King's Business - 1927-07


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

July 1927

tears.” One of our missions in life is to “strengthen the breth­ ren.” Poor humanity has distresses and discouragements enough already without our needlessly adding to the burden. A happy face and a cheerful voice gladden the heart like wine and make the countenance to shine like oil. Words of hope and encourage­ ment are like gleams of sunshine in the leaden November sky of this plague-stricken earth. To bid men “Be of good courage,” is to follow in the footsteps of our Lord. How often He said to the sorrowful and the distressed: “Be of good cheer.” Not that He underestimated the sources of discouragement, nor that He was indifferent to its weight; but He came to lift men’s bur­ dens, not to increase them. If we lived more constantly (as He did) in the sunshine of the Father’s face, we should see more of the reasons for hope and rejoicing; we should think less of the inducements to depression; and the light of that face would be reflected in welcome radiance upon all around. J uly 30. “Be content . . . and go with thy servants."—2 Kings 6:3 THIS was a wise young man; he not only trod the path of duty, but he sought therein the presence of the prophet of the LORD. One loves to fancy that it was he whose axe head Elisha rescued from the river’s bed. Be that as it may, he was taking the right course if he wished, in the new abode, to dwell in safety and in peace. Have we learned to say to our great Elisha, “Go with thy servant” ?^ Do we "seek His presence, not only in the sanctuary and in the secret chamber where we offer our petitions, but in every scene and in every circumstance of life? Unhappy is the man who sets out in the morning, to his business or his pleasure, and does not first ask for the accomp­ anying presence of his best and truest Friend. Thrice unhappy he who goes forth to the occupation, the society, the amusement, concerning which he dare not say to Christ: “I pray Thee go with Thy servant.” The former cannot complain if he fall into folly or disaster; the latter is walking on the high road to destruction. “Elisha” means “The Salvation of God;” when that salvation accompanies us we may go forth with perfect con­ fidence, whatever the difficulties or the dangers of the path. Nor will He refuse the request for His presence, so long as we are willing to walk in His ways and to abide beneath the shadow of His wings. Troubles there may be, but His deliverance will be nigh at hand; joys there will be, and they shall be enhanced by His smile of love. ate J uly 31. “Our God is a consuming fire." — Heb. 12:29. BUT we need not shrink from Him on that account. It is the consuming fire of LOVE, It is a fire which will burn up nothing save that which is injurious and inimical to us and to our highest happiness. The process may not always be pleasant, but the results will be blessed and sweet in the extreme. Without this fire we cannot be “purified, made white, and tried;” with­ out it we cannot be sanctified for the service of the Lord. With­ out it the germs of evil, which are so fatal to our spiritual growth and beauty, cannot be eradicated and destroyed. We may well pray: “Refining fire, go through my heart, Illuminate my soul, Scatter Thy life through every part, And sanctify the whole.” But this fire is not only cleansing, it is defensive. God is to His people as a wall of fire, encircling them upon every hand. He consumes, not them, but their enemies. He burns up the adversaries, so that we abide in perfect safety in the alien’s land. He destroys the ligaments of bondage with which the


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