Playing with Animation
In love with Japan and passionate about the arts, Nicola Sacher set out to write and produce a series of hand-drawn animated short films with the aim of sharing Mungo & Maud’s world for Christmas. After searching for an animator with an artistic and naive sense, she found a Japanese film-maker whose hand-drawn style and intelligence immediately drew her in.
‘The Dog Sleigh’
Playing with a storybook tale, the short film features a little Schnauzer dressed in the brand’s iconic Beetle coat. Despondent at first, trying to seek out the perfect Christmas gifts to fill up his sleigh, he then discovers Mungo & Maud as, to his delight, the toys from the store leap out to join him.
‘The Enchanted Forest’ The story follows a little Maltese as he wanders through an enchanted forest. We see his old jumper snag on a branch, and watch it gradually unravel to leave him shivering in the cold. At this moment, a mysterious door in a tree, marked with the number 79, magically opens... (a little wink to the flagship store at 79 Elizabeth Street, London) inside, an elderly cat is knitting the new Mungo & Maud pullover of the season which she generously donates to the shivering dog. The little dog joyfully continues his journey and finally celebrates Christmas with his Mungo & Maud friends.
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