King's Business - 1955-07

Christian Education


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b y H om er A . K en t, Th .D ., Aug. 7, 1955 Loyalty Under Difficulties Ps. 137:1-6 Dan. 3:13-18 Pointers on the Lesson



For several lessons we will be studying about the Southern Kingdom and its experiences in captivity. W ill they learn the lessons that they needed to learn? What was their attitude in this situation? Longing for Homeland Ps. 137:1-6 In verse one it appears that Judah was homesick for Jerusalem. They wept by the canals in Babylon. If only they had thought before they had to be taken into captivity how much they would miss the Holy City and all of its advantages. But now it was too late to engage in wishful thinking. They were where they were because of sin. Verse two indicates that they had no heart for singing. The song had departed from their hearts. When a request was made (possibly in derision) for Judah to sing a song, the people re­ sponded by saying, “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” (v.4). It is hard to sing in places of distress, hut a song then is often a blessed testimony to the grace of God. The last two verses of our section (vv. 5, 6 ) stress again the longing of. the captives for Jerusalem. If only they had always had such a deep longing for God. Loyalty to God Dan. 3:13-18 God always has His faithful remnant. The section before us is a splendid illus­ tration of this fact. At the time when the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold and demanded that all of his subjects how down in worship be­ fore it, there were at least three faithful Jews who refused to obey the command of the king. They were willing to pay the consequences rather than be untrue to the only one who has a right to he called God. The rage of Nebuchadnezzar (v. 13) did not cause them to seek to bypass the fiery furnace (v. 17). They were determined to trust God, no matter what the penalty might be. They ap­ peared confident that God would deliver them from both the fiery furnace and Lesson material Is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School lessons copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.



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