ATS Product Catalogue 2023/2024

by the service centre lesee.

the ferry service is required to notify the road authority in writing at least two weeks prior to the opening and closing dates of the service.

Logo panels shall be affixed to the Service Centre signs as prescribed in the Master Sign Template.




450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

Letter size, fonts and colours shall be the same as used in the primary sign.


1500 mm x 3600 mm


Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the Provincial Highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8).



Where seasonal service is provided, the sign design shall include a tab indicating either:




When more than one ferry terminal is in the immediate vicinity, a tab may be used beneath the trailblazer marker to identify the ferry terminal by name.


Provincial Freeways


s the operating dates of the service, or


Secondary and Local Airport markers should be displayed on the Freeway Composite Services Board (FCSB) where present. Where there is no FCSB present, markers may be installed independently or together to form a marker assembly. In all cases, trailblazing leading motorists to the airport shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any signs being installed on the provincial freeway.


These signs provide unfamiliar road users with directional guidance to destinations not identified by other Guide and Information Signs, including TODS and Logo Signs.

s “OPEN” or “CLOSED” as applicable.

Where this option is selected, the operator of the ferry service is required to notify the road authority in writing at least two weeks prior to the opening and closing dates of the service.

Design Guidance


 Travel Information Centre Signs

Additional text indicating meeting locations and times, internet addresses, telephone numbers and other similar messages shall not be permitted on the sign. When there is a Boundary Sign and a Service Club Composite Board, the community name on them shall be the same.





450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm



Qualification Criteria

Major Airport signs should include the Major Airport symbol, name of the airport and directional information (Figure 12.4).

Letter size, fonts and colours shall be the same as used in the primary sign.


1200 mm x 2400 mm

These markers identify the location of parking areas that can be used for carpooling.

Significant attractors, not otherwise identified by signs may, on a case-by-case basis, receive signs following an assessment of their potential traffic operation and road user wayfinding benefits, at the discretion of the road authority. For provincial highways, the MTO Regional Traffic Offices will determine the need for signs on the basis of individual merit and available sign space.


Neighbourhood Watch/Rural Watch Community Signs

1800 mm x Variable Width

Design Guidance

1200 mm x 1500 mm

Picnic area signs direct road users to picnic areas and roadside tables maintained by road authorities.

Provincial Highways &IGURE'n3ERVICE#LUB#OMPOSITE Board




3600 mm x 6000 mm




Qualification Criteria

&IGURE'n'ENERIC&REEWAY #OMPOSITE3ERVICES"OARD Signs shall not include commercial messages or slogans or other messages of a commercial nature.



Design Guidance

When more than one ferry terminal is in the immediate vicinity, a tab may be used beneath the trailblazer marker to identify the ferry terminal by name.


Secondary and Local Airport markers are generally installed in both directions of travel in advance of the airport. These signs are followed up with Turn-Off Markers, as follows: Qualification Criteria


Design Guidance

To qualify for markers, carpool lots shall:

All logos shall be retroreflective and be provided by the service centre lesee.


Picnic Area signs are not permitted on Provincial Freeways, Expressways and Toll Highways, other than at Freeway Service Centres.

These signs provide unfamiliar road users with directional guidance to destinations not identified by other Guide and Information Signs, including TODS and Logo Signs.

On provincial routes, the major attraction sign must include a logo.

s Be free of charge to patrons;

Logo panels shall be affixed to the Service Centre signs as prescribed in the Master Sign Template.

s When the Airport has direct access from the roadway, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off marker is installed at the entrance. s Where the Airport is located on a crossing road, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off marker is installed at the intersection.

To qualify, the picnic area shall:

s Be maintained by the road authority;

 #ARPOOL,OT-ARKERS Design Guidance

Qualification Criteria

Crime Stoppers Community Signs

s Be accessible free of charge to the public;

For municipal roadways, the appropriate road authority will determine if an attraction is signed. Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME

1500 mm x 3600 mm The road authority shall approve the proposed official attraction logo prior to its use. The logo must not mimic a traffic control device and shall be fully retroreflective. &IGURE'n#ORPORATE&REEWAY #OMPOSITE3ERVICES"OARD Information presented on the sign should be limited to the attraction name, logo and G405 3600 mm x 6000 mm For Major Attraction signs on provincial freeways, an interchange Exit Number Tab shall be appended to the top right of the sign, where applicable. Where an interchange numbering system is not in place, the sign shall include a tab indicating either “Next Exit” or “Via”. &IGURE'n'ENERIC&REEWAY #OMPOSITE3ERVICES"OARD Design Guidance Signs shall not include commercial messages or slogans or other messages of a commercial nature. For Major Attraction signs on highways, the appropriate advance and turn-off arrows should be incorporated on the sign. &IGURE'n-AJOR!TTRACTION3IGN &REEWAY directional information in the form of text and/or arrows. Commercial content or slogans of any nature are not permitted on the sign.

s Be illuminated during hours of darkness;

&IGURE'n4EMPORARY3PECIAL%VENT 3IGN(IGHWAY Signs or logos, other than those listed in the Qualification Criteria section are not permitted on the board. Additional text (e.g. community slogans, safety messages, etc.) shall not be permitted on the board. A Community Safety Program Board consists of a legend indicating Community Safety Programs and one row of up to three individual community safety program signs.

To qualify for Safety Information signs:


s Provide tables, waste receptacles and toilets;

3600 mm x 6000 mm Signs shall include the message “A Crime Stoppers Community”. Logo for local Crime Stopper programme to be provided by proponent.


s Have a public telephone; and


Qualification Criteria s There shall be an identified road safety issue; and

1200 mm x 3600 mm

900 mm x 2400 mm

These markers identify the location of parking areas that can be used for carpooling. 1200 mm x 2400 mm

Signs are not permitted where other information, including commercial advertising signs, which are visible from the highway, serve the same purpose.

s Provide adequate parking;

G410 - Major Airport Sign - Freeway G411 - Major Airport Sign - Highway

1800 mm x Variable Width

Significant attractors, not otherwise identified by signs may, on a case-by-case basis, receive signs following an assessment of their potential traffic operation and road user wayfinding benefits, at the discretion of the road authority. For provincial highways, the MTO Regional Traffic Offices will determine the need for signs on the basis of individual merit and available sign space. 1200 mm x 2400 mm 300 mm x 2400 mm (tab) (see G416 to G418) s The applicable police service shall have endorsed the need for these signs. 'n(ISTORIC3ITE0LAQUEn4URN /FF G425

s Be located outside of built-up areas (from a visual perspective);


2400 mm x 2700 mm G409








Qualification Criteria



s Not be privately owned and operated (e.g. restaurant with adjacent picnic area); s With the exception of freeway service centres, have no commercial enterprises of any type operating directly on the site;


Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any markers being installed on the provincial highway.




To qualify for markers, carpool lots shall:



This Section Not Used.

1800 mm x Variable Width




s Be free of charge to patrons; Design Guidance

This section not used. Messages presented on Safety Information signs are restricted to reminders of Rules-of-the- Road and good driving practices. &IGURE-n&ERRY-ARKER

Where seasonal service is provided, the sign design shall include a tab indicating either:


s Be maintained by the road authority; Signs leading to Provincial plaques shall include a full-colour Ontario Coat of Arms logo on all Advance and Turn-Off signs. s Be illuminated during hours of darkness; &IGURE'n#OMMUNITY3AFETY 0ROGRAM"OARD

Design Guidance

Provincial Freeways


900 mm x 2400 mm Determining what constitutes a driver road safety concern on provincial highways is the responsibility of MTO’s Road Safety Marketing Office (RSMO), working in conjunction with appropriate enforcement agencies and Regional Traffic Offices. B

&IGURE'n-AJOR!TTRACTION3IGN (IGHWAY Safety messages shall not:




Design Guidance


Use of Seat Belts signs shall be installed at the following locations: Design Guidance

Signs are not permitted in the express lanes of complex freeways.

