King's Business - 1955-07

LETTERS Truly we thank God for the mar­ velous way in which the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles has remained faithful to the Lord in the training of Christian leaders. The Sudan In­ terior Mission now has nearly 100 of your graduates in our mission family and we thank God for them. We trust that with this enlarged vision and an enlarged student body that doubtless will follow there may be a constant increase in the number of young people that are going forth into the Lord’s work, and particularly into the regions beyond. We wish we had twice as many well trained mis­ sionaries ready to go forth today into the fields that are white unto har­ vest.

It is a joy to share with you in fellowship and prayer that the Lord Himself will provide every need and mightily bless in the expansion of B iola . Be assured of our continued interest and constant prayers to that end. Bloomfield, N. J. M. A. Darroch, Home Director Sudan Interior Mission FROM PERCY CRAWFORD: THANKS Congratulations on your plans for B iola . Enclosed is a check I’ve long wanted to send to say thanks for all B iola did for me. King's College, Del.. Percy Crawford Dr. Crawford is a graduate of B iola ( ’26) and is director of Young Peo­ ple’s Church of the Air and founder and president of the King’s College.

Recently the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles announced the purchase of 50 acres just outside the downtown congested area. Plans are now going forward for the im­ mediate construction of a 3 million dollar campus. Here are a few of the letters the school has received commenting on this forward step for Christian education. THE FUTURE DEPENDS . . . We are praying that God will give you wisdom and courage for the great step of faith which you have taken to lead B iola in this strategic expan­ sion program. I personally believe that the future of the Christ-centered and evangelistic testimony of God’s people in Southern California de­ pends very largely upon the leader­ ship of the Bible Institute. I pray that God will bless your own heart with a constant sense of His pres­ YFC: INDEBTED It is, indeed, an opportunity for me to congratulate the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in the great forward step in acquiring ground for a new campus. Of course, being as proud as I am of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, I do not hesitate to say that this move to enhance the future of thousands of young men and women in the years to come is, indeed, thrill­ ing. Youth for Christ is indebted to B iola . We have had the privilege all over the West of encouragiiig young people after high school gradu­ ation to get further training at your school. You can count on our prayer­ ful support in this tremendous un­ dertaking, for it is a must. Los Angeles, Calif. Roy McKeown, Sec. Youth for Christ, Inti. FOR SIM: 100 We truly rejoice with you in the provision the Lord has made for the future of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Our earnest prayers are that the Lord will give real wisdom in the planning of this new campus, and that He will lay the burden upon the hearts of multitudes to share in this provision. 6 ence with you. Los Angeles, Calif. Norman L. Cummings Orient Crusades

A Check for a Campus The Rev. Porter Barrington (left), Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Van Nuys, presents Biola President Sutherland with a check for $1,000.


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