King's Business - 1955-07

The How of Holiness B y Ruth Paxsou see page 20


25c JULY 1955

M r s . Redmonds B e fo r e break fast, a rabbit huat see page 48

Summertime is Conference Time fo i Too!

Scenes of the beauty and activity available to you at any one of these marvelous Christian Conference Centers, waiting to serve you this summer and every summer with programs and facilities for all ages, from childhood and youth through maturity. Enjoya Thrilling VacationwithaPurpose CHOOSE A PLACE TO P LA Y , AND A PLACE TO PRAY MOUNT HERMON — ¡ Near the Bay Area hidden away in the heart of the magnificent giant Redwoods. Complete hotel accommodations, housekeeping cabins, bungalows. Swimming, boating, hiking, tennis, horseback. All types of relaxing recreation. Foremost Bible teachers, speakers and talented Christian performers. Î Located near Redlands 'with lovely Lake Mears, rustic Lakeview Lodge, Bastan- chury Lodge, couples cabins, family accommodations, Hormel Hall, Roundhouse, all types of recreation, and the greatest array of conference speakers ever assem­ bled on God’s mountaintop. ! In the high Sierras, near Fresno, overlooking famous King's Canyon. Fishing, swimming, boating, huge trees. Complete hotel and family accommodations plus dormitories. Well-known Christian speakers, teachers, musicians and artists for children, young people and adults. Beautiful scenic drives, finest high-gear highways to all three of these luxuriant Christian vacation spas • ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP OF THESE FINE SPIRITUAL RESORTS • MAKE NEW FRIENDSHIPS THAT W ILL LAST A LIFETIME • MAKE DECISIONS IN THE BEAUTY OF GOD'S HANDIWORK • FIND GOD FOR YOURSELF WHERE NATURE IS AT ITS BEST FOREST HOME — HUME LAKE —

For further information, write or telephone to: HUME LAKE CONFERENCE, INC. 155 Van Ness Avenue Fresno 1, California Phone: 4-6409

FOREST HOME, INC. 4940B Vineland Avenue North Hollywood, C alif. STanley 7-091 1

MOUNT HERMON ASS'N, INC. Christian Conference Center Mount Hermon, California Phone: EDison 5-4466



in Cjleelz Gabthcjualz nes

A FRODITI TSERVELI was sitting outside her home, holding in her arms her little girl, Chrysoula, and talking to her older daughter, Frederiki. At first there was a slight tremor of the earth and the electric current was cut off. Seconds later the whole landscape was violently shaken and deafening sounds came from the depths of the earth. A ll three sitting outside that little home were killed as the wall tumbled over on them. W h a t had happened ? Volos, the fourth largest and one of the most beautiful industrial centers of Greece, was no more. Refore the eyes of the stricken people their homes and all they possessed were reduced to a mass of rubble. Clouds of dust spread over the whole city. Terror and panic gripped their hearts. The least noise sent the people running up and down shouting for heaven’s mercy. One shock followed another. Fortunately that initial tremor had warned the people that something big was in the making, and most of them had managed to get out in the open. For that reason only 12 were killed and 60 injured. But of the 13,000 homes of the area, 95% are uninhabitable. Every­ body wanted to leave, but where could 80,000 people go? In a few minutes they had been left homeless, their fac­ tories and fields destroyed, no shelter but the fields, away from the danger of falling rocks and tumbling ruins. Now many of the population are living in tents—even the patients from the Central Public Hospital, which was completely destroyed. Whole families try to keep warm under one little blanket. Our orphanage Director rushed from Katerini seven large tents which we use in the summer for our Macedonian Youth Camp. Some of the 25 families of our brethren are sheltered in these. Twenty of the younger evangelical children were immediately taken to our Orphanage in Katerini. Some of the believers also who lost all have been given shelter in our newly erected Bible Institute building in Katerini, just 40 miles north of the scene of this great calamity. E y ew itn e sse s tell oi fran tic p e o p le going from, p lace to p lace look ing fo r r ela tives and friend s, shouting names in the hope of hearing a response from under the ruins. After the earthquakes came torrential rains, bringing human suffering beyond description to this crowd of frightened men, women and children. There they must lie, out in the open, horror- stricken, red-eyed from sleeplessness, waiting in agony for the elements to calm down. In deep anguish of heart they build fires from the splintered debris of their own homes. An old fa th er, almost out of his mind, keeps hugging his injured son. He has nothing else in the world to live for. His house collapsed, but that is nothing if only God will spare his son. A m o th er is hysterical—laughing, shouting, crying. She lost her mind along with her all as her only daughter was buried in the ruins of her home. S om e o f the villages a re in p itiable plight, In Drakia 100 inhabitants are in the open under tragic conditions. In Ano Lehonia the water supply has been cut off. In St. Vlasios all the houses were destroyed and 1,050 inhabitants left to the mercy of the elements, with only four tents to shelter them. In Syki large rocks fell long distances down the mountainsides, destroying fruit and

A grief-stricken woman whose mother and child were killed in the earth shock is aided by a neighbor and a Greek marine at Volos.