Safety messages shall be appropriate for the desired application. Examples include:


On provincial routes, the major attraction sign must include a logo.

s Have a public telephone; and

s the operating dates of the service, or

Signs leading to Provincial plaques shall include a full-colour Ontario Coat of Arms logo on all Advance and Turn-Off signs. Signs leading to Federal plaques shall include a Parks Canada Beaver logo on all Advance and Turn-Off signs.


1200 mm x 2400 mm No more than two plaques shall be listed on one sign. 300 mm x 2400 mm (tab) (see G416 to G418) Where two historic sites or historical plaques are to be signed at the same turn-off, the advance and turn-off signs may indicate both names on one sign and the legend would read ‘HISTORICAL PLAQUES’ or ‘HISTORIC SITES’. /THER#ONSIDERATIONS This section not used. /THER#ONSIDERATIONS Signs leading to Federal plaques shall include a Parks Canada Beaver logo on all Advance and Turn-Off signs.

s Present statistics on the occurrence of collisions, fatalities, etc.;


s Border Crossings;

For municipal roadways, the appropriate road authority will determine if an attraction is signed. s Seatbelts Save Lives;

Only one Major Attraction shall be signed per interchange for each direction of travel.

1200 mm x 1500 mm

s Ferry Crossings; and Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME

&IGURE'n&REEWAY3ERVICE#ENTRE 4URN /FF3IGN The road authority shall approve the proposed official attraction logo prior to its use. The logo must not mimic a traffic control device and shall be fully retroreflective. Information presented on the sign should be limited to the attraction name, logo and directional information in the form of text and/or arrows. Commercial content or slogans of any nature are not permitted on the sign. 1200 mm x 3600 mm For Major Attraction signs on provincial freeways, an interchange Exit Number Tab shall be appended to the top right of the sign, where applicable. Where an interchange numbering system is not in place, the sign shall include a tab indicating either “Next Exit” or “Via”. For Major Attraction signs on highways, the appropriate advance and turn-off arrows should be incorporated on the sign.

600 mm x 900 mm

s “OPEN” or “CLOSED” as applicable.

s Arrive Alive Don’t Drink & Drive;

s Be used to repeat or replace messages that are or can be provided by regulatory or warning signs; C


Design Guidance


Neighbourhood Watch/Rural Watch Community Signs

 Qualification Criteria



s Provincial Parks.

Signs are not permitted where other information, including commercial advertising signs, which are visible from the highway, serve the same purpose. s Drive Sober; s Speed Kills Slow Down;



Design Guidance

Use of Seat Belts signs may also be considered for use at the exits from parking areas of provincial government facilities (particularly those generating high traffic volumes) such as:

Where this option is selected, the operator o the ferry service is required to notify the road authority in writing at least two weeks prior t the opening and closing dates of the service

Safety Campaign signs are not permitted on provincial freeways.

Rural Watch signs shall have the same overall colours and appearance with the exception that the word “Neighbourhood” is replaced by the word “Rural”.

s Include collision victim memorial messages (e.g. “In Memory of…”); or

&IGURE'n-AJOR!TTRACTION3IGN (IGHWAY Tabs shall be the same colour as the primary sign. Figure 4.2 depicts Trailblazer “TO” Route Markers (King’s Highway Shield, Secondary Highway Marker, Tertiary Road Marker, as applicable). Crime Stoppers Community Signs



No more than two plaques shall be listed on one sign.

s Can’t See? Don’t Pass!;

3600 mm x 6000 mm G426 1800 mm x Variable Width Figure 4.2 depicts Trailblazer “TO” Route Markers (King’s Highway Shield, Secondary Highway Marker, Tertiary Road Marker, as applicable). Signs shall include the message “A Crime Stoppers Community”. Logo for local Crime Stopper programme to be provided by proponent.


On provincial highways, the safety campaign must be initiated, endorsed and supported by a Community Based Road Safety Organization. 1200 mm x 2400 mm /THER#ONSIDERATIONS Additional local initiatives must be planned and committed to, or be in place before signing is considered. Any potential opposition or controversy related to the campaign shall be identified during the planning stages. 900 mm x 900 mm 900 mm x 1200 mm 900 mm x 1500 mm -n4ERTIARY2OAD-ARKER Design Guidance G505 This Section Not Used.

1200 mm x 2400 mm (Hwy) 1500 mm x 3600 mm (Fwy)

1200 x 2400 mm s Include slogans or other messages of a commercial nature.


!PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION s Fatigue Kills Take a Break; 900 mm x 900 mm 900 mm x 1200 mm 900 mm x 1500 mm s Leave Space Don’t Tailgate;

s Court Buildings,


3600 mm x 6000 mm

G500 – Safety Information Sign 1200 mm x 2400 mm G501 – Safety Information Sponsorship Tab 600 mm x 2400 mm Route Markers G501

1800 mm x 2400 mm G506

s Licensing Offices;

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm G508

s Ontario Hospitals; s Provincial Truck Inspection Stations;  4EMPORARY#OMMUNITY2OAD 3AFETY#AMPAIGN3IGNS &IGURE (ERITAGE3ITE0LAQUES3IGNS /THER#ONSIDERATIONS Where two historic sites or historical plaques are to be signed at the same turn-off, the advance and turn-off signs may indicate both names on one sign and the legend would read ‘HISTORICAL PLAQUES’ or ‘HISTORIC SITES’. E G503 'n(ISTORIC0LAQUE2OUTE-ARKER


Speed Fine Messages Speed fine information may be shown as either the fines or demerit points associated with a maximum of three speeds. If both fines and demerit point information is to be provided, two separate signs may be used, posted in sequence. Neighbourhood Watch/Rural Watch Community Signs &IGURE'n.EIGHOURHOOD7ATCH 2URAL7ATCH#OMMUNITY3IGN G500 All Safety Information signs with speed fine information may have up to five lines of text. For information pertaining to Marker Tabs, refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter. The following signs may be displayed on the board: Community Safety Program Boards may be used to display two or more community safety signs on provincial highways and municipal roads. 600 mm x 900 mm Where one route ends and another begins, markers are to be placed side-by-side, with the appropriate “BEGINS” or “ENDS” Tab affixed below the marker. 457 mm x 727 mm

Signs shall be installed at the edge of the identified area.




Provincial Freeways s Drive According to Conditions;


Letter size, fonts and colours shall be the sam as used in the primary sign.


/THER#ONSIDERATIONS -n0ROVINCIAL2OUTE-ARKER Crown s O.P.P. Detachments; s Travel Information Centres; This Section Not Used.

Design Guidance

Road Watch Signs

This Section Not Used.

