King's Business - 1927-07


T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

July 1927

great slave owner of the universe has bound us, so that we walk at liberty. And yet again, this fire precedes us as did the burning pillar the Israelites of old. It consumes the things which would else be barriers to our progress, destroys the difficulties, melts the ice, lest our feet slip thereon, O, welcome and thrice blessed Flame! A ugust 1. “Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again.’’—Rom. 8:34. CRUCIFIXES are not fit emblems of Christ. True, we owe our salvation to the Cross, but we must never forget that the sign of our salvation is an empty cross; life, not death, is the secret of our safety and our peace. We must hot be led astray by those who would have us undervalue Calvary; at the same time, to stop at Calvary is fatal; we must press on to the empty sepulchre, we must remember that we worship a risen and a living Lord. Christ,died that we might be forgiven, He lives that we may live. He lives to be our life: “I live,” says the apostle, “yet not .1, but Christ liveth in me/’. There is no strength, there is no sympathy, there is no power, there is no real stimulus in a dead Christ, hanging upon an accursed tree. A crucifix is a picture of defeat and of despair; it represents the Saviour at the time of the Devil’s temporary triumph. That triumph lasted but for a moment. The Christ “that died, yea rather, that is risen again,” led the captor captive, and bound all the forces of hell to His chariot wheels. Let us seek to fix our gaze upon the risen Lord. He is “alive for evermore,” to be our Brother, our Deliverer, our Friend. He lives that we may hold communion with Him. “I know that my Redeemer lives; O the sweet joy this sentence gives! He lives, my kind, wise, constant friend; Who still will keep me to the end.” He is no longer on the cross, but on the throne. “NATURE abhors a vacuum,” is as true of the spiritual as it is of thè physical. There can be no empty life, no unoccupied heart; if our being is not filled with good, it will be possessed by evil. Utter neutrality is a delusion and a snare. It is a delusion, for the thing is impossible; it is a snare, for it opens the door to sin. The Ephesians were in the habit of getting drunk and they did it, as most drunkards do, not so much for the love of it as for the lack of something better. There was. a yearning in their nature which they knew not how, worthily, to fill ; so they filled it with wine. The outcast devil in the parable regained possession of the swept and garnished house because it was empty ; had a worthier tenant filled the vacancy, he would have failed to gain admission. There are longings in human nature which must be satisfied ; let us see to it that we strive to satisfy them with God. Nothing else will be strong enough to expel the evil that is already within. Mere religion, emotions, moralities, ambitions, will not suffice. Nothing will purify and satisfy the heart -save the expulsive power of a new affection; and that affection must be “the love of God shed abroad . . . by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” The more we are filled with the Spirit, the less room there will be for the presence of sin. Mark the passive mood, however; we are to “be filled with the Spirit;” we cannot fill ourselves. The in-pouring is the gift of God; but we can pray for His coming and desire it as the thirsty land desires the dropping of the rain. A ugust 2. “Be filled with the Spirit." — Eph. 5:18.


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