Ceriel vanArneman is a fanatic photographer with a vast amount of knowledge in the field of exposure in photography. After years of gained experience and experimenting in this field he has decided to share his knowledge through this book, which is a guide to help every photographer, whether amateur or experienced, achieve a better result. Ceriel knows how to, with use of minimum resources, get the most out of non-professional as well as professional cameras. Therefore this book is the perfect manual for every photographer.
$ 20.00 112 pages
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Welcome to A Manual on Exposure in Photography. This book is unique and describes photography on a high level; it teaches how to observe sharply. This manual explains the theory and practice of setting the correct exposure for camera and Flash-gun.Whit the current filters, and filmmaterial, it is possible to take pictures under almost all circumstances. You can read how to use light, colour and photographic position, with minimum resources professional exposure and photographing. I myself take photos with all types of cameras; even with the Twin - lens reflex camera with two lenses used in the past. This book is intended for beginners and advanced; for all types of cameras and technical matters. This book describes the essence of digital photography: how to obtain the best results with your camera and avoid errors. Digital photography is a pleasure as you can edit your photos to suit your wishes. The book describes several themes of photography: vacations, weddings and parties, studio photography, landscapes, flowers, animals, close ups, and much more. In addition, as a beginner you can also read how to work in Photoshop. Landscape photography with automatic exposure is very simple. Portrait photography involves artistic deformation: the softening of the light and the softness and the colour of the skin. As a hobby photographer, you can often get better results and create new ideas for portrait photography with homemade equipment.We hope that AManual on Exposure in Photography will encourage you to make better use of your camera and get more pleasure out of photographing.
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