olive trees on their way. Out of 1,500 homes 1,400 were demolished, leaving 1,800 homeless. The bakeries were destroyed and the people left without bread. The Am erican M ission to G reek s immedi­ ately diverted 136,192 lbs. of foodstuffs worth $31,791.00 which were sent for its regular relief program to this area. W e also sent $1,000.00 in cash, 12,000 lbs. of clothing and drugs worth $6,500.00. This is very little compared to the tremendous need. We must show our Christian com­ passion for these people. We must help them to be sheltered and fed, and must give them the one message that will lift them out of despair. Here is how you can help. We want to distribute among these people 25,000 Greek New Testaments, which we can get at five for a dollar. This is the hour to give these afflicted people God’s Word. You remember what Paul said, “ Having received the Word in much affliction” (1 Thess. 1:6). He said it of the Greeks of old. W ill it be said again as a result of our faithfulness in reaching them with the Gospel? We also have an opportunity to buy 7,000 new heavy all-wool blankets at only $3.00 each. Good used clothing is urgently needed, especially for men. This can be sent to us at 265 West 79th Street, New York 24, New York. Even more desperately needed are cash con­ tributions to relieve these people in their destitute condition and to provide them with the Word of God. You may designate your gift for Relief or Scriptures or both. Please send all letters to Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, AMERICAN MISSION TO GREEKS, INC., P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (Please note that this address differs from that given for shipment of used clothing.) (In Canada: .90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont. Please send no clothing from Canada.)

JULY, 1955


here’s what our august issue will feature B y n ow m ost o f y ou have received a special letter te lling you that our A u gu s t issue is fea turing material fo r non -Christians on ly . F rom the cov e r righ t on th rough , the magazine has been planned to encourage an honest, open con sidera tion o f the claims o f Jesus Christ. There is n o th in g in the entire magazine that is ju st fo r the believer. W e ’ve spent m ore than a year plann ing and pray ing fo r this A ugu s t issue. W e believe the first duty o f a Christian is to g lo r ify G od b y being an ambassador fo r H im . W e must not a llow ourselves the luxu ry o f be ing pam ­ pered spiritually. It is all to o easy to attend m eetings and to pray and to read w ith the sole goa l o f feed ing our own souls. T h is w e must do. But we must g o beyond . Our first du ty as Christians is to tell others o f our Saviour. Our A u gu s t issue has been prepared w ith this duty in mind. There w ill be a w ide variety o f material that w ill appeal to a lm ost anyone you know . Th ere w ill be n o th in g to embarrass y o u or the one y ou g ive the magazine to. W e wan t to thank you fo r y ou r prayers and fo r jo in in g w ith us in g e t ­ tin g this special issue into the hands o f y ou r friends and loved ones. F o r you r conven ience y ou m ay use the order b lank be low . A ll cop ies w ill be mailed flat in an envelope and postpaid. P rice is 25c each, 5 fo r ju s t $1.

P lease send your special August issue to the follow ing:

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The King's Business

558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

total money enclosed



THE KING’S BUSINESS Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board Vol. 46, No. 7 JULY, 1955 ARTICLES IN CHRIST IS LIFE — This Thing Called Faith .............. ................ 13 WHOSE FRIEND ARE YOU? — Vance Havner ....................................... 14 LA MIRADA MODEL— Photo story ........................................................ 16 THE ROMANCE OF CONQUEST— Peter Hoogendam ........................ 17 THE HOW OF HOLINESS — Ruth Paxson .............................................. 20 ARGENTINA SLAPS CURBS ON CATHOLICS . ............................. 22 POEMS FOR JULY ........................................................................................... 35 "S” IS FOR SEVENTEEN AND SUSANNAH — Margaret Jacobsen .. 36 ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS — Marie M. Chapman .. 44 THE DURABLE MRS. REDMOND— Photo story ........ ..... ................. 48 FEATURES UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. . Miller 1 ..................... 7 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK .................................................................... 8 READER REACTION ....................................................................... 9 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ................................................................ 10 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news _......................... 11 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ......................................... 22 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ........................ .................. 23 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................. 24 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ............................. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ......................... ...... 26 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTIONBOX .......... 28 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore .. 29 THE-SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith ......................................... 30 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ........................................................... 32 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ............................................................................... 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ............................... 38 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 40 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 46 COVER One day recently a visitor walked into the editorial office of Lucy Redmond. On the desk was this message written in firm , flowing lines: "C all unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." This was her promise from God for the need of the hour. Every task, every prayer request, every decision, she submitted to this verse. And that day when the visitor left he knew in some small way the secret of the great ministry of Lucy Red­ mond (see page 48). — Art : Marvin Rubin • Photo : Lloyd Hamill Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


editor S. H. SUTHERLAND managing editor , LLOYD HAMILL .


