0. Draft SIP complete v1.2

Workload Revise, revisit and check VFM

Soft skills Teach & Practice

Big-picture summary Non-core pupil links

Life skills Revise & Re-invent

Embed NPQ Rehearsal of skills

Marking & Feedback Digital technology and workload

Abbey SIP summary 2021-22

Metacognition Develop practice

Involve staff Joint scrutiny wider group

Bucket list Revise & Re-invent




Bucket Life Soft



Narrow gaps English & Mathematics

EYFS Framework Train all staff

Self-regulation Link to metacognition

Mindfulness Embed strategies

Assessment Non-core

Moderate Check consistent understanding

Cohesive Year group refresh

Coach Develop practice

Embed Curriculum changes

At Abbey, children are at the heart of what we do. We will foster a love of learning and make learning fun. We will take sensible risks leading to memorable, challenging learning. We will help our children to learn to think, challenge and have confdence to shape their world. Our children will have a voice. We recognise that each child is unique and celebrate the successes of all. We will promote tolerance and mutual respect as part of a global community. We want all our children to thrive and lead happy, healthy lives.

Key performance indicators

Metacognition: Marking & Feedback: Big-picture Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress. Digital forms and revised assessment processes reduces workload, improves teacher knowledge and supports well-being and retention. 5% uplift in non-core attainment against the school’s curriculum. Pupils can talk knowledgably about how their non-core learning links across subjects within the topics. PEDAGOGY

Framework: moderate: coach All staff are familiar with and use the new EYFS framework including assessment and next steps. Judgements are moderated and ensure consistency across the school and wider sector. 71% attain GLD with parity across groups. Coaching, mentoring, modelling and team-teaching ensure consistency in practice. EYFS

Gaps:assessment: cohesion Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Assessment tasks in non-core support TLA and knowledge of gaps. Tasks used to inform ‘Evidence Me’ Refresh, revise and build capacity to bridge COVID gaps leading to accelerated progress.

Self-regulation: Mindfulness: Embed Self-regulation contributes to strong behaviour and attitudes. These in turn support rapid progress of all. Mindfulness supports pupils in recognising their mental health and proactive ways in which they can manage feelings and emotions. PASS survey shows improved self-perception. New RSHE curriculum improves pupils’ understanding of statutory and non-statutory elements chosen by staff.

Revise:Re-invent: Teach & practice BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum. Bucket list adds extra-curricular opportunities. Life skills support Abbey’s community in non- National Curriculum skills and attributes. Soft skills support wider employment skills and rapid progress of all pupils.

Involve:Embed: Workload A wider range of staff contribute to the QA process and in doing so professionally support and challenge colleagues resulting in strong progress for pupils and professional growth. NPQ staff cement the skills of leadership within their own personal ‘toolboxes’. Workload reform supports staff well-being, retention and useful knowledge of next steps leading to rapid progress from starting points.











INTENT 1. Narrow the gaps in English & Mathematics caused by lockdown(s) and bubble closures. 2. Refresh both the content choices and skill progression of non-core curricula 3. Strengthen the use of teacher assessed tasks to support AFL in non-core subjects.

EVALUATION Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. Leadership release for coaching and mentoring.

IMPLEMENTATION 1. Leaders & UPS staff to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identified by staff, are sufficiently scaffolded to ensure rapid progress from starting points. 2. Ensure that knowledge grids in non-core identify gaps to inform and shape the teaching sequence. Audit against the progression maps. As staff move year groups, topic changes updated on the school’s schemas. 3. Develop a suite of core-tasks that support teachers in their AFL of non-core subjects, linked to the school’s progression maps.



2. Directed time to integrate plans. 3. Moderation of non-core tasks.



1. Pupils return to pre-Covid trajectory. 2. Skill progression covered fully and scaffolded for strategic catch-up; 5% uplift in non-core attainment. 3. Teachers’ summative assessments of ARE in non-core (or above) are accurate. 4. 90% of children make good progress against the school’s curriculum.

