

Cornwall’s Olde Car Club coming out of hibernation


It feels like an eternity, since the last time Cornwall was snow free and for the Corn- wall Olde Car Club, the wait seems to be nearly over. The organization, which had 68 members last year, has scheduled May 13 as their official first cruise night of 2015. Established in 1961 by a small dedicated group of individuals whose love for the clas- sic, antique and special interest vehicles has permeated continuously over the last 42 years, the club’s goal consists of the ongo- ing restoration, preservation, maintenance and enjoyment of antique vehicles. “We want people that are restoring their cars to come out of their shops and garages,” said club President Barry Cox. But although the club does cater to classic cars, any owner of hot rods or “tuner” cars is also welcomed to come to cruise nights. “It doesn’t matter if you have a classic car or even a newer car,” added the president. “We invite anyone who loves cars.” But although Cox invites and even en- courages tuner owners to attend the cruise nights, he admits that there is some mis- communication between some tuner own- ers and classic car restorers. “The people that restore classic cars sometimes see tun- er owners in a different way,” explained the president. But it seems as though the Olde Car Club has looked passed the differences and is welcoming with open arms what Cox de- scribes as “the younger crowd”. “It’s impor- tant for the younger people to become in- terested in cars,” he said. “We want younger people to come and participate. It’s a way to socialize and even make friends in the process.” But what exactly is a tuner car? Car tuning is the modification of the performance or

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More than 250 vehicles took part in the 2014 AutoRama , organized by the Corn- wall Olde Car Club and hosted at the Nav Center. The club, which had 68 members last year, has scheduled May 13 as their official first cruise night of 2015. appearance of an otherwise stock vehicle. Car tuning is, in turn, related to auto racing. “They sure are more than just giant radios,” Cox stresses while chuckling. “Several peo- ple see them as that, but these cars have small four cylinder engines that, with a little work, become more powerful than most of the engines in our older cars.” In addition to car shows and cruise nights, the club is also trying something relatively new, club cruises. “We try to go to car shows together, as a club,” mentioned the presi- dent. Every August, the club also organizes Auto Rama , a non judged car show, hosted at the Nav Center. “Last year, we had 250 cars and we handed out 50 awards,”revealed a proud Cox. “It used to be known as a judged show, but we thought we’d hand out participant prizes instead. It seems to really work. A lot of members leave with something.” Any individual interested in joining the club is welcomed to attend their general meeting, held every third Thursday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. at the Cornwall Legion.

Médaille d’argent pour les élèves de 7 e année de L’Héritage!

Ce texte est un travail collectif de la classe 7A de L’Héritage

Des élèves des 7 e et 8 e années de six écoles de la région se sont rendus à l’Académie de la Seigneurie à Casselman pour un tournoi d’improvisation organisé par le CEPEO. Neuf élèves de la 7 e année de l’École secondaire publique L’Héritage ont participé à ce tournoi. Tous les autres élèves de cette même année d’étude se sont rendus sur place pour encourager les participants et voter pour les meilleures improvisations. Chaque école a eu la chance de jouer trois joutes spectaculaires. Selon Abby Mallory, partici- pante, ce tournoi amical a été très amusant et une belle expérience. “Lors de cette acti- vité, nous avons dû travailler notre expression orale et nos habiletés théâtrales en im- provisation”, a ajouté Caleb Sergerie, élève participant. Les joueurs aimeraient remercier tout particulièrement Michel Campeau, ancien élève de L’Héritage, qui a bien accepté de donner de son temps pour entraîner l’équipe avant le match.

Playoff schedule announced for the Colts

The Cornwall Colts playoff dates for their first round CCHL playoff series with the Hawkes- bury Hawks have been set. The first round match up will be a best of seven series with the first two games being played in Cornwall. Game 1 will take place on March 12 at 7:30 p.m., game 2 on March 14 at 7 p.m., game 3 on March 15 at 7:30 p.m. and game 4 on March 17 at 7:30 p.m. If necessary, game 5 will take place on March 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Cornwall, game 6 on March 20 at 7:30 p.m. in Hawkesbury and game 7 on March 22 at 3 p.m. in Cornwall. Playoff tickets are available at the Colts office (downstairs at the Civic Complex) during regular business hours. (FR) Woman steals from employer A woman is in hot water after she decided to bring home money from the till. Amanda Denneny, 30, of Cornwall, was arrested on February 27 and charged with five counts of theft under $5000. It is alleged that, during the month of February, while working as a ca- shier at a local business on Ninth Street, the woman took money from the cash on several occasions and police were contacted to investigate. During their investigation, the woman was taken into custody, charged accordingly and released to appear in court on April 2.

Les élèves de l’école L’Héritage sont fiers de dire qu’ils ont gagné toutes leurs joutes avant la grande finale. La dernière joute contre les élèves de 8 e année de l’école Le Som- met d’Hawkesbury a été un peu plus corsée, se terminant avec un pointage de 6 contre 4 pour Le Sommet. Les élèves de 7 e année de L’Héritage sont tout de même très fiers d’avoir participé à leur premier tournoi d’improvisation et d’avoir obtenu une très belle médaille d’argent. Cette activité enrichissante a permis à tous les participants de créer des liens avec d’autres jeunes des écoles francophones de la région. Les élèves de L’Héritage ont aussi eu la chance de perfectionner leurs habiletés théâtrales lors du tournoi d’impro CEPEO, qui a eu lieu en début mars. Les élèves de L’Héritage qui ont participé au tournoi ont remporté le titre de «meilleure chimie d’équipe » . Les participants aimeraient remercier la merveilleuse foule qui les a encouragés tout au long de la journée! Ci-dessus, au premier rang, on reconnaît Fabienne Lafrance et Caleb Sergerie. Au centre, Olivia Haley, Reef Laflèche-Rozon, Jessica Beauvais-Sauvé et Samuel La- victoire et, à l’arrière, Mme Lyn Lacombe, enseignante, Abby Mallory, Geneviève Grigg, Alexia Swiatkowski-Dupont et Michel Campeau, entraîneur.

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