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copy editor ROSE HARDIE

advertising manager MILTON R. SUE circulation manager'

STELLA HINTER business monoger J. RUSSELL ALLDER editorial board . Donald G. Davis • Chorles L. Peinberg James O. Henry • Mortho S. Hooker Margaret Jacobsen • Chester J. Padgett Donald S. Robertson • Oran H. Smith Gerald B. Stanton


SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $ 1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for .details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extrq. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES —- Payable , in advance, should be made by bank draft; express, or post office money order payable to

"The King's Business." Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. . ADVERTISING-—For information address the Advertising Manager. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS——"The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for; loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for. consideration.

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los Án­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for moiling at special rate of postage provide# for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em- .bodied In paragraph 4, section 538, P .L and R., authorized October 1, 1918-, and November 13, 1938. Printed in *U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S,' Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

LETTERS Truly we thank God for the mar­ velous way in which the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles has remained faithful to the Lord in the training of Christian leaders. The Sudan In­ terior Mission now has nearly 100 of your graduates in our mission family and we thank God for them. We trust that with this enlarged vision and an enlarged student body that doubtless will follow there may be a constant increase in the number of young people that are going forth into the Lord’s work, and particularly into the regions beyond. We wish we had twice as many well trained mis­ sionaries ready to go forth today into the fields that are white unto har­ vest.

It is a joy to share with you in fellowship and prayer that the Lord Himself will provide every need and mightily bless in the expansion of B iola . Be assured of our continued interest and constant prayers to that end. Bloomfield, N. J. M. A. Darroch, Home Director Sudan Interior Mission FROM PERCY CRAWFORD: THANKS Congratulations on your plans for B iola . Enclosed is a check I’ve long wanted to send to say thanks for all B iola did for me. King's College, Del.. Percy Crawford Dr. Crawford is a graduate of B iola ( ’26) and is director of Young Peo­ ple’s Church of the Air and founder and president of the King’s College.

Recently the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles announced the purchase of 50 acres just outside the downtown congested area. Plans are now going forward for the im­ mediate construction of a 3 million dollar campus. Here are a few of the letters the school has received commenting on this forward step for Christian education. THE FUTURE DEPENDS . . . We are praying that God will give you wisdom and courage for the great step of faith which you have taken to lead B iola in this strategic expan­ sion program. I personally believe that the future of the Christ-centered and evangelistic testimony of God’s people in Southern California de­ pends very largely upon the leader­ ship of the Bible Institute. I pray that God will bless your own heart with a constant sense of His pres­ YFC: INDEBTED It is, indeed, an opportunity for me to congratulate the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in the great forward step in acquiring ground for a new campus. Of course, being as proud as I am of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, I do not hesitate to say that this move to enhance the future of thousands of young men and women in the years to come is, indeed, thrill­ ing. Youth for Christ is indebted to B iola . We have had the privilege all over the West of encouragiiig young people after high school gradu­ ation to get further training at your school. You can count on our prayer­ ful support in this tremendous un­ dertaking, for it is a must. Los Angeles, Calif. Roy McKeown, Sec. Youth for Christ, Inti. FOR SIM: 100 We truly rejoice with you in the provision the Lord has made for the future of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Our earnest prayers are that the Lord will give real wisdom in the planning of this new campus, and that He will lay the burden upon the hearts of multitudes to share in this provision. 6 ence with you. Los Angeles, Calif. Norman L. Cummings Orient Crusades

A Check for a Campus The Rev. Porter Barrington (left), Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Van Nuys, presents Biola President Sutherland with a check for $1,000.


Increase Attendance

A n n o u n c i n g . . . INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PROPHECY NOVEMBER 6 - 13, 1955 at the Calvary Baptist Church 123 West 57th Street, New York City • To break the doubtful silence left by the Evanston assembly on such vital subjects as: The true meaning of the Kingdom of God The nature and sphere of the Kingship of Christ The validity of the promises made by God to Israel • To clear the air with reference to: The Hope of the Church The imminency of Christ’s return The final destiny of the redeemed The doctrine of the Rapture The Great Tribulation 25 renowned Christian leaders will discuss these themes in the light of the revealed Word. COMMITTEE Write for full information: DR. A . B. M ACH LIN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM Dept. K Winona Lake, Indiana THE WINONA LAKE CONFERENCE ON PROPHECY AND THE JEWS 1955 DATES, AUG. 29 - SEPT. 5 is America's unique annual institute for the study of the Prophetic Word in an atmosphere of natural beauty and spiritual renewal. Ministers and lay people from everywhere come to this end-of-season conference for instruction -and inspiration. Drs. W illiam Culbertson, V . Raymond Edman, Alva J . McClain, Walter L. Wilson, Robert L. Powell, James McGinlay, Hyman J. Appelman, are among this year's teachers and preachers. For information write to: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM Dept. K Winona Lake, Indiana D r . W illiam C ulbertson D r . V . R aym on d E dm an D r . F r a n k E. G aebelein D r . A lbert G. J ohnson D r . A lva J. M c C lain D r . J. P alm er M u n tz D r . J oh n S. W im bish

Bible Knowledge Spiritual Results with the kind of teaching tools you have a lw ay s w a n ted . . .