INTENT 1. A new EYFS framework becomes statutory in 2021, all staff need to follow this and will require training, coaching & mentoring. 2. New (non-statutory) development matters banding will require adjustment to planning and expectations. 3. Staff will require additional moderation to secure familiarity and use of new judgments.

EVALUATION Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. EYFS lead joint INSET day. 2. HT to update SIMS 3. All phase meetings focus upon moderation and pedagogy to support familiarity 4. AHT release to work alongside to coach and mentor

IMPLEMENTATION 1. INSET day to launch the new framework and structure rapid understanding of the new framework. 2. Adjustment to SIMS mark sheets to reflect new bandings. 3. Additional moderation and scrutiny of judgments to ensure consistency across the phase and wider sector. 4. Revise assessment requirements to ensure balance of workload and understanding next- steps to impact positively upon provision. 5. New baseline test will also need to be administered.





1. New planning reflects the new framework 2. All staff are confident and comfortable to be able to articulate the new bandings and pupil next steps. 3. Assessment is updated, accurate and agreed through moderation. Assessment workload is manageable and useful.

IMPLEMENTATION 1. INSET day to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practice by cascade of EEF Metacognition. 2. Links to L&M section and workforce survey. Revise assessment records and use of smart self-marking forms to support TLA. Free teacher time to focus on next-steps. 3. Staff to draw upon the class knowledge of the non-core units taught to build up a picture map of key-learning that helps all to summarise what has been learnt and key concepts/ knowledge. INTENT 1. A cross-school group of staff have engaged with the EEF for a bespoke Metacognition CPD course of 9 units. Selecting aspects of this will support the school’s pedagogy to lead to accelerated progress. 2. Develop the use of new technology to revise and resists assessment and workload leading to smarter knowledge of what pupils know and can do. This will also support workload and workforce retention. 3. Pupils can articulate the ‘big picture’ ideas that have been covered through non-core work and, where possible, make links to other areas.

EVALUATION Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. EN lead to revise writing 2. SMT to support use of Google forms 3. INSET day Sept 2021 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices. 4. Follow through with the school’s QA.




IMPACT 1. EEF Metacognition strategies support all pupils’ progress and teacher tools for delivery. 2. Workload reduces, teacher knowledge improves and next-steps are addressed swiftly. 3. Pupils can articulate how the non-core learning journey links through the units taught.

INTENT 1. The opportunity to experience ‘Bucket list, life skills and soft skills’ has been significantly impacted by COVID restrictions. These need to be revised and refreshed. 2. Staff are moving year groups which also brings the opportunity to revise, revisit and refresh the main curricular themes and BSL links. 3. Revise, revisit and refresh.

EVALUATION Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. Directed time to plan 2. Website and bookings

IMPLEMENTATION 1. All year groups to revise, revisit, refresh and engage pupils and the wider community in the design. 2. B - build in curricular enrichment 3. L - enhance the NC by providing opportunities to meet the Abbey mission statement and local knowledge. 4. S - ensure that these are taught and experienced through the year 5. Check for coverage loss and adjust so that these resonate strongly with children and adults.





1. Curriculum plans show evidence of BSL. 2. L support leaders’ vision for the wider curriculum opportunity and specific contextual challenges 3. S are actively drawn upon to ensure good progress, behaviour and work ethic.

INTENT 1. This will be the first full year of teaching the new and revised RSHE scheme. A full cycle of teaching supported by QA to ensure that the planned units meet the community need will strengthen. 2. Mindfulness along with managing feelings and emotion taught sessions will support stronger self-regulation and active good behaviour. 3. Links to pedagogy plan and EEF metacognition.

EVALUATION Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation



RESOURCES & TIME 1. QA and associated follow through of RSHE 2. INSET day Sept 2021 for EEF Metacognition aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

IMPLEMENTATION 1. All year groups to revise, revise and deliver the new units. 2. Abbey’s RSHE units provide additional detail on drugs and on-line behaviours including perceptions of sex and sexuality. These units will have specific pre-recorded content to support parents in giving consent. 3. QA of the full taught programme to check for impact including use of pupil voice to check on progress in assimilating the content.





