King's Business - 1927-07


T h e K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

July 1927

THE DENVERBIBLE INSTITUTE THE BIBLE TRAINING CENTER OF THE MIDDLE WEST Systematic, Interdenominational, Efficient, Practical, Scriptural, Inspirational, Spiritual, Premillennial, Evangelistic. For Catalog and information address C L IFT O N L. FO W L E R . DEAN 2047 Glenarm Place, . . . Denver, Colorado IYMNS from the Heart H I 107 In sp irin g Gospel H ym ns by th e W orld’s G reatest H ym n W rite rs: Stebbins, Harkness, Sankey, Gabriel, Tovey, Hooker, etc. Mrs. James Henry Larson, Editor, Voice Student Boston, New York and Paris. 25o Each, $12.50 per 100. Returnable copy on request. REV. J . H . LARSON, L ake Shore D rive, - L ake G eneva, W is.

tions which were asked as a result of the articles. Dr. Pettingill faithfully shows the futurist theory of prophetic interpre­ tation and writes in a way that will be helpful to the plain people, for whom he writes.—J. M. M. — o — Contains nothing new and has no light. In fact, the contrary is true, and this vol­ ume is a literal flood of darkness. The author labors under the grim necessity of reconciling truth and error, of har­ m o n i z i n g fact and f a n c y . He has accepted entirely the evolutionary dogma, and seeks to bring the book of Genesis into harmony with this teaching. His method of handling the Scripture is fundamentally dishonest. He has evi-' dently gone to school with Mrs, Eddy, as he uses her system. When he desires to prove a statement from a text, he man­ gles that text, adds to it what he wants to get out of it, then proves the point with his amended verse! According to this “New Light,” Adam had a father and mother, who were ani­ mals. While Adam was “an embryo in his mother’s womb” God intervened, and put certain purely HUMAN character­ istics into this animal embryo, so that it was' born a new species. Adam then CONSORTED with various animals until Eve, his own offspring by some animal, grew up, when he took her to wife and left his animal companions. From this pair, then, the human race came. GOD SAVE US FROM “LIGHT” SUCH AS TH IS ! ! i^-Harry Rimmer. The Beast, Modernism, and the Evan­ gelical Faith B y F r a n c is A sa W ig h t More than a defense of the faith, this book is a setting forth of the logic and credibility of that faith. It is in many ways a book of Christian evidences. Bible students will find valuable help here, pas­ tors and teachers will find extensive ma­ terial for- sermon and study class, and the author has made a noteworthy and valuable contribution to the tools of the workman who would build a lasting structure on the foundations of the old faith. The book is fundamental in the great controversy raging today. The new born babe in Christ will find help here for his milk diet, and the full grown man in Christ will say it is salt for his meat. Start it, and you will finish it. Finish it, and you will come back to it day after day for future help. Parts three and four strike the re­ viewer as the cream of the book. The Bible vs. Modernism is ably handled, and prophecies and their fulfillment give a well condensed resume of this line of proof. The final chapters on Our Lord’s Re­ turn are sane, safe, illuminating and timely. Many errors are exposed that the Christian needs to guard against, and false hopes are exposed as such. In the brief limits of this review we can only recommend that each reader procure and read this book.—Harry Rimmer. New Light on Genesis B y R ev . M o rris M o rris

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