Signs are not permitted in the express lanes of complex freeways. s Always Signal Before Changing Lanes; 'n(ISTORIC3ITE2OUTE-ARKER -nh4/v1%73HIELD C

This section not used. Block Parent Signs



Design Guidance Signs shall not include commercial messages or slogans or other messages of a commercial nature. The information presented on Safety Information signs shall provide a clear, brief safety message. s Safety messages shall use yellow lettering on a blue background, however in instances where emphasizing a component of the message is desired, the use of a reverse colour scheme may be considered; and s Messages should not exceed six major words presented on two lines, or three symbols presented on one line. Design Guidance Crime Stoppers Community Signs Signs shall include the message “A Crime Stoppers Community”. Logo for local Crime Stopper programme to be provided by proponent. &IGURE'n#RIME3TOPPERS #OMMUNITY3IGN


A Safety Campaign may cover multiple jurisdictions, and cross one or more jurisdictional boundaries. &IGURE'n2OAD7ATCH3IGN A -n0ROVINCIAL2OUTE-ARKER 3HIELD

s Large Vehicles Need More Room;



On provincial highways, the Community Based Road Safety Organization shall seek support from the RSMO, enforcement agencies, Regional Traffic Offices and the municipality/ regional government prior to any signs being installed. Figure 4.2 depicts Trailblazer “TO” Route Markers (King’s Highway Shield, Secondary Highway Marker, Tertiary Road Marker, as applicable).  Area Maintenance Contractor Signs 'n(ISTORIC3ITE2OUTE-ARKER C 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND C A -nh4/v1%73HIELD

0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND Design Guidance 'n(ISTORIC3ITE0LAQUE !DVANCE Signs leading to Provincial plaques shall include a full-colour Ontario Coat of Arms logo on all Advance and Turn-Off signs. Signs leading to Federal plaques shall include a Parks Canada Beaver logo on all Advance and Turn-Off signs. Safety Information signs are used to influence road user behaviour and address identified road safety issues.

Only one Major Attraction shall be signed per interchange for each direction of travel. s Big or Small… Share the Road; and B 'n(ISTORIC3ITE0LAQUEn4URN /FF

s Freeway Service Centres; and Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME D




Design Guidance


s Highway Safety Through Enforcement. &IGURE'n&ERRY3IGNn!DVANCE &REEWAY

s Carpool Lots.







These signs inform road users that they are entering an area in which a co-operative community/police/road authority program is underway to address a specific, identified driver road safety issue. The installation of these signs must not be the sole objective or focal point of the highway safety initiative. Signs should function as only one facet of a coordinated effort for each campaign. A Road Authority’s involvement in the campaign should be as a safety partner in conjunction with police services and the local Community Based Road Safety Organization. The legend on the advance sign shall indicate the name of the site/plaque and an advance directional arrow. The legend on the Turn-Off sign shall show the name of the site/plaque and the distance to it along with a turn-off arrow, unless the sign is located at the plaque site, in which case only the name of the site/plaque and turn-off arrow shall be shown. The legend on the trailblazer sign shall show the name of the site/plaque along with either an advance or turn-off directional arrow. It may also be used as an Advance and Turn-Off marker in urban areas. - h4/v0ROVINCIAL2OUTE (IGHWAY3HIELD C 750 mm x 900 mm 750 mm x 1200 mm 750 mm x 1500 mm F G608

When more than one ferry terminal is in the immediate vicinity, a tab may be used benea the trailblazer marker to identify the ferry terminal by name.

Figure 4.2 depicts Trailblazer “TO” Route Markers (King’s Highway Shield, Secondary Highway Marker, Tertiary Road Marker, as applicable).

Tabs shall be the same colour as the primary sign.


600 mm x 900 mm


s Crime Stoppers; 457 mm x 727 mm s Neighbourhood Watch;





The range of speeds shown on the sign shall not be in increments of less than 10 km/h, with no more than three speeds shown. The fines and demerit points associated with each speed should be calculated in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act and applicable Regulations, and should be updated each time the regulations are amended. The first line shall be blue lettering on a yellow background. All other lines shall be yellow lettering on a blue background. Rural Watch signs shall have the same overall colours and appearance with the exception that the word “Neighbourhood” is replaced by the word “Rural”. s At all locations where motorists are entering the limits of the program area; Road Watch Signs -n2OADWAY"%').34AB -n0ROVINCIAL2OUTE-ARKER 3HIELD

Use of Seat Belts signs provide a reminder to road users to buckle up.

To qualify, Safety Campaigns shall: Area Maintenance Contractor signs identify the name and contact information of the contractor responsible for the maintenance of the highway section. s Focus on a specific driver road safety issue that is susceptible to correction or improvement through targeted education and enforcement; Area Maintenance Contractor signs are permitted on all provincial routes. s Have defined goals and objectives; 450 mm x 450 mm Qualification Criteria 300 mm x 450 mm &IGURE

Rural Watch signs shall have the same overall colours and appearance with the exception that the word “Neighbourhood” is replaced by the word “Rural”.

This section not used.






Qualification Criteria



No more than two plaques shall be listed on one sign.


- h4/v0ROVINCIAL2OUTE (IGHWAY3HIELD Qualification Criteria Signs are not permitted in the express lanes of complex freeways.

s Road Watch; and Four types of markers are used to depict provincial routes (Figure 4.1): D

&IGURE 'n!REA-AINTENANCE Contractor Sign

450 mm x 450 mm

Use of Seat Belts signs are applicable to all provincial routes.

s Block Parent. -nh4/v1%7#ROWN-ARKER


E 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

Road Watch Signs

750 mm x 900 mm 750 mm x 1200 mm 750 mm x 1500 mm Where two historic sites or historical plaques are to be signed at the same turn-off, the advance and turn-off signs may indicate both names on one sign and the legend would read ‘HISTORICAL PLAQUES’ or ‘HISTORIC SITES’. G610




900 mm x 900 mm 900 mm x 1200 mm 900 mm x 1500 mm 457 mm x 727 mm




 -n0ROVINCIAL2OUTE-ARKER Crown 600 mm x 900 mm Route Markers &IGURE


!PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION s Provincial Route Marker Shield;

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY Where one route ends and another begins, markers are to be placed side-by-side, with the appropriate “BEGINS” or “ENDS” Tab affixed below the marker. &IGURE'n2OAD7ATCH3IGN 600 mm x 900 mm G511 /THER#ONSIDERATIONS This section not used. C

600 mm x 900 mm G510 This sign is generally installed on provincial routes at intervals of not less than 20 km, and approaching long-duration construction zones where road user delays may be expected. !PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION

Community Safety Program Boards should be installed beyond the right shoulder of the highway at the following locations where the programs are in effect: E G512

B G513


E G611

600 mm x 600 mm 457 mm x 727 mm



-./24( 3/54( -%!34 7%34 #OMBINED#ARDINAL$IRECTION WITH!RROW4ABS s Have limited geographic boundaries; s Be time-limited; !PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION Area Maintenance Contractor signs are provided along the road section near the borders of the maintenance area. -nh4/v1%73HIELD -n#OUNTRY2OAD-ARKER 457 mm x 727 mm A

s Provincial Route Marker Crown;











1200 mm x 2400 mm



Design Guidance

Design Guidance

s Secondary Provincial Route Marker; and






These markers identify the location of parkin areas that can be used for carpooling.





&IGURE'n(IGHWAY#ONDITIONS and Construction Information Sign

This Section Not Used.