1. New year groups content is fully taught. 2. RSHE is embedded and leads to pupils having a good, active understanding of all aspects. 3. Self-regulation strategies through EEF & RSHE provide a strong support mechanism for active good behaviour and attitudes.

INTENT 1. In leaders’ drive to make a ‘self-monitoring’ school, involve a wider group of staff in QA to build capacity, understanding and professional-professional challenge and support. 2. 10 staff have completed NPQM or L but their opportunity to rehearse the skills has been limited by COVID. This group requires the opportunity to rehearse their leadership skills to cement their knowledge and understanding.

EVALUATION Left blank for on-going and/or final evaluation

3. Revise and revisit workload demands to ensure good staff-wellbeing and workforce retention.



RESOURCES & TIME 1. QA release @ £169 per day 2. Staff CPD directed time to ensure consistency 3. Joint SMT development.

IMPLEMENTATION 1. Involve a wider phase-based group of staff in QA to develop system-wide capacity to lead to a self-monitoring school. 2. Provide opportunity for NPQs to develop their skills and attributes to cement their L&M toolbox. 3. Share the workload summary and actions that leaders have taken to support staff. Ensure that there is a consistent approach to the new and revised assessment processes and wider staff development opportunities.




IMPACT 1. Staff actively engage in QA and through the process challenge and support colleagues to follow the school’s agreed practices and policies. This will lead to accelerated progress for all. 2. NPQ have the opportunity to lead and manage and run the full cycle of QA so that their skills are cemented. 3. Workload reduces, teachers have more time to focus in TLA, well-being and retention improves.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Narrow the gaps in English & Mathematcs caused by lockdown(s) and bubble closures. 2. Refresh both the content choices and skill progression of non-core curriculum 3. Strengthen the use of teacher assessed tasks to support AFL in non- core subjects.

1. 1. Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or beter progress against the school’s curriculum. 2. Assessment tasks in non-core support TLA and knowledge of gaps. Tasks used to inform ‘Evidence Me’ 3. Refresh, revise and build capacity to bridge COVID gaps leading to accelerated progress.

1. Leaders & UPS staf to ensure that prior knowledge gaps, identfed by staf, are sufciently scafolded to ensure rapid progress from startng points. 2. Ensure that knowledge grids in non-core identfy gaps to inform and shape the teaching sequence. Audit against the progression maps. As staf move year groups, topic changes updated on the school’s schemas. 3. Develop a suite of core-tasks that support teachers in their AFL of non-core subjects, linked to the school’s progression maps. 1. INSET day to launch the new framework and structure rapid understanding of the new framework. 2. Adjustment to SIMS mark sheets to refect new bandings. 3. Additonal moderaton and scrutny of judgments to ensure consistency across the phase and wider sector. 4. Revise assessment requirements to ensure balance of workload and understanding next-steps to impact positvely upon provision. 5. New baseline test will also need to be administered. 1. INSET day to refresh the pedagogy choices and add to the agreed practce by cascade of EEF Metacogniton. 2. Links to L&M secton and workforce survey. Revise assessment records and use of smart self-marking forms to support TLA. Free teacher tme to focus on next-steps. 3. Staf to draw upon the class knowledge of the non-core units taught to build up a picture map of key-learning that helps all to summarise what has been learnt and key concepts/knowledge. 1. All year groups to revise, revisit, refresh and engage pupils and the wider community in the design. 2. B - build in curricular enrichment 3. L - enhance the NC by providing opportunites to meet the Abbey mission statement and local knowledge. 4. S - ensure that these are taught and experienced through the year 5. Check for coverage loss and adjust so that these resonate strongly with children and adults.

Leadership release for coaching and mentoring.

Curriculum INSET days x 2

Directed tme to integrate plans. Moderaton of non-core tasks.

