0. Draft SIP complete v1.2

Key performance indicators

Metacognition: Marking & Feedback: Big-picture Metacognition strategies become embedded in pedagogy leading to rapid progress. Digital forms and revised assessment processes reduces workload, improves teacher knowledge and supports well-being and retention. 5% uplift in non-core attainment against the school’s curriculum. Pupils can talk knowledgably about how their non-core learning links across subjects within the topics. PEDAGOGY

Framework: moderate: coach All staff are familiar with and use the new EYFS framework including assessment and next steps. Judgements are moderated and ensure consistency across the school and wider sector. 71% attain GLD with parity across groups. Coaching, mentoring, modelling and team-teaching ensure consistency in practice. EYFS

Gaps:assessment: cohesion Rapid progress - 90% of pupils make good or better progress against the school’s curriculum. Assessment tasks in non-core support TLA and knowledge of gaps. Tasks used to inform ‘Evidence Me’ Refresh, revise and build capacity to bridge COVID gaps leading to accelerated progress.

Self-regulation: Mindfulness: Embed Self-regulation contributes to strong behaviour and attitudes. These in turn support rapid progress of all. Mindfulness supports pupils in recognising their mental health and proactive ways in which they can manage feelings and emotions. PASS survey shows improved self-perception. New RSHE curriculum improves pupils’ understanding of statutory and non-statutory elements chosen by staff.

Revise:Re-invent: Teach & practice BSL are revised, revisited, promoted and permeate through the curriculum. Bucket list adds extra-curricular opportunities. Life skills support Abbey’s community in non- National Curriculum skills and attributes. Soft skills support wider employment skills and rapid progress of all pupils.

Involve:Embed: Workload A wider range of staff contribute to the QA process and in doing so professionally support and challenge colleagues resulting in strong progress for pupils and professional growth. NPQ staff cement the skills of leadership within their own personal ‘toolboxes’. Workload reform supports staff well-being, retention and useful knowledge of next steps leading to rapid progress from starting points.











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