For information pertaining to Marker Tabs, refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter. &IGURE 'n!REA-AINTENANCE Contractor Sign

1800 mm x Variable Width

 -n3ECONDARY0ROVINCIAL2OUTE Marker Figure 4.2 depicts Trailblazer “TO” Route Markers (King’s Highway Shield, Secondary Highway Marker, Tertiary Road Marker, as applicable). Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME D


/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY s Tertiary Road Marker (Provincial Route). s On crossing roadways downstream of freeway interchanges; and &IGURE'n2OAD7ATCH3IGN Qualification Criteria

Should an area maintenance contractor hold a number of contracts scattered throughout a given area, one Area Maintenance Contractor sign shall be provided for each section.

Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND 600 mm x 900 mm Signs are not permitted in the express lanes of complex freeways.



Construction Information Sign

600 mm x 600 mm This Board is intended to increase the conspicuity of individual Community Safety Program signs by placing them on a common board.


F Municipal Route Markers are used to identify numbered municipal routes. -nh&ORMERLYv4AB In instances where programs are only in effect at select locations throughout a community, the board should be installed at the actual limits of the programs area. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY The size, shape and layout of Municipal Route Markers are fixed, however the name of the jurisdiction and its jurisdictional status may be changed. The markers should be designed using simple graphics that are easy to read, consist of contrasting colours and be retroreflective. F -n0ROVINCIAL2OUTE-ARKER Crown D D s At the exits of major intermodal transfer points (transit stations, airports, ferry docks, etc.). When the programs are in effect throughout the entire community, the board should be installed at the municipal boundary on all roadways entering the municipality. B 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm The Trans Canada Highway Route Marker is installed beside Provincial Route Markers when the provincial highway forms part of the Trans Canada Highway route. (For additional details refer to Section 4.6). !PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION This sign is generally installed on provincial routes at intervals of not less than 20 km, and approaching long-duration construction zones where road user delays may be expected. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY E Design Guidance &IGURE'n(IGHWAY#ONDITIONS and Construction Information Sign

Qualification Criteria


Design Guidance


600 mm x 600 mm 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 457 mm x 727 mm F M100 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

 The purpose of Highway Conditions and Construction Information sign is to provide a means for road users to obtain further information regarding the highway. The sign lists contact information for the purposes of motorists calling with questions, problems and/or concerns regarding:


To qualify for markers, carpool lots shall:

Design Guidance

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY Four types of markers are used to depict provincial routes (Figure 4.1): Qualification Criteria

450 mm x 450 mm

457 mm x 727 mm

The Area Maintenance Contractor sign shall identify:

Community Safety Program Boards are not permitted on Provincial Freeways, Expressways and Toll Highways. 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm This Section Not Used. 1200 mm x 2400 mm


457 mm x 727 mm 1200 mm x 2400 mm (main sign) 450 mm x 2400 mm (tab)

s Be free of charge to patrons;

&IGURE -./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL $IRECTIONWITH!DVANCE!RROW4AB *UNCTION4ABS &IGURE 457 mm x 727 mm 300 mm x 450 mm

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 4RAILBLAZER2OUTE-ARKERSTO 0ROVINCIAL2OUTES Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME Heritage Site signs shall indicate ‘HISTORIC SITE’ or ‘HISTORICAL PLAQUE’ as applicable. -./24( 3/54( -%!34 7%34 #OMBINED#ARDINAL$IRECTION WITH!RROW4ABS 300 mm x 450 mm D 450 mm x 450 mm


750 mm x 900 mm 750 mm x 1200 mm 750 mm x 1500 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm &IGURE !LTERNATIVE3PECIAL/VERSIZE Route Markers M104

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 457 mm x 727 mm

s Provincial Route Marker Shield; /THER#ONSIDERATIONS

450 mm x 450 mm s A phone number that road users may call should they have any maintenance related concerns or questions; s The name of the area maintenance contractor; 457 mm x 727 mm 450 mm x 450 mm M103 B 'n4URN/FF3IGNn7ITH Destination




s Weather conditions;


s Be maintained by the road authority;

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M105




457 mm x 727 mm M102


300 mm x 450 mm

This Section Not Used.

s Roadway conditions; and

s Provincial Route Marker Crown;





s Construction work.



-nh*#4v4AB &IGURE

s Be illuminated during hours of darkne

-./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL $IRECTIONWITH4URN/FF!RROW4AB B Distance and DirectionalTabs -n$ISTANCE4AB F 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm B - h4/v0ROVINCIAL2OUTE (IGHWAY3HIELD



Some tourist attractions of a historical nature (museums, forts, etc) may qualify for signing under the Tourism Oriented Destination Signing (TODS) Program. In all cases only one set of signs will be provided to these attractions, either TODS or Historical Sites/Plaques, not both. -n#OUNTRY2OAD-ARKER - h4/v0ROVINCIAL2OUTE#ROWN Marker D

Construction Information Sign




s Secondary Provincial Route Marker; and


 -nh4/v3ECONDARY0ROVINCIAL Route Marker

Miscellaneous Tabs s The provincial government logo; and -n4RANS#ANADA(IGHWAY-ARKER A





s Have a public telephone; and


900 mm x 2400 mm F




s Tertiary Road Marker (Provincial Route).


-n2OADWAY"%').34AB C The purpose of Highway Conditions and Construction Information sign is to provide a means for road users to obtain further information regarding the highway.




s May also include the Area Maintenance Contractor’s logo.








F The size, shape and layout of Municipal Route Markers are fixed, however the name of the jurisdiction and its jurisdictional status may be changed. The markers should be designed using simple graphics that are easy to read, consist of contrasting colours and be retroreflective. -nh&ORMERLYv4AB -n$%34).!4)/.4ABUSEDWITH 1%7MARKERONLY 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm The Trans Canada Highway Route Marker is installed beside Provincial Route Markers when the provincial highway forms part of the Trans Canada Highway route. (For additional details refer to Section 4.6). Municipal Route Markers are used to identify numbered municipal routes. 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M107 D s Weather conditions; s Roadway conditions; and s Construction work.


-nh4/v3ECONDARY0ROVINCIAL Route Marker





900 mm x 1800 mm 900 mm x 2100 mm 900 mm x 2400 mm

The sign lists contact information for the purposes of motorists calling with questions, problems and/or concerns regarding:


1200 mm x 2400 mm (main sign) 450 mm x 2400 mm (tab)



450 mm x 450 mm


450 mm x 450 mm




450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm



This Section Not Used.


300 mm x 450 mm


Distance and DirectionalTabs 300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 457 mm x 727 mm G

450 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Miscellaneous Tabs 450 mm x 450 mm M110

B 900 mm x 900 mm 1200 mm x 1200 mm 1800 mm x 1800 mm




450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm THIS POLICY IS UNDER DEVELOPMENT

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm



300 mm x 450 mm

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 450 mm x 450 mm Marker Tabs (Refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. F 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 1200 mm x 1800 mm 1200 mm x 2100 mm 1200 mm x 2400 mm


-./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL $IRECTIONWITH!DVANCE!RROW4AB 450 mm x 900 mm 600 mm x 1200 mm 900 mm x 1800 mm /THER#ONSIDERATIONS This Section Not Used. M114


-./24( 3/54( -% 7%34 #OMBINED#ARDINAL$IR WITH!RROW4ABS



450 mm x 750 mm 600 mm x 1050 mm 900 mm x 1500 mm M112

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm M111

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm - #OMBINATION-ARKERX 0ROVINCIAL#ROWNSWITH#ARDINAL Directions and Arrows M106

C M108


-n$ISTANCE4AB -n#OMBINED$%34).!4)/.AND $IRECTION-ARKERUSEDWITH1%7 MARKERONLY 450 mm x 450 mm Marker Tabs (Refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. 450 mm x 450 mm /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY

