King's Business - 1955-07

A Greater Understanding of the Bible Awaits You if you will fune in each week to RADIO BIBLE CLASS PROGRAM

Aug. 25 — Wickedness Compared to Fire

Isa. 9 :1 8 , 19

Aug. 26 —

Transforming Your Life

Rom. 1 2 : 1 , 2

Aug. 27 —

Seek the Lord

Isa. 5 5 :6 , 7

HEART OF THE LESSON August is usually a vacation month for many Americans. It is good to get away for a change of scenery and away from the monotony of the daily routine. But let us be careful that we do not take a vacation from God and His Word. You who are responsible for the planning of the young people’s meeting tonight might plan a camp-fire type of meeting. Sit around a camp-fire and have various ones share their camp experiences and discuss the most profitable 'part of the conference program, the messages heard, etc. This could be a helpful meeting. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. The passage from Isaiah has to do with the return of our Lord and the joy of Israel and of all believers. And it cer­ tainly applies to every child of God today. Note the reason for the believer’s joy (Isa. 55:11). How does the Word bring joy to the believer’s heart? Discuss salva­ tion, guidance, warning, etc. Show how the messages from the Word accomplished this during the summer. 2. Even nature seems- to sing when there is peace in our hearts with God through the Lord Jesus (Isa. 55:12,13). Try to apply some of the mountain scenes to the believer’s life— the perennial beau­ ty of the trees, the stability of the moun­ tains, the flowing blessing of the streams, the calmness of the lakes, etc. These things ought to be found in every Christian’s life. 3. Study the fire around which you sit. Ask the members to try to recall some lesson from the Bible where fire is men­ tioned and apply the truth to each life. As a help on this refer to the questions below. 4. What is the meaning of the cloven tongues of fire in Acts 2:1-4? Do you think the purity and the zeal of the be­ liever is intended here? Can you think of any scriptures that have to do with the believer’s purity? (1 Cor. 6:19,20; 1 Cor. 6:11, etc.) Suggest some scriptures that have to do with the believer’s zeal for Christ (Rom. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:58; Gal. 6:9, etc.). 5. W e cannot overlook the references in the Bible to the fires of God’s judg­ ment. Think of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were actually destroyed by fire from heaven (Gen. 19:24,25). The Bible teaches a literal hell of fire and brimstone— this is a sobering truth (Rev. 20:11-15). What kind of Christians ought we to be in the light of this truth? END. P lease Note Because of the special nature of the August issue (see p. 4) many of the regular columns will be omitted. If you would like a copy of the Young Peoples Topics for that month please write The Editors, King's Business, 558 S. Hope, Los Angeles 17, C alif.

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The ABC and Mutual Networks— Sunday Write for further information to THE RADIO BIBLE CLASS Box 22 Grand Rapids, Michigan Coast to Coast over the ABC and Mutual Networks

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JULY, 1955


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