King's Business - 1955-07

Christian Education

5. What is the purpose of the created universe according to Ps. 19:1? 6 . What does the creation teach about God? Discuss this question and jot down on the blackboard some of the great truths about God as evidenced in creation. 7. What is the meaning of v. 2? How is God’s patience suggested by this verse? 8 . How is the truth about God shown to be universal? (w . 3,4.)

the kind of love our Lord has for us? (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8.) 4. Should the believer be jealous for the name and fame of the Lord Jesus? (v. 6 ; Eph. 4:1-3, etc.) 5. How does the Holy Spirit indicate the indestructible character of the love of Christ for His people? (v. 7a.) Discuss this fact. 6 . How does the Holy Spirit indicate the transcendent value of this love be­ tween Christ and the believing soul? (v. 7b.) 7. The inspired statement that came from the lips of Mary as she bore the Son of God in her womb is another poem and is filled with spiritual truth. Why was it that all believers were to acknowledge Mary as highly blessed of God? (Luke 1:48,49.) Does this mean that she is to be worshiped? Does this mean that Mary is the mediator between God and man? (1 Tim. 2:5.) 8 . For what things does Mary praise God in w . 49-55? Discuss these things. Has God done any of these things for you? How?

Aug. 21, 1955 Lessons from Youth Hymns Iso. 30:29; Ps. 40:1-3


What God Means to Me

Ps. 27

Aug. 16 —

A New Song

Ps. 98

Aug. 17 —

Encouraged to Sing

Isa. 42:10

Aug. 18 —

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups

A Manner of Speech Aug. 19 — Teaching Through Songs

Eph. 5 :1 8 , 19

Col. 3 :1 6

Aug. 20 —

By Chester J. Padgett, D.D. Associate Professor of English Bible Talbot Theological Seminary

Aug. 14, 1955 Lessons from God's Heavens Ps. 8:3-5; 19:1-6

A Midnight Song

Acts 16:25

HEART OF THE LESSON The Christian faith is an experience that brings with it a song. The Lord not only lifts a man up; He also tunes him up. There is not a happier person on earth than the Christian. Let us think along this line for a little while in our meeting today. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What is it that took away man’s song? (Rom. 3:23.) 2. How is this song restored? (2 Cor. 5:21; 5:17; Ps. 40:1-3.) 3. List all the things God has done for you that ought to bring a song of praise from your lips. Do not neglect the spiritual blessings. Study Eph. 1:1-14 in this connection. What are the seven great blessings for which Paul thanks God in this Scripture? Are these things yours? 4. Going back to Ps. 40, notice the evidence of conviction of sin in v. 1 . 5. How did God lift man out of the horrible pit of sin? (Rom. 5:8; 1 Pet. 2:24, etc.) 6 . In what sense is sin like miry clay? Show how the Christian is lifted out of the muck of sin and given a new life (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 5:16-24; 1 John 3:1-9). 7. Discuss the stability of the Christian life. (Ps. 40:2b; John 10:28,29; Phil. 1:6; Eph. 1:14.) 8 . Discuss the “new song” (v. 3). The theme is given in this verse. 9. What is the influence of this new song on those around us? (v. 3b.) Aug. 28, 1955 Lessons from the Camp Fire Isa. 55:12, 13; Acts 28:1-6 DAILY READINGS Aug. 22 — Fire of the Lord 2 Chr. 7:1-3 Aug. 23 — The Burning Bush Ex. 3:1-4 Aug. 24 — Elijah Answers by Fire 1 Ki. 18:17-39

Aug. 7, 1955 Lessons from Bible Poets S.S. 8:6, 7; Lk. 1:46-55; Ps. 1 DAILY READINGS Aug. 1 — Waiting on God Ps. 40:1 -3 Aug. 2 — A Refuge and Fortress Ps. 9 1 :1 ,2 Aug. 3 — Poem on Love 1 Cor. 13 Aug. 4 — A Morning Hymn Ps. 19:1-6 Aug. 5 — David's Elegy 2 Sam. 1:19-26 Aug. 6 — Lament of the Captives Ps. 137 HEART OF THE LESSON God has left no stone unturned to reach the heart of man. He uses every type of literature to this end—history, prophecy, parable and poetry. Poetry comes with special power to a needy soul. It speaks the universal language of the heart and expresses the varied emotions in perfect fashion. Let us study some of the poetry of the Bible and let us do so with heart and mind open for the message of God to us. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. The selection from the Song of Solo­ mon was evidently chosen at random, so some general questions about the book are in order. What is the theme of the book? Read the summary in the Scofield Reference Bible on this book. 2. The text (S.S. 8:6,7) speaks of love —the love of Christ for His Bride, the Church, which He has purchased with His own blood. The Bride is apparently speaking. What does she ask of Christ in the opening words of v. 6 ? Is Jesus ready to do this? (Ex. 28:9-12; Isa. 49:16; 2 Tim. 2:19.) 3. What is the character of true love? (v. 6 .) How do we know that this is


The Firmament Created

Gen. 1:14-19 Matt. 2:1 -9 Ps. 104:19 Ki. 18:41-46 Gen. 6:13-17 Ex. 9:22-26

Aug. 9 —

Guided by a Star

Aug. 10 —

The Moon for Seasons

Aug. 11 —

The Rains Came

Aug. 12 —

The Rainbow Covenant

Aug. 13 —

The Great Hail

HEART OF THE LESSON God speaks to man in many ways— through his conscience, through circum­ stances, through loved ones who know Him, chiefly through our Lord Jesus Christ (Heb. 1:1-4; John 1:18) and through creation. Today we are to con­ sider how God speaks to man through the things that He has made. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. The Bible tells us that all the world is guilty before God and it also traces man’s spiritual fall to the place of pagan­ ism and depravity. Study Rom. 1:18-32. What is God’s indictment against man in vv. 19-23? Trace the stages of his fall in w . 21-23. Is this not heathenism today? 2. To what three things did God give man up to when it became apparent that he would not love and obey the Lord? (w . 24,26,28.) 3. What was the major impression that came to David as he studied the wonders of God’s creation? (Ps. 8:3,4.) Have you ever felt your own insignificance in the presence of some of the wonders of God’s handiwork? 4. Although man is small in the light of creation which does God love the most — the universe or man? (Ps. 8:5-8; John 3:16; Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:1-10; Mark 8:36, 37.)



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