Fine Art Collector | Spring 2015

Editorial Feature

20 TheFigurativeEdit

04 StarDust

58 PrivateView

32 TheComplete Picture

44 ScarlettRaven

welcome As we emerge blinking from the greyness of a British winter, and with spring just around the corner, what better time to consider buying art that will both enhance the quality of our daily life and inspir e on every level. With an eclectic mix of new and established artist collections there is something pleasurable here for every taste this season. The transformative p o w e r o f art can instantly change the mood of a room, and the choice is all yours, with an unrivalled collection of bright and b e autiful prints over the page just waiting to be appreciated.

FineArtCollector ispublishedbyWashingtonGreen (F.A.P.C.)LtdanddistributedbyCastleGalleries. Email Website Alltheartfeatured inFineArtCollector isavailablethroughCastleGalleriesacrossGreatBritain.Visitourwebsiteatcastlegalleries.comtofindyournearestgallery.The images containedwithinthis literatureareanartistic representationofthecollection.Tobestexperienceourart,we recommendyoucontactyour localgallerytoarrangeaviewing.Prices illustratedthroughoutthismagazineare recommended retailpricesandmayvarybetweenPartnershipGalleriesdependingonstylesofpresentation. Designed&ProducedbyNowMedia.Contributors:SallyRowland, JayneHowarth,StephanieRichman.

© 2015 Washington Green (F.A.P.C) Ltd. Printed in England

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