I Don’ t Understand i lometimes I don’t understand |you, Mother. What’s so wrong about staying across the street after dark?” “ I don’t e s p e c i a l l y care whether you understand me or not, David. My business is to teach you obedience, not the why or wherefore of my discipline. I do not want you away from the house after dark simply because you belong in the house then.” “ I’m no little kid. Don’t forget I’m 14. I know how to behave.” “ Mother doesn’t doubt that you’d not deliberately get into trouble. But you must remember that most of the boys living in that apartment center have little or no Christian training. Their parents don’t care what the boys do as long as they are not under foot. It is after dark when many youngsters your age get into trouble. You want to keep your testimony shining, don’t you?” “ Yes, ma’m, I do. I’ll try to remember.” Several days after this conver­ sation David’s parents were en­ veloped in a fiery trial. “ Dear Father,” Mother cried in anguish of spirit, “ I don’t understand why we have to go through this. People are so fickle, Lord, and I don’t think they’re worth it!” Suddenly, above the rebellion, her words to David beat on her heart, but the voice was the Lord’s. “ I don’t especially care whether you understand Me or not. Yours is not to question but to obey. My discipline is for your good, and I will never fail nor forsake you.” Rebuked, Mother fell on her face before her Father God Who never makes a mistake. The Word rolled in cleansing waves over her soul. “ No chastening for the present seemeth . . . joy­ ous . . . nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Heb. 12:- 11 ).

GOSPEL LIGHT Sunday School Lessons BIBLE BASED Gospel Light lessons systematically guide the Sunday school student through the whole Bible. You who are teachers gain eager interest at once. Classes grow. CHRIST CENTERED Pupils have constant opportunity to become personally acquainted with Jesus Christ both as Savior and as Lord, for He is the central figure of Developed by experienced educators, Gospel Light lessons are correctly graded for each year through high school. Excellent preschool and adult courses are also available. The lessons are not dated. You can start using them any time. Leftover copies will not be wasted. CHURCH RELATED When you teach Sunday school with the aid of Gospel Light lessons, your pupils develop church consciousness and loyalty. This increases church membership and interest in the entire church program. Please examine Gospel Light lessons at your local Christian bookstore or write for further information. Gospel Light lessons. CORRECTLY GRADED Please send me your folder giving complete details on Gospel Light lessons — plus a chart on "How to Organize Your Sunday School." Dept. KB-7 Name---------- ----------------------------------------- Addrest. . ..................... ................................ > ----- City— —— _______________ Zone____State--------- Position in Sunday School or Church______________ Church______________!---------------------- >—----------


JULY, 1955

fromthe editor’s desk

Vaccine ( n spite of the “ ups and downs” in getting the polio vaccine program under way, we nevertheless acknowledge with thousands of others that the Salk vaccine is certainly one of the most marvelous medical dis­ coveries of our day, and we rejoice that we are living in a time when science is making such strides. Much credit is due Dr. Salk and his assistants for their painstaking labors, their self-denying concentration, and their unselfish interest in this attempt to free parents and others forever from the fear of the deadly killer and crippler, poliomyelitis. The nation’s heartfelt thanks are only what Dr. Salk deserves. However, one thing has disturbed us in this entire matter. It may be that we have missed it in the press releases although we have en­ deavored to read all of them. It is this: nowhere have we read that any praise was given to God for this discovery. If Dr. Salk and his associates did pray for divine wisdom in isolating this virus and preparing the serum to combat it, and did give glory to the Lord for their unprece­ dented success, we have missed it, and we trust that someone will point it out to us. It is our belief as it is stated in Colossians 2:2 and 3 that in Him “ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,” and that back of every human invention and discovery is His almighty hand, pointing the way to that which He has known from the beginning. Venture I n previous issues of T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , mention has been made of the very great venture which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is undertaking in the proposed removal of its headquarters from the down­ town location at Sixth and Hope Streets to La Mirada, 22 miles south­ east of the heart of the city. I’m writing this editorial not as an editor but as the president of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Let me tell you some of the things that are on my heart. That we have outgrown our present quarters is but an indication that, unworthy as we are, the blessing of God has been resting upon this, His work, in the nearly 50 years of its existence. While increasing our facilities has been under consideration for a number of years as we have steadily grown from one school to four, we believe that early this year we were led of God to begin to make real the vision of an attractive campus and adequate buildings by taking the first step of faith in actually purchasing 50 acres of land. We have the land. We are now faced with the immense task of securing the three million dollars it will require to erect suitable build­ ings. We confess that if we were depending upon ourselves or other people, we should faint in our tracks before we begin. But two verses challenge us, one from the Old Testament, “ Is anything too hard for the Lord?” and its answer from the New, “ For with God nothing shall be impossible” (Gen. 18:14; Luke 1:37). So our central committee, com­ posed of the chairmen of all the campus campaign committees, an­ nounces the official dates for the drive as September 19 to October 31, 1955, with a “kick-off” rally at the Church of the Open Door on Sunday, September 18, at 2:30 p.m. This, then, is a call to prayer to you, our readers, subscribers and friends, to go to the throne of grace on our behalf without ceasing, in the days that lie ahead, asking that God’s will be fully accomplished, and that everything be done for His praise and glory. This is one way in which all of you can help us, and we will appreciate it from our hearts. “More things are wrought by prayer” than by any other means in the work of the Lord.

