King's Business - 1955-07

WORLD NEWSGRAMS Crash o f Stars B ea rd A g es A fte r The sound of the collision of two galaxies of stars in outer space reached the earth recently. According to a London report, Pro­ fessor A. B. C. Lovell picked up the symphony of sound by ultra-power­ ful radio-telescope and recorded it. The terriffic screach which had the force of millions of exploding hydro­ gen bombs was reduced to a hiss by its 100 million years of travel through space at about the speed of light— 186,000 miles a second. M a ca ron i M ach in e M a k e s B ic e Marco Polo, Venetian traveler of the 13th century, is supposed to have taken the art of noodle-making back from the Far East to Italy. After about 700 years, the switch is com­ plete. A Japanese firm has now im­ ported a 50 million yen rice-making machine from an Italian noodle man­ ufacturer. The artificial rice is said to have about the same nutritive val­ ues as macaroni and is free from the bad smell common to artificial rice. The company turned out 300 tons of the ersatz rice a month and is plan­ ning to import another machine in order to increase the output. C o r Sku ll B on e s! An A n n iv ersa ry Peiping scientists claimed that more fragments of the Peking Man have been found in excavation at Chowkowtien, 30 miles southwest of Peiping, which is the site of the original discovery. According to Peiping radio, Dr. Young Chung-chien, paleontologist with the Chinese communist-control­ led Academy of Sciences, reported a new discovery at a meeting of scien­ tists in Peiping last year on the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the first skull borrfes of the ancient man. Dr. Young said that excavations carried out since 1949 had unearthed five teeth and two bone fragments. In Feb., 1953, Peiping announced that three teeth and some bone fragments had been found. Kuo Mo-Jo, president of the Peiping Academy of Sciences said that there 22

jorne^O^ Henry, M.A., Editor Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

were possibilities for further impor­ tant discoveries at the Chowkowtien site. He said “ exploration of the inval­ uable sight at Chowkowtien has also provided paleolithic relics, human made stone fragments and traces of the use of fire which have enabled scientists to reconstruct how the Pe­ king Man and prehistoric animals fought their battles 500,000 years ago.” The Christian finds it impossible to accept all of the claims of paleontolo­ gists and much more so claims com­ ing out of the Communist capital. Con fused Issu es Out of a small town in Tennessee comes a fabulous story which is sym­ bolic of the confused state of the na­ tion and the world. “ A girl of 13 was married recently to the 49-year-old father of a son and daughter who are now husband and wife of her divorced parents. That makes the bride the step-mother-in- law of her own parents. To carry it further, she is the step-mother of her step-mother and her step-father, and the wife of her step grandfather. And if this girl has children, she will be the step-great grandmother of her own children.” Statesmen, politicians and many P rotestants around the world this month were casting an analyti­ cal eye at the church-state up­ heaval in Argentina. Since the death of President Juan D. Peron’s out­ spoken and politically powerful Cath­ olic wife, the President has been on a relentless crusade to sever the Catholics’ stranglehold on Argentina. The Chamber of Deputies voted (112-9) for a three point program that brought a howl of protest from as far away as the Vatican. The over­ whelming vote provides: 1) Separa­ tion of church and state. 2) The can­ celling of tax exemptions of churches and religious organizations. 3) The discontinuing of Catholic religious

others including some religious lead­ ers have so confused the issues of so­ cial welfare and totalitarian philoso­ phies that ordinary people such as we are, cannot recognize our proper relationships with our fellow men. Adam and E v e a M y th In England an Anglican bishop commented: “ The Bible story of Adam and Eve is a myth and it serves no Christian interest to pretend otherwise.” So said Dr. F. R. Parry, Bishop of Southwell in a news letter to his diocese. “ It does not describe an event which happened at the dawn of history. It presents one of the per­ manent and moral realities of human nature,” the bishop said. In commenting further on the story he states that, “ the author is stating a fundamental truth about man in the form of a story, a dramatic poem, or as the theologians now say, a myth.” The bishop assumes that all theolo­ gians agree with him. He states fur­ ther “ it is indeed a dramatic presenta­ tion of the meaning of sin and it rings true in all ages.” He advised Chris­ tians to be “ perfectly frank about the Adam and Eve story. Otherwise they would be maneuvered onto false ground in trying to defend indefensi­ ble positions.” education in the public schools. A few hopeful evangelicals thought Peron’s move against the Catholic Church was an indication that the President had become an evangelical convert. Probably a more realistic view was voiced by Dr. Walter Mon­ tano, editor of Converted Catholic Magazine. In a telephone conversa­ tion, Dr. Montano told T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s that he felt the move was in political self-defense and did not have a religious motivation. Mon­ tano, however, thinks Peron’s new program will be of great help to Pro­ testants. To back up this view he cited Chile and Ecuador where similar laws give equality to all religions.

Argentina slaps curbs on Catholics


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