King's Business - 1955-07

ENJOY PEACE OF MIND Through a Remarkable Annuity Plan That Enables You To Give and Receive Richly

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D. Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

has caught the atmosphere of the strange Pomeranz family, as young Dr. Darryl Dietzwood, during four years in medical school, looks after the oddly assorted characters. Their tragedies, troubles, triumphs and joys all become his, and through them one can trace Christ’s power to transform lives through the forgiveness of sins received by faith. This book will help young people to understand the prob­ lems of the handicapped and socially unaccepted as it points out the bless­ ed fact that God looks at inward beauty rather than outward appear­ ances. 316 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $3.50. The author has based this story of American Indian life on the western plains of Kansas and Oklahoma on the remarkable life of Charles Jour- neycake, the last principal chief of the Delawares. The novel begins with the arrival of the Delawares on the Kansas reservation in the spring of 1829. The reader relives the tragedy of the unwanted Indian family, pushed from reservation to reservation to the accompaniment of the white man’s musket and whiskey bottle. Young Charles Morningside, Chris­ tian chief, shows his people the way to victory in Christ. 333 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. The American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and Dwight L. Moody have their places in the pages of this piece of Christian fiction. Mary, a simple Quaker girl, is loved in her unsophis­ tication by two men—William, who wanted to make her over into a cul­ tured woman of the world, and James, a soldier, who loved her for what she was and sought no change. The spir­ itual content is excellent, and Chris­ tian young people considering mar­ riage will discover the great impor­ tance of likemindedness. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. B oth Banks ot the B iv e r By Argye M. Briggs H om espun By Emmet Russell T om o r row I ’ ll B e Happp By Dorothy C. Haskin Here is another of the many Chris­ tian novels coming from the press these days. The action of the story involves a triangle motive and shoot- CONTINUED ►

Send tod ay for an interesting free booklet that tells h ow you m ay share in the great w ork o f spread in g the G osp el th rou gh ou t the w orld—at the sam e tim e receiv in g a safe, generous, as­ sured, lifelong income, begin n in g imm ediately. T od a y , sure, w rite T H E A M E R IC A N B IB L E S O C IE T Y , D ept. K B -2 0 5 450 P a rk A ven ue, N ew Y ork 22, N . Y .

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JULY, 1955

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