throughout the west... the


• Heart searching messages 9 Thrilling testimonies * Outstanding features * Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FREE STATION LOG WRITE TO BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR LOS ANGELES 17, CALIF.



r^eader r^eaction



Sirs: I can’t resist expressing my horror on reading in the June issue ( People’s column) about the college students from an evangelical denominational Christian college who tortured a poor, dumb animal, a cat, just for a prank and sport. Such frolic would be most repulsive if it came from a secular college, let alone a Christian college. Rickreall, Ore. Mrs. Katherine Babcock Sirs: I am satisfied that this sincere young man is most sorry and repent­ ant for his cruel, unthinking and im­ petuous act. For his cruelty he is willing to be crucified as was his Saviour, Jesus Christ, but he is be­ wildered by the mob who insist that he be expelled from his college, shunned by his friends and even burned and tortured. Mankind too can suffer, and in ways the other animals are incapable of. This young man’s conscience and his feelings about the attitude of his fellow man toward him constitute a suffering and punishment difficult to measure. I be­ lieve he has had more than enough and now needs help, mine as well as yours. Pasadena, Calif. Joseph A. Sprankle, Jr. Judge, Municipal Court Sirs: In the May issue (page 21) I saw something that is very misleading. The Lodge in the picture is nowhere near to Forest Home. It is called Lakeside Lodge and is quite a ride away. A visitor to the rock pile at Forest Home would be disappointed at not seeing this lodge. Inglewood, Calif. B. A. Pfeiffer The lodge pictured is a part of the Forest Home Conference grounds. — ED. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Sirs: Was surprised to read in K.B. that Seventh-day Adventists are the top money-givers of any church body in America. Certainly they do not give more than the Methodists or Baptists do as denominations. San Bernardino, Calif. G. R. Saunders No, but only more per member according to the National Council of Churches. However, the Southern California SDA office reports a total membership three times that released officially. If this is true then their per member giving would drop dras­ tically. - — ED. THE ROCK PILE

m m immmi




CHRIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY, located on an 84-acre Campus high up on the eastern slope of the Alleghany mountains, in the most picturesque portion of Western New York, overlooking the historic Canisteo Valley. There is no reason why consecrated young men and women cannot avail themselves of the necessary training at CHRIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY if God has called them into Christian service in the home or foreign field as pastor, evangelist, mission­ ary or Christian worker. To those who are called and have not funds, work scholar­ ships are available. For those who can pay, the usual charges are made for room and board. Let us prepare you for Christian leadership by emphasizing the deeper Christian life, prayer and soul-winning, together with practical skills and scholarship. FALL SEMESTER OPENS: September 20, 1955. Write today for free Catalogue direct to the Dean, Room 226. CHRIST COLLEGE AND SEMINARY H O R N E L L , N . Y .

HAROLD GEO. MARTIN, Ph.D., D.D., President HENRY J. DAVIS, Th.D., D.D., Acting Dean

yOUR WALLS will be greatly enriched by this distinctive manner of present­ ing "God’s Word.”

WROUGHT IRON OR BRASS WALL PLAQUE Choose from John 15:9 (A ) — Rom. 5:1 — Rom. 6:23 (B ) — Eph. 2:8 — Col. 1:14 — Heb. 13:8. An excellent testimony for every Christian. These attractive plaques will grace the walls of any home with their meaningful Scripture message. Text is printed and covered with glass front. Frame is 7x8, and is individually boxed to make ideal gift for any occasion or use as prize. Order several today! _ G IF T BOXE D 1 7 5 CHRISTIAN GIFTWARES and POSTPAID l _ 1271 Pasito St., San Bernardino, Cal. NO C.O.D.'s f ROOKS BIBLE WORK BOOKS By DR. KEITH L. BROOKS ;e Question-and-Answer Method to Uncover Spiritual Riches This amazing series of 23 titles covers the important parts of God’s word and yields up the pure gold of its teaching equally for simple converts or scholarly minds. Searching questions are answered with Bible references to be looked up and written down. Try this simple direct method and discover , the blessing possible from even a few minutes a day,


BEGIN NOW TO KNOW THE BIBLE BETTER Junior Bible W ork Book 25c Doctrinal Studies........... 50c 9