B -./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL $IRECTIONWITH4URN/FF!RROW4AB Distance and DirectionalTabs

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm &IGURE 457 mm x 727 mm

450 mm x 450 mm




A 450 mm x 450 mm Marker Tabs (Refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. &IGURE -n3ECONDARY0ROVINCIAL2OUTE Marker A -n$ISTANCE4AB E C D F 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY 









300 mm x 450 mm


300 mm x 450 mm A -n$ISTANCEWITH4URN /FF!RROW Tab F



B 450 mm x 450 mm Marker Tabs (Refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. -n*UNCTION-ULTIPLE 4AB G

B E -n2OADWAY%.$34AB -nh4/v3ECONDARY0ROVINCIAL Route Marker Cardinal Direction Tabs Marker Tabs (Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm

-n"53).%334AB - h4/v0ROVINCIAL2OUTE#ROWN Marker G




300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm


450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm





450 mm x 600 mm


450 mm x 450 mm


Cardinal Direction Tabs


-./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL Direction Tabs

300 mm x 900 mm

300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm


-./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL Direction Tabs

300 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Directional Arrow Tabs

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Marker Tabs (Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. &IGURE 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm G  *UNCTION4ABS


450 mm x 450 mm


300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm &IGURE

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm Cardinal Direction Tabs


300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm

450 mm x 450 mm

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

450 mm x 450 mm


300 mm x 450 mm

900 mm x 900 mm 1200 mm x 1200 mm 1800 mm x 1800 mm M115

Directional Arrow Tabs 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm &IGURE -n0OLICE-ARKER/00

300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm M200







D M207

450 mm x 450 mm  #OLLISION0OLICE2EPORTING Centre Markers


300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm

-n$%34).!4)/.4ABUSEDWITH 1%7MARKERONLY E *UNCTION4ABS &IGURE 450 mm x 900 mm 600 mm x 1200 mm 900 mm x 1800 mm

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm


Distance and DirectionalTabs






Distance and DirectionalTabs -./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL $IRECTIONWITH!DVANCE!RROW4AB Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the Provincial Highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). -n$ISTANCE4AB C B /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY 


&IGURE -./24( 3/54( -%!34 7%34 #OMBINED#ARDINAL$IRECTION WITH!RROW4ABS 450 mm x 600 mm



&IGURE -./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL Direction Tabs A 450 mm x 450 mm Marker Tabs (Refer to Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached.

300 mm x 900 mm B


Miscellaneous Tabs

-n$%34).!4)/.4ABUSEDWITH 1%7MARKERONLY Distance and DirectionalTabs Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME







This Section Not Used.



This Section Not Used. -n$%34).!4)/.4ABUSEDWITH 1%7MARKERONLY



300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm

450 mm x 600 mm





Directional Arrow Tabs

A -n$ISTANCE4AB This policy sets out the requirements for providing directional signing to motorists

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Local Radio Station signs inform road users in remote areas of the frequencies of radio stations that provide regular weather and road condition information.



300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the Provincial Highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Refer to Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any signs being installed on the provincial highway.

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY along the most direct route to Collision/Police Reporting Centres where minor collisions may be self-reported. These centres are usually operated or contracted out to others by the Ontario Provincial Police or Municipal Police Services. 300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Marker Tabs (Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY The centres may be joint use facilities offering multiple amenities to collision-involved motorists such as claims adjusters and car rental Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME Trailblazing is provided starting on the off-ramp. &IGURE-AJOR!IRPORT-ARKERS



Marker Tabs (Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME



 placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8).




Marker Tabs (Section 4.4 of this chapter) shall be the same width and shall be shown in the same colour scheme as the Trailblazer Route Marker to which they are attached. 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND /THER#ONSIDERATIONS


300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm The Local Airport Marker should incorporate the name of the airport below the Local Airport symbol and is limited to one line of text due to legibility constraints. /THER#ONSIDERATIONS 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). 300 mm x 450 mm Design Guidance &IGURE -n(OSPITAL-ARKER LOCAL AIRPORTS B -n*UNCTION-ULTIPLE 4AB M210

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm there is no FCSB present, markers may be installed independently or grouped together to form a marker assembly. 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Collision/Police Reporting Centre markers should be displayed on the Freeway Composite Services Board (FCSB) where present. Where

Design Guidance


Provincial Freeways

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M300

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Local Radio Station Signs are not permitted on provincial freeways, expressways, and toll highways. s Where the facility is located on an intersecting road, the advance sign is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off sign is installed at the intersection. B 450 mm x 450 mm &IGURE Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching Qualification Criteria Design Guidance &IGURE -n&IRE(YDRANT-ARKER M307

300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Emergency Helipad markers should be displayed on the Freeway Composite Services Board (FCSB) where present. Where there is no FCSB present, markers may be installed independently or grouped together to form a marker assembly. -n#OMBINED$%34).!4)/.AND $IRECTION-ARKERUSEDWITH1%7 MARKERONLY B /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY Trailblazing is provided starting on the freeway off-ramp. 300 mm x 450 mm D Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME M208


 -./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL $IRECTIONWITH4URN/FF!RROW4AB The Secondary Airport Marker should incorporate the name of the airport below the Secondary Airport symbol and is limited to one line of text due to legibility constraints. B -n$ISTANCEWITH4URN /FF!RROW Tab Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. SECONDARY AIRPORTS 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M306 &IGURE -n0UBLIC4ELEPHONE-ARKER

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M209

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Emergency Helipad signs identify routes to landing pads other than those at airports and hospitals, designated for use in the medical evacuation of patients by air ambulance. The name of the airport may be displayed on airport markers appended to Freeway Composite Services Boards, Services Marker Boards. Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. M301



Design Guidance

300 mm x 450 mm

E ./24( -3/54( - 34 -7%34 #ARDINAL CTIONWITH!DVANCE!RROW4AB



-n#OMBINED$%34).!4)/.AND $IRECTION-ARKERUSEDWITH1%7 MARKERONLY -n$ISTANCEWITH4URN /FF!RROW Tab 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND Design Guidance

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm


&IGURE -n0OLICE-ARKER/00 Collision/Police Reporting Centre signs are not permitted in the express lanes of freeways.


E services and they may also serve overlapping jurisdictions (i.e. Ontario Provincial Police and Toronto Police Service). Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME Provincial Highways



Cardinal Direction Tabs &IGURE,OCAL!IRPORT-ARKER /THER#ONSIDERATIONS an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone markers, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). This Section Not Used. E /THER#ONSIDERATIONS

-n2OADWAY%.$34AB Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as marker. Specific markers for Bus, Train and Subway service providers shall be retroreflective and in the primary colours of the applicable transi service.

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY Miscellaneous Tabs To qualify, the radio station shall provide weather and road information at a minimum of 30 minute intervals during the day throughout periods of inclement weather.

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm Specific markers for Bus, Train and Subway service providers shall be retroreflective and in the primary colours of the applicable transit service. Qualification Criteria The name of the airport shall not be displayed as part of the symbol on Major Airport Signs. To qualify for signs, an emergency helipad shall be: In all other cases, the airport name should be displayed as part of the airport marker. &IGURE-AJOR!IRPORT-ARKERS

 These signs direct road users to waste management facilities operated by a municipality or on their behalf. 36 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND &IGURE -n#OLLISION0OLICE 2EPORTING#ENTRE-ARKER






This Section Not Used.

