King's Business - 1955-07

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A n n o u n c i n g . . . INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PROPHECY NOVEMBER 6 - 13, 1955 at the Calvary Baptist Church 123 West 57th Street, New York City • To break the doubtful silence left by the Evanston assembly on such vital subjects as: The true meaning of the Kingdom of God The nature and sphere of the Kingship of Christ The validity of the promises made by God to Israel • To clear the air with reference to: The Hope of the Church The imminency of Christ’s return The final destiny of the redeemed The doctrine of the Rapture The Great Tribulation 25 renowned Christian leaders will discuss these themes in the light of the revealed Word. COMMITTEE Write for full information: DR. A . B. M ACH LIN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM Dept. K Winona Lake, Indiana THE WINONA LAKE CONFERENCE ON PROPHECY AND THE JEWS 1955 DATES, AUG. 29 - SEPT. 5 is America's unique annual institute for the study of the Prophetic Word in an atmosphere of natural beauty and spiritual renewal. Ministers and lay people from everywhere come to this end-of-season conference for instruction -and inspiration. Drs. W illiam Culbertson, V . Raymond Edman, Alva J . McClain, Walter L. Wilson, Robert L. Powell, James McGinlay, Hyman J. Appelman, are among this year's teachers and preachers. For information write to: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM Dept. K Winona Lake, Indiana D r . W illiam C ulbertson D r . V . R aym on d E dm an D r . F r a n k E. G aebelein D r . A lbert G. J ohnson D r . A lva J. M c C lain D r . J. P alm er M u n tz D r . J oh n S. W im bish

Bible Knowledge Spiritual Results with the kind of teaching tools you have a lw ay s w a n ted . . .

I Don’ t Understand i lometimes I don’t understand |you, Mother. What’s so wrong about staying across the street after dark?” “ I don’t e s p e c i a l l y care whether you understand me or not, David. My business is to teach you obedience, not the why or wherefore of my discipline. I do not want you away from the house after dark simply because you belong in the house then.” “ I’m no little kid. Don’t forget I’m 14. I know how to behave.” “ Mother doesn’t doubt that you’d not deliberately get into trouble. But you must remember that most of the boys living in that apartment center have little or no Christian training. Their parents don’t care what the boys do as long as they are not under foot. It is after dark when many youngsters your age get into trouble. You want to keep your testimony shining, don’t you?” “ Yes, ma’m, I do. I’ll try to remember.” Several days after this conver­ sation David’s parents were en­ veloped in a fiery trial. “ Dear Father,” Mother cried in anguish of spirit, “ I don’t understand why we have to go through this. People are so fickle, Lord, and I don’t think they’re worth it!” Suddenly, above the rebellion, her words to David beat on her heart, but the voice was the Lord’s. “ I don’t especially care whether you understand Me or not. Yours is not to question but to obey. My discipline is for your good, and I will never fail nor forsake you.” Rebuked, Mother fell on her face before her Father God Who never makes a mistake. The Word rolled in cleansing waves over her soul. “ No chastening for the present seemeth . . . joy­ ous . . . nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Heb. 12:- 11 ).

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JULY, 1955

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