JULY, 1955



Heart or John's G ospel. . 20c

Prophetic Research......... 65c

HYMNS YOU LOVE------------- By Phil Kerr Am erica The Beautifu l Words by Katherine Lee Bates Music by Samuel Ward K atherine Lee Bates was born in Falmouth, Mass., Aug. 12, 1859. She received a splendid education, earning literary de­ grees, and became professor of English at Wellesley College. She authored 17 books. In 1893 she journeyed across the country to teach summer school in Colorado Springs. En- route she stopped at the Exposi­ tion in Chicago, and was im­ pressed by the grandeur of America’s advancement as depict­ ed there. Soon after reaching Colorado, friends took her to the top of Pike’s Peak. As she gazed at the soul-stirring panoramic vista spreading before her for hundreds of miles, “ then and there [she wrote] the opening lines of ‘0 beautiful for spacious skies’ sprang into being.” She completed the poem a few days later in Colorado Springs. Return­ ing East, she retained her con­ nection with Wellesley College until her death, March 29, 1929. Several tunes have been com­ posed especially for “ America The Beautiful,” and it is a strange fact that the tune Materna, which is most generally used, was or­ iginally composed for another song! In 1882, 11 years before the poem was written, Samuel Ward composed a time for a hymn which was called “ 0 Moth­ er Dear, Jerusalem,” the tune receiving the name Materna. Samuel Augustus Ward was bom Dec. 28, 1848, in Newark, N.J. and died there Sept. 28, 1903. For years he was the proprietor of a music store, and was the director of a choral club. A lm ost Persuaded Words and Music by Philip Bliss An evangelist named Brun- dage was preaching one night in Chicago, basing his sermon on the story of Paul’s trial before Agrip- pa, using as his text “ Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts 26:28). He concluded the sermon with the statement that “ He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, and to be almost saved is to be entirely lost.” Phil­ ip Bliss was in the audience, and was immediately inspired to write this song.

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A monthly column of names in the news

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This month in Glendale, Calif., beloved gospel song writer Phil Kerr was recuperating following major surgery (stomach ulcers). In evan­ gelical circles rumors were rife that he was dying from cancer in spite of repeated doctor’s reports that the ul­ cers were non-malignant. Similar, and just as unfounded, rumors were noised about a few years ago when Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, under­ went a like operation. On a star-lit evening a few weeks ago 17,500 Presbyterians gathered in

“ Through the influence of Campus Crusade for Christ, my wife Barbara and I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a more vital way. In the three years that we have been active in the Crusade at UCLA, we have seen many scores of students trust Christ as their Saviour and become effective witnesses for Him.” So speaks Bob Davenport (above), All- American fullback and chairman of Campus Crusade for Christ at UCLA. Would you like to have a part in this strategic work? Campus Crusade needs men. It is doubtful if there is a more strategic mission field in the world than the 2,500 college campuses of America. From UCLA the work has spread to many other campuses across our country with hundreds of decisions for Christ. Win the campuses to Christ today and we win the world to Christ tomorrow. If you are interested in devoting full time to campus evangelism, please address your corre­ spondence to Campus Crusade for Christ, 1385 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles 24, Calif. if you cannot go, you can pray and give to send others on their way.

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KNOX BY STARLIGHT In the afternoon, a return to the Dark Ages. the Hollywood Bowl to watch a por­ trayal of the life of John Knox, free- dom-loving Presbyterian pioneer of Scotland. The occasion was the 167th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. For many in the audi­ ence the superb play was a dull mockery. The same afternoon the judicial body of the Assembly voted against permitting Presbyterian min­ isters to teach at near-by Fuller Theo­ logical Seminary. Under the stars that night, a wife of one of the Presbyter­ ian professors watched the display on religious liberty and audibly wept. Said a member of the denomination’s largest church: “We Presbyterians to­ day have proved to the world that we now trample underfoot tolerance and religious liberty. We have re­ turned to the Dark Ages.” Total statistics are just in on Billy Graham's recent British campaign: at­ tendance, 3,139,365; decisions, 77,348. At the climax of the meetings the British press snapped to attention when Billy was invited to preach to the royal family in Windsor Castle. Among those present were the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen Moth­ er, Princess Margaret. His text: Acts 27:25.

JULY, 1955

Things have changed in California

A century ago an eastern tenderfoot arrived in California in search of gold. He asked a gold-laden sourdough the secret of his success. The shifty-eyed sourdough rubbed the butt of his pistol. “ I lets guys like you find the stuff and then I jumps their claim’.’ Well, things have changed in California. Out of its rich and exciting past has grown a stable, healthy economy. And with this growth has come a new kind of Christian higher education. 9 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has pioneered in developing a Christian education program that meets the need of today’s Christians everywhere. Biola is made up of a Bible college offering a B.A. degree and elementary teaching certificate, a two-year Bible Institute, a one-year post-graduate school of Missionary Medicine, a three-year post-graduate theological seminary (Talbot).

