King's Business - 1955-07

BOOK REVIEWS All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. F rom Nation to Nation By Martha L. Moennich The author describes the mission fields of the world and the denomi­ national and so-called faith missions working in them. This is a good practical introduction to world-wide missions. 153 pages; cloth; Zonder- van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. These 14 brief messages were given by the vicar of St. John’s, Redhill, Surrey, Eng. Much that is helpful will be found in these pages, al­ though the author reveals occasion­ ally that he is not a thorough-going conservative. 61 pages; cloth; The Macmillan Co., New York; $1.75. App oin tm en t with God By J. B. Phillips M o r e P la ys and Pagean ts fo r M a n y Occasions By Ernest K. Emurian Discriminating youth leaders will be able to make good use of these plays, which include patriotic and worship backgrounds. Some of the material reveals exhaustive research. 215 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Com­ pany Publishers, Boston, Mass.; $2.50. These 11 sermons on the person and work of the Holy Spirit were delivered by 11 different ministers at the evangelistic conference of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in 1954. Among them are Billy Graham, W. R. White, W. A. Cris­ well, E. D. Head and R. C. Campbell. 149 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2. J. D. Emerson has translated from the French this excellent treatment of the Holy Spirit and His ministries by the principal of the Emmaus Bi­ ble School, Lausanne, Switzerland. Premillennial and dispensational in viewpoint, this work provides a prac­ tical introduction to this important Scripture doctrine. 223 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50. The H o ly Spirit’ s M in istr y Edited by C. Wade Freeman The P e r son and W o r k of the H o ly Spirit By Rene Pache

crash on his way home at the close of World War II. Feeling that she can never love again she wanders away from the Lord, but the story recounts God’s dealings with her— which bring the joy of a new love and fruitful Christian service. 184 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. The author depicts the story of an attractive young “ widow” whose hus­ band has been declared dead in the Korean war. The latter turns up after Gail Drieth has become engaged, aft­ er a week’s acquaintance, to an evan­ gelistic song leader, David Vincent. After many improbable sequences, in­ cluding the death of Gail’s husband, Gail and David are married. One might question the effect upon Chris­ tian young people of the type of love portrayed here. Theological questions arise as well—Gail stating on page 47, “ I am not a Christian any more,” and on page 174, “ I am a Christian again now.” 282 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. Here is a charming piece of Eng­ lish Christian fiction revolving about a physician in a small English town. Great changes take place in the lives of some who attend the great stadium meetings in London, which are clear­ ly the Billy Graham meetings, al­ though his name is not mentioned. 256 pages; cloth; The Paternoster Press, London, England; 8 shillings, six pence. The Texas gulf coastline is the lo­ cale of this novel of Christian ro­ mance. Brian Clayton is turned from unbelief and doubt to a definite ex­ pe r i enc e of God’s saving grace through the testimony and prayers of his friends. Young people will find this tale a blessing to their own hearts as they see how God works out the problems of a consecrated girl like Lynnea Kelton. 215 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. Y ou rs fo r F ou r Y ea rs By Paul Hutchens The perennial Christian novelist ’Neath T exa s Stars By Yetive H. Dean Physician H ea l T h y se lf By Dorothy Dennison B e y o n d This Night By Rachael Borne

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This Passing Night By Marie Chitwood

Los Angeles 14, Calif.

TUcker 4855

This Christian novel involves the problems of Donna Clayton, whose young husband was killed in a plane



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