A an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone markers, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). -n"53).%334AB Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any signs being installed on the provincial highway. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY !PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION

B Cardinal Direction Tabs Qualification Criteria Collision/Police Reporting Centre markers with advance and turn off tabs shall be installed for both directions of travel to indicate the entrance to the centre. This also applies to intersections

Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the Provincial Highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8).




/THER#ONSIDERATIONS The centres may be joint use facilities offering multiple amenities to collision-involved motorists such as claims adjusters and car rental This Section Not Used. Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME services and they may also serve overlapping jurisdictions (i.e. Ontario Provincial Police and Toronto Police Service). 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm This policy sets out the requirements for providing directional signing to motorists along the most direct route to Collision/Police Reporting Centres where minor collisions may be self-reported. These centres are usually operated or contracted out to others by the Ontario Provincial Police or Municipal Police Services. SECONDARY AIRPORTS &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKERWITH .AME &IGURE3ECONDARY!IRPORT-ARKER

with Provincial Routes where the centre is reached by a non-provincial highway route. Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4). &IGURE-AJOR!IRPORT-ARKERS

Emergency Helipad signs are not permitted in the express lanes of freeways.



Provincial Freeways


/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY The Local Airport Marker should incorporate the name of the airport below the Local Airport symbol and is limited to one line of text due to legibility constraints. A 36


The name of the airport may be displayed on airport markers appended to Freeway Composite Services Boards, Services Marker Boards. 300 mm x 900 mm

Collision/Police Reporting Centres shall:

 Secondary and Local Airport markers should be displayed on the Freeway Composite Services Board (FCSB) where present. Where there is no FCSB present, markers may be installed independently or together to form a marker assembly. Provincial Highways In all cases, trailblazing leading motorists to the airport shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any signs being installed on the provincial freeway.


Design Guidance

The Secondary Airport Marker should incorporate the name of the airport below the Secondary Airport symbol and is limited to one line of text due to legibility constraints.


s Be capable of accepting reports of property damage collisions; Qualification Criteria Collision/Police Reporting Centre markers are permitted on Provincial Highways and are generally installed in pairs as advance and turn- off signs. Advance and turn off tabs shall be installed as applicable. -./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL Direction Tabs s Be authorized by the police service(s) having jurisdiction over the area; &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKER


450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M403 s A heliport approved for use by Transport Canada or a location approved for use by Air Ambulances as an emergency helipad by the Ontario Ministry of Health;  &ERRY3IGNSAND-ARKERS 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND Design Guidance &IGURE-n4RAIN3TATION-ARKERWITH Station ID s At a location other than an airport or hospital; Where more than one bus or train station is in the immediate vicinity, a non-generic station marker may be used to identify the station by name (Figure 12.3).

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm The Secondary Airport Marker should incorporate the name of the airport below the Secondary Airport symbol and is limited to one line of text due to legibility constraints. Tabs (Chapter 4, Section 4.5) shall be the same colour as the marker. Waste Facility signs are not permitted on Provincial Freeways, Expressways and Toll Highways. &IGURE3ECONDARY!IRPORT-ARKER &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKERWITH .AME M405

-./24( -3/54( - %!34 -7%34 #ARDINAL Direction Tabs &IGURE-n"US3TATION'ENERIC Marker Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching &IGURE M401

300 mm x 900 mm

Design Guidance

300 mm x 450 mm On Provincial Routes, Local Radio Station signing is permitted only in remote areas and should not be installed within 30 km of an urban Municipality’s centre (as defined by the location of the city or town hall) with a population of 20,000 or more.

Design Guidance placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4).

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

Design Guidance


The name of the airport shall not be displayed as part of the symbol on Major Airport Signs. Directional Arrow Tabs

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm &IGURE Emergency Helipad markers are generally installed for both directions of travel, in pairs as Advance and Turn-Off Markers, as follows: M315 MAJOR AIRPORTS Major Airport signs should include the Major Airport symbol, name of the airport and directional information (Figure 12.4).

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M400

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M404

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 900 mm x 1200 mm (used on Freeway Service Centre Signs only) M406

300 mm x 300 mm M408

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

/THER#ONSIDERATIONS Specific markers for Bus, Train and Subway service providers shall be retroreflective and in the primary colours of the applicable transit service. &IGURE-AJOR!IRPORT-ARKERS Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker.

B /THER#ONSIDERATIONS Where the facility accepts specific materials or provides specific services, the type of service (i.e. “Recycling” or “Garbage”) may be included on the directional arrow tab. -n2OADWAY%.$34AB These signs should be installed: Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME &IGURE-n"US3TATION'ENERIC Marker

450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone markers, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). -n!DVANCE!RROW4AB4HROUGH ,EFT 2IGHT OR#HANNELIZED4URN &IGURE Miscellaneous Tabs &IGURE%XAMPLEOFA'ROUND -OUNTED -AJOR!IRPORT3IGN&REEWAY Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the Provincial Highway approaching Directional Arrow Tabs 450 mm x 450 mm Trailblazing leading motorists to the lot shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any markers being installed on the provincial highway.

Where more than one bus or train station is i the immediate vicinity, a non-generic station marker may be used to identify the station by name (Figure 12.3).

e paved.



/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY /THER#ONSIDERATIONS The Secondary Airport Marker should incorporate the name of the airport below the Secondary Airport symbol and is limited to one line of text due to legibility constraints. s Be open 7 days a week for a minimum 8 hours per day; and, /THER#ONSIDERATIONS Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME s Clearly post the hours of operation on the exterior of the Centre. Collision/Police Reporting Centres should be located within: &IGURE3ECONDARY!IRPORT-ARKER 300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm s When the centre has direct access from the roadway, the advance sign is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off sign is installed at the entrance. SECONDARY AIRPORTS This Section Not Used. M502 – Major Airport Marker (Generic) M503 – Major Airport Marker (with ID) To qualify, a waste facility shall:

 an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone markers, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4 and Chapter 8). A

./24( -3/54( - 34 -7%34 #ARDINAL CTIONWITH4URN/FF!RROW4AB Provincial Highways IONAND)NSTALLATION

In all other cases, the airport name should be displayed as part of the airport marker.


1500 mm x 1500 mm (used on overhead structures only) -n!DVANCE!RROW4AB4HROUGH ,EFT 2IGHT OR#HANNELIZED4URN

A s When the helipad has direct access from the roadway, the advance marker is installed 500m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off marker is installed at the entrance. -n"53).%334AB s Where the helipad is located on an intersecting road, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off marker is installed at the intersection.


/THER#ONSIDERATIONS Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker.

 s The road distance from the nearest Provincial Route, as measured along the most direct and appropriate route, should be no more than: Qualification Criteria  3CENIC,OOKOUT3IGNS s Located on a provincial route or accessible from a provincial route by a public highway and; These signs direct road users to terminals providing ferry service for water crossings by vehicles and pedestrians. &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKER s 20 km in remote areas. M502 – Major Airport Marker (Generic) M503 – Major Airport Marker (with ID) s Provide regular scheduled service during at least part of the year; Scenic Lookout signs identify locations where road users may safely pull off of a highway and observe scenic vistas. s Carry passenger vehicles and ; 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY To qualify for a Ferry sign, the operation shall: 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND M503

A Secondary and Local Airport markers are generally installed in both directions of travel in advance of the airport. These signs are followed up with Turn-Off Markers, as follows: s When the Airport has direct access from the roadway, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off marker is installed at the entrance. s Where the Airport is located on a crossing road, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off marker is installed at the intersection. Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any markers being installed on the provincial highway.

