A short poem may be a stylistic choice or it may be that you have said what you intended to say in a more concise way. Either way, they differ stylistically from a long poem in that there tends to be more care in word choice. Since there are fewer words people tend to spend more time on choosing a word that �ts the subject to perfection. Because of this meticulous attitude, writing a short poem is often more tedious than writing a long poem. Short Poem? Why a
$ 19.99 118 pages
Gi l Saenz Gilbert Saenz (pen name: Gil Saenz) has been writing poetry both in English and Spanish since the 1980's. He is a member of a poetry group in Wyandotte, Michigan called the Downriver Poets and Playwrights. He has been a member of this group since the late 1990's. Also, he was a one-time member of the Latino Poets Association of
“In this latest compilation of poetry from Saenz, �fty poems about love, hope, peace, nature and meditation are collected for the reader’s enjoyment. Each of these poems is printed in a side-by-side nature, with the original English on the left and a Spanish version translated by both the author and his brother (who holds a doctorate in foreign language education) to ensure that the meaning and detail intended is not lost in translation.Ļe overall themes of this collection are tranquil and re�ective, even with titles like “Vagabonds” and “Human Struggles.” Finding beauty in every moment and circumstance, Saenz captures these moments of peace and frames them in contemplative thought to share with the reader.” —US Review of Books 9781984556103 Detroit,Michigan. Gil has written and published �ve poetry collections of his one of which is POEMS OF LIFE/Poemas de la vide a bilingual English/Spanish collection of poems. It was published in September, 2000 by Laredo Publishing Company, Beverly Hills, California. Gil is a retired employee of the IRS Computing Center where he worked as a Computer Systems Analyst.Writing poems has been a very fruitful past time and has contributed to an interesting social life as well. “As a whole, this poetic collection comprises a vast variety of inner re�ections, both lucid in expression and stimulating in depiction. Stocked with one hundred poems, what is especially engaging about this work is that it is presented in a bilingual format, which smartly allows it to reach and entertain a far vaster readership.Each poetic composition appears �rstly as the English version and then the Spanish version follows consecutively, however, no matter which language the poems appear in, they still resonate artfully with a soulful authenticity.” —Paciŀc Book Review Edge of a Fantasy andOther Poems is a book of approximately �fty poems written inEnglish and Spanish side by side in a bilingual format.
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