4 x Pupil Progress PDM ongoing

Staff QA - wider group Complete cycle will take one year

1. A new EYFS framework becomes statutory in 2021, all staf need to follow this and will require training, coaching & mentoring. 2. New (non-statutory) development maters banding will require adjustment to planning and expectatons. 3. Staf will require additonal moderaton to secure familiarity and use of new judgments.

1. All staf are familiar with and use the new EYFS framework including assessment and next steps. 2. Judgements are moderated and ensure consistency across the school and wider sector. 71% atain GLD with parity across groups. 3. Coaching, mentoring, modelling and team-teaching ensure consistency in practce. 1. Metacogniton strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress. 2. Digital forms and revised assessment processes reduces workload, improves teacher knowledge and supports well- being and retenton. 5% uplif in non-core atainment against the school’s curriculum. 3. Pupils can talk knowledgeably about how their non-core learning links across subjects within the topics. 1. BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum. 2. Bucket list adds extra-curricular opportunites. 3. Life skills support Abbey’s community in non- Natonal Curriculum skills and atributes. 4. Sof skills support wider employment skills and rapid progress of all pupils. 5. Curriculum plans show evidence of BSL. 6. L support leaders’ vision for the wider curriculum opportunity and specifc contextual challenges 7. S are actvely drawn upon to ensure good progress, behaviour and work ethic. 1. Self-regulaton contributes to strong behaviour and attudes. These in turn support rapid progress of all. 2. Mindfulness supports pupils in recognising their mental health and proactve ways in which they can manage feelings and emotons. PASS survey shows improved self-percepton. 3. New RSHE curriculum improves pupils’ understanding of statutory and non-statutory elements chosen by staf. 1. A wider range of staf contribute to the QA process and in doing so professionally support and challenge colleagues resultng in strong progress for pupils and professional growth. 2. NPQ staf cement the skills of leadership within their own personal ‘toolboxes’. 3. Workload reform supports staf well-being, retenton and useful knowledge of next steps leading to rapid progress from startng points.

1. EYFS lead joint INSET day. 2. HT to update SIMS 3. All phase meetngs focus upon moderaton and pedagogy to support familiarity 4. AHT release to work alongside to coach and mentor

1. INSET day x 1 September 2. Follow up PDM for LSP each half term 3. Weekly phase meetngs 4. 1/2 day per week L&M in-class support

1. A cross-school group of staf have engaged with the EEF for a bespoke Metacogniton CPD course of 9 units. Selectng aspects of this will support the school’s pedagogy to lead to accelerated progress. 2. Develop the use of new technology to revise and resist assessment and workload leading to smarter knowledge of what pupils know and can do. This will also support workload and workforce retenton. 3. Pupils can artculate the ‘big picture’ ideas that have been covered through non-core work and, where possible, make links to other areas. 1. The opportunity to experience ‘Bucket list, life skills and sof skills’ has been signifcantly impacted by COVID restrictons. These need to be revised and refreshed. 2. Staf are moving year groups which also brings the opportunity to revise, revisit and refresh the main curricular themes and BSL links. 3. Revise, revisit and refresh.

1. EN lead to revise writng 2. SMT to support use of Google forms 3. INSET day Sept 2021 for EEF Metacogniton aspects to inform pedagogy choices. 4. Follow through with the school’s QA.

1. INSET Day September 2. Follow up PDM to ‘vignette’ good practice linked to pedagogy 3. L&M Time to check through the weekly release 4. 1/2 termly review of subjects NPQML & NPQSL

1. Directed tme to plan 2. Website and bookings

1. 2. 3. 4.

INSET Day September INSET Day February PPA for all staff weekly

Calendar of events for staff/ parents

1. This will be the frst full year of teaching the new and revised RSHE scheme. A full cycle of teaching supported by QA to ensure that the planned units meet the community need will strengthen. 2. Mindfulness along with managing feelings and emoton taught sessions will support stronger self-regulaton and actve good behaviour. 3. Links to pedagogy plan and EEF metacogniton.

