King's Business - 1955-07

here’s what our august issue will feature B y n ow m ost o f y ou have received a special letter te lling you that our A u gu s t issue is fea turing material fo r non -Christians on ly . F rom the cov e r righ t on th rough , the magazine has been planned to encourage an honest, open con sidera tion o f the claims o f Jesus Christ. There is n o th in g in the entire magazine that is ju st fo r the believer. W e ’ve spent m ore than a year plann ing and pray ing fo r this A ugu s t issue. W e believe the first duty o f a Christian is to g lo r ify G od b y being an ambassador fo r H im . W e must not a llow ourselves the luxu ry o f be ing pam ­ pered spiritually. It is all to o easy to attend m eetings and to pray and to read w ith the sole goa l o f feed ing our own souls. T h is w e must do. But we must g o beyond . Our first du ty as Christians is to tell others o f our Saviour. Our A u gu s t issue has been prepared w ith this duty in mind. There w ill be a w ide variety o f material that w ill appeal to a lm ost anyone you know . Th ere w ill be n o th in g to embarrass y o u or the one y ou g ive the magazine to. W e wan t to thank you fo r y ou r prayers and fo r jo in in g w ith us in g e t ­ tin g this special issue into the hands o f y ou r friends and loved ones. F o r you r conven ience y ou m ay use the order b lank be low . A ll cop ies w ill be mailed flat in an envelope and postpaid. P rice is 25c each, 5 fo r ju s t $1.

P lease send your special August issue to the follow ing:

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The King's Business

558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

total money enclosed



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