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You are invited to write for free literature. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California BIOLA GRADUATES INCLUDE SUCH SPIRITUAL LEADERS AS: Percy Crawford, Dick and Don Hillis, Irwin Moon, Charles E. Fuller


In Christ Is

This Thing Called Faith A brilliant young chemist was chatting with his neighbor about Christianity. Said the young chemist, “ I believe only in what I can see and weigh and compound.” Said his neighbor, “ Then give me a cubic inch of your mind and five pounds of the love you have for your wife.” Well, the young chemist got the point his neighbor was trying to put across. There are a good many things in life that we can’t see and weigh and compound. And because we cannot they are no less real. We simply accept them by faith. You recall the Bible says, “ Faith forms a solid ground for what is hoped for, a conviction of unseen realities” (Heb. 11:1, Berkeley Version). Now even though we are constantly living by faith in the secular realm we often find it difficult to do the same in the spiritual realm. How often we say that we’d like a right relationship with God but we just don’t have enough faith. This is a very real problem but one I don’t think we need worry about. The stumbling block here is that we’re making faith too important. I know some folks who seem to major in having faith in faith. Which of course amounts to nothing. Let’s not worry about having faith. Remember the data of the Christian faith is a historic fact. We are not to have faith in a philosophy of life or a beautiful set of ideas. We are to have faith in a Person. It is Jesus Christ in whom we are to place our faith. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life and apart from Him there can be no salvation. Faith is our response, our total response, to the Person of Jesus Christ. It involves our will, our intellect, our emotion. The Bible says, “ But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” And because this is true our faith can never be neutral. We either receive Him or we do not. There is no neutral ground. We are constantly deciding for or against Jesus Christ. How do we get this faith to believe on Christ? Well, we might as logically ask how a child has faith in his parents. There is no deliberate, conscious effort on the child’s part. He simply responds to the love of the parent. Jesus Christ asks no more. He wants us to use nothing more than simple, child-like faith when we come to Him. He is the only One that understands and can do something about the deep need of your inner self. Won’t you take this simple step of child­ like faith and in doing so find that in Jesus Christ is abundant, overflowing life? — L. H. (If you desire more help on what it means to become a Chris­ tian, you are invited to write The Editors, The King’s Business, 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.) 13

Perhaps your relationship with God isn’t always what you ’d like it to be. Each month this special page is written to help seeking hearts find that in Christ is abundant life. When you ’ve read this page won ’t you clip and share it with a friend?

JULY, 1955

by Vance Havner

Whose Friend

Christians toda y m a y not be thrown to the lions o r tied to

L ately there has been a rash of books and films based on the historic clash of the Christians of the Catacombs with the Caesareans of the Colosseum. It was a great chapter when the blood of the mar­ tyrs was the seed of the church. Men had to choose between Caesar or Christ—for a man can have only one Lord at a time. This empire within an empire, this “ third race” that Toynbee calls “ creatures of an alien underground,” this heavenly common­ wealth in the world but not of it, this scum of the earth made a theater to this world, this minority group in a pagan land, they had heard the call of Christ and therefore had no use for the cult of Caesar. There was a price to pay and they paid it. Some were thrown to lions. Some were tied to the stake. Their burning bodies be­ came literally the flaming torches which already they had been in spirit. But 10 persecutions could not stamp out this strange sect. It prospered instead for, like Brer Rabbit “ bom and bred in a briar patch,” the church has thrived on trouble. Though secure in danger, the church is en­ d an g e red by security and Satan changed his tactics when persecution did not destroy the saints. And what persecution could not accomplish pop­ ularity almost brought about. Con­ stantine professed Christianity and made it ¡fashionable to be a church member. Multitudes of unconverted pagans flocked into the churches. Christianity became the state religion. Old heathen feasts became church festivals. The Lord’s Supper became a sacrifice instead of a memorial. Preachers b e c ame priests. Ornate buildings and ostentatious ceremon­ ies took the place of the simple wor­

ship of the catacombs. Instead of Christianity transforming the world, the world dominated Christianity. We have never recovered from that colos­ sal tragedy. A Twentieth Century Caesar Today church members sit in com­ fortable theaters and see modern movies of early saints who chose Christ instead of Caesar. They read modem novels about the Catacombs and the Colosseum. And most of them are blissfully unaware that the same story is being repeated in another form today. It is going on right here before our eyes. Christians in Ameri­ ca are not being thrown to lions or burned on poles. But there are other ways of persecuting the saints. There are clever, dignified, even religious ways of making it hard for the Mas­ ter’s minority today. Caesar is now dead; yet the choice is the same. It is Caesar or Christ. It is the choice that Pilate faced: “ If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend: who­ soever maketh himself a king speak- eth against Caesar.” By and large the professing church today is a popular church in America. She enjoys the sanction of Caesar. She is filled with baptized pagans. The world fills her offices, directs her programs, pays her bills. She is not at contrast with this age but at compromise with it. By Caesar I do not mean the gov­ ernment. Jesus said, “ Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s.” Christians have an obligation to gov­ ernment. Paul makes this clear in his Roman epistle. By Caesar I mean this age, this pagan world set-up, this modern order which is under the god of this age and which the Bible calls the world. With all its wealth, its culture, its magnificence, it is a