1. All year groups to revise, revisit and deliver the new units. 2. Abbey’s RSHE units provide additonal detail on drugs and on-line behaviours including perceptons of sex and sexuality. These units will have specifc pre-recorded content to support parents in giving consent. 3. QA of the full taught programme to check for impact including use of pupil voice to check on progress in assimilatng the content

1. QA and associated follow through of RSHE 2. INSET day Sept 2021 for EEF Metacogniton aspects to inform pedagogy choices.

1. 2.

Taught as part of regular RSHE Review through QA process

1. In leaders’ drive to make a ‘self-monitoring’ school, involve a wider group of staf in QA to build capacity, understanding and professional-professional challenge and support. 2. 10 staf have completed NPQM or L but their opportunity to rehearse the skills has been limited by COVID. This group requires the opportunity to rehearse their leadership skills to cement their knowledge and understanding. 3. Revise and revisit workload demands to ensure good staf-wellbeing and workforce retenton.

1. Involve a wider phase-based group of staf in QA to develop system- wide capacity to lead to a self-monitoring school. 2. Provide opportunity for NPQs to develop their skills and atributes to cement their L&M toolbox. 3. Share the workload summary and actons that leaders have taken to support staf. Ensure that there is a consistent approach to the new and revised assessment processes and wider staf development opportunites.

1. QA release @ £169 per day 2. Staf CPD directed tme to ensure consistency 3. Joint SMT development.

1. Half termly review with NPQML/SL to draw from and inform provision

Abbey Infant School


Abbey Junior School








I01 I01 I01 I03 I05 I06 I06 I07 I08 I09 I10 I11 I18 I18

Funds Delegated by the LA


1,219,532 1,219,532


Early Years Funding











Early Years Funding - Adjustment

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


I01 I01 I01 I03 I05 I06 I06 I07 I08 I09 I10 I11 I18 I18

Funds Delegated by the LA


1,593,591 1,593,591


SEN Funding Pupil Premium




Early Years Funding







58,835 14,341 40,523

Early Years Funding - Adjustment


Other Government Grants - Teachers Pay Grant Other Government Grants - Teachers Pension Grant

0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

SEN Funding Pupil Premium

52,006 98,185

52,006 98,185

52,006 98,185

49,294 110,945 16,787 47,432 146,928 (2,860) 12,826

Other Grants and Payments Income from Facilities & Services





Other Government Grants - Teachers Pay Grant Other Government Grants - Teachers Pension Grant

0 0

0 0

0 0

764 111

Income from Catering

Other Grants and Payments Income from Facilities & Services

144,160 24,000

132,000 24,000

132,000 24,000

Supply Teacher Insurance Claims


Other Insurance Claims

Income from Catering

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0


Additional Grant for Schools - Sports Premium

17,782 97,548

17,782 97,548

17,782 97,548

Supply Teacher Insurance Claims

17,782 97,548


Additional Grant for Schools - UIFSM

Other Insurance Claims


Abbey Infants Curriculum Budget 2021-22

Abbey Junior Curriculum Departments 2021-22






Additional Grant for Schools - Sports Premium






Additional Grant for Schools - UIFSM




Total Income Revenue



1,510,549 1,510,549








Total Income Revenue




1,938,395 1,938,395

Ledger Code

Cost Centre

Curriculum Area

Total Budget £



Curriculum Area




Budget £











E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28

Teaching Staff


2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,500

120 100 116 101 121 107 113 102 109 115 103 105 104 117 110 114

D379 Year 3 - Stock Incl Books D379 Year 4 - Stock Incl Books D379 Year 5 - Stock Incl Books D379 Year 6 - Stock Incl Books