This Section Not Used. s Where the centre is located on an intersecting road, the advance sign is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off is installed at the intersection. &IGURE-n0OLICE-ARKER,OCAL


This Section Not Used.

This Section Not Used.


This Section Not Used.

Tabs (Chapter 4, Section 4.5) shall be the same colour as the marker.


s Within the outer limit of the radio station’s range approximately where it crosses the provincial routes;

ot markers are not permitted on anes of complex Freeways.




s 5 km of a Provincial Route. s Where the facility is located on an intersecting road, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off marker is installed at the intersection.

Design Guidance

Design Guidance

300 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 900 mm /THER#ONSIDERATIONS



/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY &IGURE-n#OLLEGE-ARKERWITH .AME s Have the appropriate operating license from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment; Collision/Police Reporting Centres shall: /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm  7ASTE&ACILITY3IGNS

Qualification Criteria 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm s Where the facility is located on an intersecting road, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off marker is installed at the intersection.


This Section Not Used. placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4).

Any emergency helipads, or signed routes to emergency helipads, that are no longer intended for use shall have all signs promptly removed.


 Where more than one bus or train station is in the immediate vicinity, a non-generic station marker may be used to identify the station by name (Figure 12.3).


 ot markers should be displayed on the Composite Services Board (FCSB), esent. Where there is no FCSB 450 mm x 450 mm 900 mm x 900 mm markers may be installed independently d together to form a marker assembly. n&IRST.ATIONS

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

s At a non-intersection location; and


s Where the facility is located on an intersecting road, the advance sign is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off sign is installed at the intersection.

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

 Additional or alternative designs shall not be permitted for hospitals not offering full 24 hr/7 days a week emergency medical services, as defined by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Signs directing motorists to facilities that no longer provide qualifying emergency services shall be promptly removed. Qualification Criteria &IGURE-n4RAIN3TATION'ENERIC Marker 300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M500 – Local Airport Marker (Generic) M501 – Local Airport Marker (with ID) Qualification Criteria

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 900 mm 300 mm x 450 mm G410 - Major Airport Sign - Freeway G411 - Major Airport Sign - Highway M410

s 10 km; or These signs are provided to direct road users to public boat launch locations. These signs direct road users to terminals providing ferry service for water crossings by vehicles and pedestrians. Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME M501 M502

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm s At intervals not less than 20 km. &IGURE 7ASTE-ANAGEMENT&ACILITY 3IGNAND/PTIONAL4AB &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKERWITH .AME 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M506


s Be capable of accepting reports of property damage collisions; s Be open to receive waste from the general public; Design Guidance s Be open 7 days a week for a minimum 8 hours per day; and, Design Guidance s Be located within 10 km road distance of the provincial route, as measured along the most direct or appropriate route; and M504



Design Guidance

M502 – Major Airport Marker (Generic) M503 – Major Airport Marker (with ID) &IGURE-n#OLLEGE-ARKER Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any markers being installed on the provincial highway.

1500 mm x 1500 mm (used on overhead structures only)

B Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any signs being installed on the provincial highway. Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY -n2OADWAY%.$34AB &IGURE -n#ARPOOL-ARKER

 M504 – Secondary Airport Marker (Generic) M505 – Secondary Airport Marker (with ID) Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4). &IGURE-n#OLLEGE-ARKERWITH .AME Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any markers being installed on the provincial highway.

These signs direct road users to waste management facilities operated by a municipality or on their behalf.

s Be authorized by the police service(s) having jurisdiction over the area; placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4).

M504 – Secondary Airport Marker (Generic) M505 – Secondary Airport Marker (with ID) &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKER



Where seasonal service is provided, the sign design shall include a tab indicating either:

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

g is provided starting at the Off-Ramp.

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any signs being installed on the provincial highway. Where the facility accepts specific materials or provides specific services, the type of service (i.e. “Recycling” or “Garbage”) may be included on the directional arrow tab.

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm /THER#ONSIDERATIONS s Be located within 20 km road distance from the nearest Provincial Route as measured along the most direct or appropriate route; and 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Scenic Lookout signs are not permitted on Provincial Freeways, Expressways and Toll Highways. &IGURE-n#OLLEGE-ARKER Qualification Criteria

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

To qualify for a Ferry sign, the operation shall: s the operating dates of the service, or Public Boat Launch signs are not permitted on Provincial Freeways, Expressways and Toll Highways.



450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

1500 mm x 1500 mm (used on overhead structures only) Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together to form a Service Marker Assembly or placed on a Services Marker Board (Chapter 4).


Qualification Criteria


450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

Waste Facility signs are not permitted on Provincial Freeways, Expressways and Toll Highways.

 Width mm 500 m in advance of the entrance. he turn-off marker is installed at the ntrance. Where the lot is located on an tersecting road, the advance marker installed 500 m in advance of the tersection. The turn-off marker is cated at the intersection. E&REEWAY CES"OARD When the lot has direct access from the adway, the advance marker is installed  ot Markers are generally installed rections of travel in advance of the ot. These markers are followed up with Markers, as follows:


/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY s Be located within 20 km road distance from the nearest Provincial Route as measured along the most direct or appropriate route; and Book 8 s 'UIDEAND)NFORMATION3IGNSn6OLUME s Accommodate the launching of typical pleasure craft from road trailers; s Provide regular scheduled service during at least part of the year; Design Guidance To qualify, the boat launch ramp shall: s Be within 10 km distance by road from the provincial route; s “OPEN” or “CLOSED” as applicable. s Allow public access;

s Be identified by a location sign (not larger than 1200 mm x 2400 mm,

s Clearly post the hours of operation on the exterior of the Centre.  M504 – Secondary Airport Marker (Generic) M505 – Secondary Airport Marker (with ID) 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm &IGURE-n5NIVERSITY-ARKER Design Guidance

This Section Not Used. 1500 mm x 1500 mm (used on overhead structures only) s Exceeding the 20 km limit on

M500 – Local Airport Marker (Generic) M501 – Local Airport Marker (with ID)  &IRE(YDRANT-ARKERS

Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker.

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

M502 – Major Airport Marker (Generic) M503 – Major Airport Marker (with ID) Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. Corporate logos shall not be included on any Picnic Area marker or its supports.

s Carry passenger vehicles and ; Where this option is selected, the operator of the ferry service is required to notify the road authority in writing at least two weeks prior to the opening and closing dates of the service. Letter size, fonts and colours shall be the same as used in the primary sign. 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M509

 installed outside of the right-of-way of the Provincial Route, and conforming to applicable standards) installed on the site by the operators, identifying the operator and a contact telephone number, for public inquiries or complaints; and

Design Guidance

To qualify, the scenic lookout shall:

To qualify, a waste facility shall: s Have Municipal Council approval.

Collision/Police Reporting Centres should be located within: Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. s 5 km of a Provincial Route.

freeways may be desirable under certain conditions as described in “Application and Installation”. Design Guidance

300 mm x 450 mm 450 mm x 600 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M507 Only station frequencies such as AM 910 or FM 95.2 shall be shown on the sign. Station “call letters” (i.e. CABC) shall not be used. French stations may be identified by (Fr.) beside their frequency.


