King's Business - 1955-07

MARTHA S. HOOKER, Editor Associate Professor of Christian Education, Biola Bible College


made another lunge toward the other cat who had not turned to run as most cats did when they met fighting Kitty Bibbs. Kitty Bibbs Knocks Himself Out But this time he jumped too hard. His head hit the cat—which was really just his own reflection in the mirror—and the force was so great that Kitty Bibbs fell unconscious on the floor. Linney’s mother, hearing the sound, ran up the stairs, and to her astonishment, found the big cat lying on the floor as if he were dead. In a moment she guessed what had happened. She had been using the door-length mirror in the sewing room to fit a dress, and Kitty Bibbs had seen his own image in it and had picked a fight with himself. “ Goodness, I wonder if he is dead,” she murmured, “ Linney would be heartbroken. But why she loves such a quarrelsome animal I don’t know.” She picked up Kitty Bibbs and observed that he was still breathing. She took him downstairs and laid him in his little bed which Linney had arranged with such loving care. He aroused a little and she got him some warm milk and—wonder of wonders!—after he had lapped up some of it, he actually licked her hand feebly. The rest of the day Kitty Bibbs lay quietly in his bed. When Linney came home from school, she was told what had happened. She took her pet on her lap and soon he was purr­ ing. When Father returned from work, he laughed heartily at the story. He examined the lump on the cat’s head, and to everyone’s surprise, Kitty Bibbs did not object, but only kept right on purring. “ I do believe that animal has had a change of heart,” said Linney’s father, “ And it is a good thing cats have nine lives, for that blow could have killed him.” Then Linney told her father how she had wished that very morning that something would happen to make her cat less quarrelsome. “Well, maybe the accident did knock some sense into his head,” her father said with a laugh, “We’ll see how he acts tomorrow.” Linney knew that back of her fath­ er’s words was the intention of letting Kitty Bibbs go if he did not behave better.

Then good old Bozo came by and licked Kitty Bibbs with his big red tongue. Apparently he realized that the cat was not feeling well. How do you think Kitty Bibbs responded? He just tapped Bozo gently with his paw. Linney laughed delightedly and the next day when she put her cat in the doll carriage, and he didn’t mind having the neighborhood chil­ dren play with him, her cup of joy was full. Linney whispered to Kitty Bibbs that night as she poured into his pen “ half-and-half” as a special treat in­ stead of his usual plain milk, “I don’t know how a fight with yourself in a looking-glass could show you how much better it is to be friendly than it is to be fighting all the time, but it surely makes me happy to have you like others, and to have them like you. ’Course, I always did love you,” she added loyally.

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news for news about August issue see page 4

It was fun to explore a ball of yarn.

It isn’t hard for us to see the lesson in this story, is it, boys and girls? We don’t have to suffer a bump on the head to understand that if we take an unkind, unfriendly, quarrel­ some attitude toward people, soon no one will want us around. If, on the other hand, we are kind and smiling to everyone — not just to special friends — people will like us and want to be in our company. But, more important than that, we who love the Lord Jesus Christ will want to glorify Him in the way we treat our mothers and fathers, our sisters and brothers, our schoolmates, our teachers and everybody. In Eph. 4:32 we read: “ And be ye kind one to another.” When we wake up in the morning, it would be a good idea to take a look at ourselves in the mirror, and see that there is a smile on our faces before we go to the breakfast table. People like sunshine better than clouds. And above all, let us not “ pick fights” with anyone. END.

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JULY, 1955


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