Dead Go Ask the
is tale deals with a beautiful young girl, Amanda Mannon, who comes from a rather haunted family and becomes rather haunted herself. Surviving her morally loose mother's murder, and her seductive handsome stepfather's murder attempt of her, She goes to live with a wealthy great-aunt Lavinia Mannon. Because she can both see and talk and interact with the dead, she has a long-term affair with William, the ghost of long-dead Confederate officer killed at Gettysburg. Later, it all turns very bad for her withWilliamwith sexual abuse from him and his ghastly cohorts. Desperate, she turns to Craig her ex- husband who still loves her for help. But she must �nd the strength to defeat the evil dead from inside of herself. Later, she gives birth to a son. But with this baby's remarkable heritage, what, exactly will the future hold for him and Amanda and Craig? is is the tale of a haunted girl in a haunted land, the South, still haunted by the CivilWar and slavery.
$ 10.70 170 pages
I’m a New Englander. I was once in the Navy and a very sobering experience it was. Later on, I went to college and also did graduate work at Harvard. Have always loved reading and writing poetry and, later, novels. Have also intensely studied the paranormal and the occult and believe in, at least, some of it. It’s what has enabled me to write this book, GO ASK THE DEAD.
I am not afraid of touching darkness in my �ction, but I do like happy endings too, in which some problematic characters get the chance to redeem themselves �nally. is is a ghost-story that combines the erotic and the ghostly.
Readers should have fun with this novel.
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