tremendous thing to come up against. But the Christian does not belong to it. He has been saved out of it. He is in it but not of it. He is sent into it to win others out of it. His citizenship is in heaven. Noise, Nickels and Noses The Popular Church has come to terms with this age. She borrows its methods, she apes its techniques. She does not ask, “ How does God do it?” She asks, “ How does Caesar do it?” How does the social world, the busi­ ness world, the amusement world, do it?” She tunes in on Hollywood in­ stead of heaven. She worships size and noise, revels in statistics, counts nickels and noses. Instead of cutting Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300, she would raise it to 50,000. She is not interested in taking out a people for God’s name; she is building re­ ligious empires and ecclesiastical super-corporations. She has lost her simple faith, her pilgrim character and her blessed hope. The early church looked for the Lord to return. After Constantine she made earth and not heaven the center of her program. She is on good terms with the world and makes light of those who see no concord between Christ and Belial. She loves money and what it will buy. She is not interested in sound doctrine; all that matters is just to be friendly. She laughs at separation from the world. Her fel­ lowship is little different from a civic club or a fraternal order. She has crucified Christ because she is a friend of Caesar. But there is still a Persecuted Church. It is not a certain sect or denomination. Its members are to be found in all church bodies. They are not perfect people but they are dif-



Are You?

the stak e9 y e t fo r us each da y life has

Colosseum conflicts

ferent and they are not satisfied with imperfection. They started out with a conversion instead of a decision. They have been bom again. Jesus is not only their Saviour; He is their Lord. They believe there is only one way to be saved and that makes all other ways false doctrine. They are on good New Testament ground there. And they are on good New Testament ground when they believe you can­ not walk the way of the cross and the way of the world at the same time. And they are on good New Testament ground when they look for Jesus to come again. They have no organization of their own. You cannot organize them; they are an organism, a fellowship of the Spirit, and they know each other like the early Christians knew each other in the midst of pagan Rome. They are exasperating to Caesar’s world for they are strangers and pilgrims and Caesar’s world is their passage, not their portion. And they are irritating to Caesar’s church because they just don’t get worked up over a lot of projects put on in the name of re­ ligion. An Ecclesiastical Dog-house So they are persecuted. I do not refer to those holier-than-thou sep­ aratists, modem Pharisees in their super-sanctity. They bring just criti­ cism upon themselves. I mean simple New Testament Christians of what­ ever Church or persuasion. The pres­ sure is terrific these days if one does not get in step with Caesar. It makes one look almost un-Christian if he does not fall in with current trends and fashions and popular brands of adapted (instead of applied) Chris­ tianity. He is not burned at a stake, but the powers that be can make it

pretty hot for him otherwise. He is not jailed, but he can land in an ecclesiastical dog-house. He is not put in exile geographically but he can be isolated by other means just as effectively. He is not beheaded these days but he can be demoted and shunted off to a Podunk charge while a politician pulls the wires and lands in swanky Ichabod Memorial. Make no mistake about it, the choice is still Caesar or Christ. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan says, “ The Chris­ tian life is lived in the midst of gi­ gantic forces opposed to Christ and God.” Caesar’s world and Caesar’s church are an imposing set-up these days and it takes all the wisdom we can pray down to make decisions and all the courage we can pray down to stand by them. Christian youngsters face Caesar in godless pagan high schools. They encounter his demands in college and university. They make the choice in society, to dance or not to dance, to drink or not to drink, to smoke or not to smoke, to say noth­ ing of dope and immorality and all the subtle lure to “ do as Rome does.” But after all, there were two kinds of Romans in Rome. There were Christians even in Caesar’s household. They lived in it but not of it and we can do the same today. The businessman faces it: whether to allow a few crooked practices be­ cause everybody does it; the unequal yoke of an unsaved partner; worldly organizations and projects that solicit his support; witnessing for Christ to a godless office force; the wine glass at a convention; what to do with his money. When I see a humble but stalwart Christian true to Christ on a job where all day long he is im­ mersed in paganism, I see a modern saint among the Caesareans.

It is not easy in the home where only one knows Christ and must needs stand alone. Many a good wom­ an today fights a lonely battle seven days a week, as true to Christ as ever was a believer in the amphi­ theaters of Caesar. When she slips into church and sits over there in a comer seeking fresh grace for a new week, you may not know it but there is Quo Vadis up to date. She is not fed to lions in a Roman colosseum but she is among lions all the time and maybe dying a slow death of heart­ break. A Choice Between Two Friends Our Lord called His di s c i pl es friends. Pilate had a chance to be Jesus’ friend. But he chose to be Caesar’s friend and so gave in to the crowd that cried, “We have no king but Caesar.” The Jews too made a choice that day; they rejected their rightful king and chose Caesar. It is a choice between two friends. It is a choice between two kings. You can­ not have both. A man cannot be a friend of Christ and a friend of Caesar for “ whosoever will be a friend of this world is the enemy of God.” Do not be deceived by the pomp and splendor of Caesar’s world and Caesar’s church. You cannot be popu­ lar with and persecuted by the same crowd and we have been told that “ all [not some but a ll ] that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” It is not Christ and, it is Christ or. And whether we wear purple robes or dress suits, whether we ride in chariots or Cadillacs, whether we tread the sands of an ancient colos­ seum or the streets of a modern city, the choice is the same. Whoso will be a friend of Christ can be no friend of Caesar. END.

JULY, 1955


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