PelhamPhysicalMed_Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health and Caring for Your Body

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INSIDE: Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain, Where Is It Coming From? • Success Stories • Creamy Thai Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup Recipe • Exercise Essentials • Telehealth Still Available • Leave Us a Review

SHOULDER, ELBOW AND WRIST PAIN WHERE IS IT COMING FROM? Give Chronic Pain the Cold Shoulder It’s time to say goodbye to shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain once and for all. Identifying the cause of your pain and taking steps to combat ill habits that may be contributing to your discomfort can have a significant impact on your quality of life.

Wave goodbye to pain in your hands, shoulders, elbows and wrists with targeted techniques from your experienced physical therapists. What is Causing the Pain? Think about the tasks that make up the majority of your day-to-day life. It is often said that life in the 21st century is way easier on the body than life during any other time in human history — and it’s true that there is a fair amount of evidence to support this idea. Rather than spending all of your days working in a factory or on a farm, the vast majority of Americans work indoors, often at a computer for a predetermined number of hours week after week. But this new lifestyle isn’t exactly harmless for the body, either. There are plenty of ways in which the common tasks of 21st-century life put the body under a great deal of stress. Sedentary lifestyles frequently contribute to weight gain, which increases your risk for a long list of obesity-related diseases. This puts additional stress on your body, which could result in pain in crucial joints like your shoulders, elbows and yes, even your wrists. But even aside from

that, there are a lot of potential issues that your body can face as a result of sedentary behavior in the workplace — including shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain. Shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries are especially common as a result of workplace injury and overuse. While it is sometimes possible to take action to prevent an injury from developing, it is especially important to be able to recognize when an injury develops and to understand ways that you can combat that injury by identifying what may have caused the pain to develop in the first place. Common issues that can lead to shoulder, elbow, and wrist pain include: • Issues with poor posture • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from overuse of the wrist and regular, repetitive motions, such as typing • Heavy lifting • Athletic injuries • Muscle sprain • Muscle strain • Dislocationorhyperextensionof the joints.

(Continued Inside)


The health and safety of our patients and staff is our highest priority. We are requiring a mask for everyone entering the facility. We are also using a contactless thermometer to check temperatures and are asking each patient to wash their hands or use hand sanitzer when they come in. To observe social distancing guidelines, we have reduced the number of chairs in our waiting area. We also only schedule a minimum amount of patients per hour. We are sanitizing therapy equipment, beds, and chairs in-between patients with EPA disinfectants. Our staff uses PPE (gloves, masks, face shields, hair covering, and isolation gown) as needed. We have also installed sneeze guards in our reception area. We ask that everyone wash their hands

and do not touch their face. Most importantly, if you have the following symptoms, we are asking that you please stay home: • cough • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • repeated shaking with chills • muscle pain • headache • sore throat • new loss of taste or smell Please get emergency medical attention immediately if you develop trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face. • fever • chills

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