1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,000

D379 100 ICT










Supply Teaching Staff Education Support Staff


D379 101 Art and Design




281,016 85,103 86,656

300,194 86,854 93,742

306,999 88,706 96,426

E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28

Teaching Staff


300,986 85,731 92,394

D379 102 DT




Supply Teaching Staff Education Support Staff


D379 103 EYFS Continuous Provision

Premises Staff

D379 Lunchtime D379 Playden

D379 104 Science D379 105 PE D379 106 Music

467,335 68,480 71,925 94,580 7,500 5,000 9,000 5,500 2,000 2,000 3,000 53,084 25,000 21,809 15,500 82,085 51,500 23,600 11,000 10,000 33,990 0 0 30,000 54,900 15,200

475,466 63,335 83,298 96,987 7,577 5,051 9,092 5,556 2,020 2,020 3,031 53,625 25,255 22,031 15,658 82,922 30,425 23,841 11,112 10,102 34,337 0 0 30,306 55,460 15,355

475,632 64,588 85,845 99,079 7,654 5,103 9,185 5,613 2,041 2,041 3,062 54,172 25,513 22,256 15,818 83,768 30,736 24,084 11,226 10,205 34,687 0 0 30,615 56,026 15,512

444,662 60,383 78,464

Administrative Staff

Premises Staff

D379 SEN




Catering Staff


D379 Art and Design

Administrative Staff




Other Staff


D379 107 Year 2 - Stock Incl Books

D379 DT

Catering Staff


D379 108 MFL

7,500 4,000 8,000 3,500

7,577 4,041 8,082 3,536

7,654 4,082 8,164 3,572

Indirect Employee Expenses Development and Training Supply Teacher Insurance Other Staff Related Insurance

7,500 8,799 6,535 3,500

D379 Science D379 Music

D379 109 History / Geography

Other Staff


D379 110 English D379 111 Maths D379 112 Library


D379 MFL

Indirect Employee Expenses Development and Training Supply Teacher Insurance Other Staff Related Insurance

7,500 7,125 8,423 5,500

D379 History / Geography

D379 PE

D379 114 Year 1 - Stock Incl Books




D379 Computing D379 English

Building Maintenance and Improvement Grounds Maintenance and Improvement


D379 116 Lunchtime




2,610 2,142 2,000

D379 Maths


D379 120 SEN

Building Maintenance and Improvement Grounds Maintenance and Improvement


1,500 2,000

1,515 2,020

1,531 2,041

Cleaning and Caretaking Water and Sewerage

D379 Well Being


D379 127 Foundation - Stock Incl Books

2,965 4,000 3,000

D379 Library

Cleaning and Caretaking Water and Sewerage

15,000 16,103 64,934 15,905 3,750

15,153 16,267 45,596 16,067 3,788

15,308 16,433 46,061 16,231 3,827


15,000 15,843 12,106 76,978 22,986

Total Curriculum Budget




25,000 23,000 15,000 77,300 24,960

Total Curriculum Budget


Other Occupation Costs


Learning Resources (not ICT)

Other Occupation Costs

ICT Learning Resources

Learning Resources (not ICT)




Exam Fees


ICT Learning Resources




Administrative Supplies Other Insurance Costs


Exam Fees






Administrative Supplies Other Insurance Costs

25,905 11,000 10,000 49,066 29,955 72,955 11,661




Special Facilities Catering Supplies


111,048 23,300 19,500 12,200

112,181 23,538

113,325 23,778

78,418 20,800

Special Facilities Catering Supplies

Agency Supply Teaching Staff Bought in Prof Services - Curric Bought in Prof Services - Other




Agency Supply Teaching Staff Bought in Prof Services - Curric Bought in Prof Services - Other




Total Expenditure Revenue



1,545,013 1,580,948

Total Expenditure Revenue



1,970,933 2,003,425

In Year Surplus / (Deficit)

14,530 37,316 51,846




Surplus / (Deficit) Brought Fwd Cumulative Surplus / (Deficit) C/Fwd

51,846 39,685



In Year Surplus / (Deficit)


(2,497) 58,274 55,776





Surplus / (Deficit) Brought Fwd Cumulative Surplus / (Deficit) C/Fwd

91,475 58,274

55,776 23,238



Sense check and links to EIF aspects - triangulate with the SEF and ‘Why are we still good documents’

Quality of Education*

Behaviour & Attitudes

Personal Development

Leadership, management & governance

III links to the new EIF and where the intentions from the SIP fit into the EIF.




