of the Divine Father and that of the Divine Son (a thing, of course, absolutely impossible) the whole scheme of redemption would at once have fallen to the ground. Yet again, we are told distinctly that “He was heard, in that he feared;” but the necessity of dying upon Calvary was certainly not removed. We have no doubt that what He feared wa§ that His strength would fail and that He should die of nervous exhaustion before He was able to accomplish His mission. (“My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death.”) The haunting fear was that His humanity would not hold out beneath the strain; the awful possibility presented itself to Him that after all He was about to fail for lack of physical strength. The pros­ pect was almost too awful to bear. Yet even from this He would not be delivered, if such deliverance were not in accordance with His Father’s will. J uly 26. “Let this cup pass from me" — Matt. 26:39.


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