450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm



450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M510

s Be open and free of charge to the public;

Design Guidance s Have the appropriate operating license from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment;


 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Informs fire crews that a fire hydrant may be found off the freeway behind the marker. M508

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M600

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M601

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M602

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M603

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm



s Provide off-road parking facilities;


To avoid confusion, where there are two or more facilities located within the same general area, University and College markers may include the name of the institution. (Figures 15.3 and 15.4). &IGURE -n0UBLIC"OAT,AUNCH Marker 

s Be open to receive waste from the general public;

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY Qualification Criteria

s Provide waste receptacles;

1500 mm x 1500 mm (used on overhead structures only) /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY M504 – Secondary Airport Marker (Generic) M505 – Secondary Airport Marker (with ID) Waste Facility signs are generally installed for both directions of travel, in pairs as Advance and Turn-Off Signs, as follows: Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. &IGURE-n3CENIC,OOKOUT-ARKER s Be located within 10 km road distance of the provincial route, as measured along the most direct or appropriate route; and


Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. Provincial Freeways &IGURE'n,OCAL2ADIO3TATION3IGN

Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. &IGURE'n&ERRY3IGNn!DVANCE &REEWAY These markers are only used on freeways to identify fire hydrants that are generally not visible from the freeway and are required by fire crews responding to emergency situations on or immediately adjacent to the freeway. &IGURE 'n%$2-AINLINE3IGN 

s Have direct access from the roadway or be located within 1 km driving distance on an intersecting roadway.


s Exceeding the 20 km limit on s Not charge a user fee; and


s Be maintained to appropriate standards, as established by the road authority; and


450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

An EDR mainline sign should generally be installed opposite the gore area to provide road users with adequate advance notification of an upcoming EDR when diverted off of the facility. An EDR trailblazer with directional arrow should be installed in advance of the ramp channelization and/or at the ramp terminal to indicate the direction of the route.

freeways may be desirable under certain conditions as described in “Application and Installation”. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY s Have an adequate supply of parking, including space for boat trailers, to accommodate expected usage. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY

When more than one ferry terminal is in the immediate vicinity, a tab may be used beneath the trailblazer marker to identify the ferry terminal by name.

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm



 To avoid confusion, where there are two or more facilities located within the same general area, University and College markers may include the name of the institution. (Figures 15.3 and 15.4). s Have direct access from the roadway or be located within 1 km driving distance on an intersecting roadway. !PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm !PPLICATIONAND)NSTALLATION /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY s When the facility has direct access from the roadway, the advance sign is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off sign is installed at the entrance. /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY Waste Facility signs are generally installed for both directions of travel, in pairs as Advance and Turn-Off Signs, as follows: 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M719 s Have Municipal Council approval.



This Section Not Used.


450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

1800 mm x Variable Width Where the installation is on a sound barrier, installation shall be at an opening from which a fire hydrant is accessible. 1200 mm x 2400 mm The Fire Hydrant marker may be installed where fire hydrants are present and their location is obscured from view (e.g. sound barrier walls, fencing, etc.). The Fire Hydrant marker should be located at or close to the fire hydrant, parallel to and facing the route. EDR Trailblazer sign There are two options for EDR trailblazer signs depending on whether the EDR signing plan calls for OPEN or FLIP-OPEN EDR signs as described in the section Other Considerations. M703

2700 mm x 6000 mm Picnic Area markers are generally installed for both directions of travel, in pairs as Advance and Turn-Off Markers, as follows:


450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm


900 mm x 1500 mm

Municipal Roads

 #ARPOOL,OT-ARKERS Public Boat Lauch markers are generally installed for both directions of travel, in pairs as Advance and Turn-Off Markers, as follows: M709 0URPOSEAND"ACKGROUND 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M714

 Radio station information should be combined on one sign at a point where two or more stations can be received. A maximum of 3 radio station frequencies may be shown on the sign. Trailblazer Route Markers and directional tabs should be provided along the route wherever a turn is required, and beyond major intersections, as assurance. /THER#ONSIDERATIONS M702 Design Guidance


 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm M805

Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker. M805T

450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm Scenic Lookout markers are generally installed for both directions of travel, in pairs as Advance and Turn-Off Markers, as follows:

/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY s When the facility has direct access from the roadway, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off marker is installed at the entrance. /THER#ONSIDERATIONS

 M805 – Waste Management Facility Sign 900 mm x 1200 mm M805t – Waste Management Facility Tab 600 mm x 900 mm 450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm


Qualification Criteria All EDR signs have been designed with an option to be of either of the OPEN type design or FLIP-OPEN type design. During the planning stages of EDR selection, road authorities must determine the level of resources available for sign activation. In instances where resources are not available to open EDR mainline and/or trailblazer signs during an emergency closure, the sign designs should be of the OPEN type, which after installation are visible 24/7. For road authorities with available resources to open all EDR signs during an emergency closure, it is recommended that the FLIP-OPEN type signs be used. For further information regarding roles and responsibilities, reference should be made to the Ministry of Transportation’s Emergency Detour Route Guideline and Best Practices document (February 2004). 


/NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY s When the facility has direct access from the roadway, the advance sign is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off sign is installed at the entrance. Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker.

s When the facility has direct access from the roadway, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off marker is installed at the entrance.

These markers identify the location of parking areas that can be used for carpooling.  /NTARIO4RAFlC-ANUAL s -AY



900mm x 1200 mm (used on Freeway Service Centre Signs only)

Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker.

s When the facility has direct access from the roadway, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the entrance. The turn-off marker is installed at the entrance.


To avoid confusion, where there are two or more facilities located within the same general area, University and College markers may include the name of the institution. (Figures 15.3 and 15.4). M805 – Waste Management Facility Sign 900 mm x 1200 mm M805t – Waste Management Facility Tab 600 mm x 900 mm

EDR Mainline sign

EDRTrailblazer A – OPEN design:

 Where more than one service marker is to be displayed on the provincial highway approaching an intersection, markers and their tabs may be placed as stand-alone signs, grouped together s Where the facility is located on an intersecting road, the advance marker is installed 500 m in advance of the intersection. The turn-off marker is installed at the intersection. Trailblazing leading motorists to the facility shall be in place on all municipal roadways prior to any markers being installed on the provincial highway.


EDR mainline signs shall have a black border on a white and fluorescent yellow background, using a combination of black and white text. White text shall be used within the crown and EDR symbols, and black text shall be used for all other text messages. The crown symbol shall be green, and the EDR symbol shall have a black border and circular symbol on a fluorescent yellow background. Refer to Figure 10.1.

&IGURE 'n&ERRY3IGNn!DVANCE 0ROVINCIAL(IGHWAY The first option shall consist of three (3) 300 x 450 mm tabs combined vertically as a single assembly. Refer to Figure 10.2.

Tabs (Chapter 4) shall be the same colour as the marker.


ATS Traffic Product Catalogue /THER#ONSIDERATIONS


450 mm x 450 mm 600 mm x 600 mm 900 mm x 900 mm

To qualify for markers, carpool lots shall:

Picnic Area Markers shall be removed, covered or modified with a “CLOSED” tab during the winter months or during any other period when the site is not operational.

This Section Not Used.

This Section Not Used.


s Be free of charge to patrons;



s Be maintained by the road authority;

 To avoid confusion, where there are two or more facilities located within the same general area, University and College markers may include the name of the institution. (Figures 15.3 and 15.4). 



s Be illuminated during hours of darkness;



s Have a public telephone; and

900 mm x 2400 mm


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