Curriculum to narrow gaps

Curriculum conversations lead to updates, improvement and amendments to narrow gaps

90%/35% of pupils make better than expected progress through the school’s curriculum. Covid-catch up puts children back on-track to their pre-Covid trajectory

RSHE taught and evaluated leads to stronger behaviour. Metacognition and self-regulation supports enhanced focus on tasks - leading to stronger progress

Parental workshops

QA policy review

Non-core curriculum assessment

Bucket, life & soft review, revise & refresh Mental health & well-being active mindfulness

NPQML & SL embedding

Non-core assessment tasks support next steps.

BSL review

UPS staff VFM

Pupils talk confidently about the curriculum learning journey

EYFS new framework

Marking and feedback workload reform

Proportions at ARE YN & YR

Marking & Feedback workload reform through digital

EYFS framework consistently delivered

5% uplift non-core ARE

Wider leadership involvement & development

BSL enhance the national curriculum by bespoke Abbey aspects; pupils use and talk confidently.

Pedagogy and Meta-cognition consistent practice

Link Governors: See committee terms of reference and termly governor visit schedule.

Current situation as at June 2021. Both schools are now OE 2 (Inf @ May 2013 (full) and October 2017 (S8); Jr @ May 2015 (full) and December 2019 (S8)). Teaching is consistently good and progress is good across all key stages and rising at key stage 2 – sig + in R, Wr & Ma. Behaviour and attitudes is good and personal development is good with outstanding elements. Leadership and Management is good overall with strengths in Senior Leadership Team, NPQSL/ML & Governance. Safeguarding has been externally scrutinised by the Local Children’s Safeguarding Board and is outstanding; Financial audit has rated infants as ‘satisfactory assurances’; Juniors as ‘Outstanding assurances’. Infants new build block replacement completed June 2019.; 50K annual investment for Key Stage 2 each and every year for three years; three-year budget within 5% of carry-forward although DFE funding review places considerable strain on the school(s) and a staffing reduction may be necessary. School has been awarded BSQM; AFPE; Music Mark; NAPTA; Sainsbury’s Gold; Speaker’s Award; PE Premium Award, ICT Mark, Coachmark. Double Gold Artsmark October 2018; BSQM re-assessment July 2018; Bronze Healthy School’s award 2021; Rights Respecting Schools award 2021.

Expectations by Summer 2021 – Overarching outcomes statement.

In Y1,3,4,5 the proportion of children making expected and better than expected progress against the school’s own curriculum is 90%/35%.

In Y2 & Y6 the school’s attainment places us close to Fischer Family Trust (FFT) 20 therefore in the top 20% of schools for progress. (Note below re: published assessment information)

In EYFS the Good level of Development (GLD) remains at national or above; the proportion of pupils making good progress against the school’s curriculum is 90%/35% (pending new year baseline assessment)

Pupil premium children attainment and progress match the non-pupil premium in-school group and diminish the difference to the national non-disadvantaged group or is rapidly improving.

Note: following Coronavirus there were no statutory tests/tasks at any key-stage and consequently no IDSR for 20-21. School’s own assessment used to inform priorities.

Success criteria (measuring the desired outcomes) – see individual section plans below and- Additional possible avenues to share success – Basic Skills Quality Mark (BSQM); E-Safety 360 Quality Mark; ICT Mark; Inclusion Mark; Arts Mark; Investors in People; PSQM; Anti-bullying mark; RRS award; Note: The ‘When’ column indicates the start time of most of the aspects. The grid below shows where aspects will be returned to so that the SIP spreads developments across the academic year.



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